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Ascended gear - switching

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How do you manage your ascended gear for your characters?

For example - I have 4/5 characters that I want to use in high tier fractals. And I find extremely annoying to switch all the gear to play for that character.

So do you have more pieces of ascended trinkets (with agony infusions) or do you use one set on all characters or did you get a new set for your characters? (for example - All berserker rings/acces/backpack - is one set)

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I just give each character their own set depending on what type of gameplay I created them for. I even have multiple of a couple classes because their game modes are so completely different.

I did it because i got tired of changing builds/armor/weapons to swap game modes.


I actually don't think I've ever shared gear between characters, but I was carrying full sets in their bags. This let me open up more inventory slots since I no longer had to carry those extra sets.

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I just have one fractal set of beserker weapons and trinkets (with +9 agony). Move it between characters using bank. Bit painful, and I'd love a set on each of my characters but too much farming, and alternative stats are the priority (viper/commander).


If I were you I would stick with one set and get ascended weapons done - you will get drops to make sets if you keep doing fractals.


I also have 6/6 light ascended armor, and 3/6 heavy ascended armor. Working on medium set soon once I force myself to level leather worker.

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I only have one character Fractal ready, because (a) I am not a fan of Fractals (repetitive, boring), and (b) it would take forever to get 150 AP with +5 attribute in addition, so I prefer to fully equip all my characters with +5 attribute infusion from WvW or basic Fractal ones rather than wasting space and reducing my damage by putting in normal AR infusions (without attribute boni).

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