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So I'll ask for help again.

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I've asked this a long time ago and got some answers, but sadly none stuck to me. Wanted to try again to maybe see more answers :)


So first off I love this game, the combat is fantastic, I enjoy the graphics and the play style. But I keep quitting because I get bored fast because I feel there is no true end game. I have my look I like, achievements mean nothing to me, raids are useless as I enjoy my look and stats and don't "need" anything else


Other then those things what keeps you playing this game? What helps keep you engaged and wanting to log in each day and what do you do and why? I don't need gold or achievement points so I often feel so lost.

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If you get bored quickly then it's probably because you only enjoy playing GW2 in short spurts. Which is fine if that works for you. I find it is better to step away from a game you start to find boring than to keep grinding and cause a burn-out that lasts years. There's no need to force it. Play until it's boring and then play something else. I usually play for a few months and then take a break. When I do play I usually focus on story, achievements and then set goals for myself (right now it is a legendary).

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I fully understand the "bored" sentiment, I'm not sure anything we say can "help" with that. I personally don't chase achievements so that isn't a sticking point for me. Raiding in this game is considerably easier than other games I have full-time raided in, so I can't really get in to it here. I started playing WvW during the first year, and enjoyed it. I don't zerg (98% of the time). I am one of those old school DAoC gamers from a WvW perspective. I like to do things that help my server. So, I scout, build and tick siege, defend camps/reflip camps/enemy camps, kill yaks, or roam to keep eyes on the enemy blobs. I don't care about loot or ranks, I play because I liked the server I chose in beta (TC) and have stuck with it through the highs and the lows. Nowadays, players seem to only be interested in loot and ranks (so we are down to blobbing and servers intentionally avoiding scoring to keep thier blob in lower tiers than they should be). I still think WvW is fun, but it saddens me the state it's in. The other option could just be map completion. When I "need" to find something to do, I work on those. I like all my toons to have map completion on every map. I don't care about doing the story through them, but I do want all the vistas, HP's, etc, done.

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I find the question has a strange choice of words: What "helps" keep the engagement? Huh... I don't need help. I don't have such thinking. I just love the game and spontaneously come to my keyboard every day, with all the things I want to do on my mind. I play since beta without interruption and globally, my problem has always been - and still is - how to find enough time to do all what I would like to do (I have a busy real life). =)


I believe that the main factors contributing to my never ending excitement at the game are:

- My way of playing: I take my time at things and have zero competition instinct. I don't like to rush. For example, I am not hurrying at doing everything within 2 days after download of a new episode/pack. As a result, unfinished business pile up over time and maintain an enormous amount of things to be done. The case "I have nothing left to do" does not exist for me and of course it maintain the excitement.

- I am interested in many different activities, main ones being: Helping others (I am a commander and tag up regularly), JPs, PvE explorable, WvW, fractals, raids, crafting (including farming mats for it). As I do not have the time for all, for me, it is always a matter of choice: It's either or. I have to set priorities. It's one day this, one day that... It contributes to the diversity of what I do every passing day with always a feeling of impatience.

- Friends and guildies. I know I will find them when I arrive in the game, have fun talking to them and it's a big part of my pleasure in the game. I also enjoy a lot contributing to the guild, what takes quite a big part of my playing time.

- My toons. I feel linked to them (they all follow from GW1 time, so with a long story behind).

- The always renewed pleasure at the world on the graphic side: landscapes, NPCs, animals, incredible views... I do love to explore every little corner and take care at graphic details. Even nowadays after 6 years playing, I keep discovering stuff in towns, especially Divinity.

- The events like Wintersday, Halloween and such.


You see? List is already so long and that's the main only... Crazy! Now don't misunderstand me: Of course there are things I don't like and would like to see changing, but it has no impact on the content. =)


This game is rich and for someone like me who have interest in almost everything of the content and who takes time at things, that's a never ending source of fun. Thank you Anet. <3

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There's way too much to do in this game. My top thing to do daily is my fractals T4 and recs. After that I get my daily 2g usually through spvp. I do my daily ascended crafts, then I'll either stop for the day or do ls3 farm for new gear sets and builds. Sometimes I'll do wvw or boot up old story episodes for achievements or work on a legendary. This game has tons of content never bored.

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This is what I routinely do daily. I don't do it so much because it's my "goal", I do it because its basically habit now and this is the perfect game to log into if I either want to do some long-haul focused farming or just want to casually blow time without stressing much.


1) Minimum daily routine:

-Farm home/guild instance.

-Daily Achievment quest (gets you out in the game world)

-Quick sweep through S3/S4 maps for unbound/volatile magic stuff.

-Quick meta farm. Favorites are Palawadan/Silverwastes/Auric Basin/Dragons Stand/Lake Doric (rip no one does this anymore)


2) When I am feeling more productive:

-Gold farm (Palawadan/Silverwastes).

-Full sweep of S3/S4 maps on all characters for unbound/volatile magic/mats.

-Achievment/Collection hunting (This deserves a thread of it's own).

-MAYBE fractal/PvP stuff but extremely rarely.

-Complete all story quests on all my alts.


3)Goals: You have to find your own destiny in this game. Most of my goals are OwPvE/fashion wars related, as that is the primary gamemode that I play. It will be different for a fractal/Raid/PvP/WvW focused player. Nonetheless, examples of some recent goals I had this year are...

-Farming gold for crafting gear.

-Getting my griffon

-Getting some cool skin.

-Farming gem store items/cosmetics/luxuries. (again this deserves a thread of its own)

-Building my home instance (which requires gold.....alot of it).

-Getting all account upgrades/items for every LWS3/S4 map (again....gold)


As you can see, most of the things I want is related to the OwPvE gamemode, and required a ludicrous amount of gold, which led straight to gold farming as MY end game. Everything I do is done to optimize gold per hour, but I try not to burn myself out in less than a week by JUST tunnel visioning palawadan for 12 hours a day. There are a metric TON of goals that I didn't list because they are very small goals and/or I have already completed them years ago. A player who has played for 3 months will have vastly different goals compared to that of a veteran who's played for 3+ years. Most of my goals in the game nowadays are just repeatable/farming goals or something stupid like "get that one dye that cost 700g lul", not things like "farm mastery points" or "get exotic/ascended gear" which would be very valid goals for a newer player.




**BONUS GAMING ADVICE(optional read):**

The trick to enjoying this game (and games in general) Is to not burn yourself out on one game. For some reason people who play MMOs think they need to have JUST one mmo in their life, and literally nothing else matters. I can make a whole thread behind the cause of this ridiculous logic but lets skip that for now. Point is....Just play more stuff. seriously. Expand your interests. I rotate between games all the time which means I never get dangerously bored of any one game, I intentionally make sure I don't burnout on anything, because burnout is not a fun feeling at all. It sucks when you would rather pull teeth than play your favorite game.


Multiplayer games I currently cycle:

Blade and Soul, Aion, Overwatch, Warframe.


Singleplayer games's I played in the last 2 years.

FFXV, Nier-Automata, Persona V, Monster Hunter World, Tales of Berseria, Resident Evil 7, Neptunia franchise (bite me)


Start playing singleplayer games again. Seriously. I know most people now are so desensitized to them, but playing them will give you a greater appreciation for quality gaming again, and will help rekindle that child-like interest in games you used to have when you were growing up. Play less rage-inducing multiplyer games, and more interest-sparking singleplayer games. Just try it. Don't overthink it, just pick a game that interests you and have a go at it for at least 10 hours. As you can see I am a fan of the rpg/jrpg genre and I don't buy that many SP games at all. I only buy games I am ACTUALLY interested in, not because of a hype train or because some braindead youtuber tries to tell me "why i should be hyped for X game" ~~like most people who impulse buy the annual EA/Ubisoft/Activison trash.~~


Skip over the recycled mass-market rubbish like Fortnite clone No.1337. Look for the secret gems that go right over the mainstream's heads: the sleeper hits (like Persona 5 or Nier -Automata for example). Those are the singleplayer games you should be hunting for.



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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> I've asked this a long time ago and got some answers, but sadly none stuck to me. Wanted to try again to maybe see more answers :)


> So first off I love this game, the combat is fantastic, I enjoy the graphics and the play style. But I keep quitting because I get bored fast because I feel there is no true end game. I have my look I like, achievements mean nothing to me, raids are useless as I enjoy my look and stats and don't "need" anything else


> Other then those things what keeps you playing this game? What helps keep you engaged and wanting to log in each day and what do you do and why? I don't need gold or achievement points so I often feel so lost.


You answered your own question. All the things that you're deliberately avoiding are the long-term challenges of the game. If you really haven't pursued skins or achievements for the sake of unlocking them, you're basically still in the extended tutorial. But, there's nothing wrong with stopping play if your personal goals have been met, so why even ask? Not every game has to be a constant drain on real life.

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Ive never truly understood what the "end game " is , other than the end of the game , in which case the only logical solution is to find another one to play.

It makes no sense to say I love the game , but I keep quitting.

Once you have done all there is in the game that you like , its time to move on.

There is no point doing content that you dont like just because its there.

All MMOs must have an end , when its time to leave.


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What GW2 has in typical endgame is dungeons, fractals, raids, sPvP and WvW. What is not there is gear progression which is a positive as well as a negative depending on who you talk to. Gear progression is what keeps people busy in other MMOs. GW2 chose not to have that, but the downside is that then you have to do other things. So instead of vertical progression (gear treadmill) the endgame focuses on horizontal progression. Of course things like personal housing do not exist in this game but that is often used as an example of horizontal progression.


So what does GW2 offer in that sense? Well there are collections and map completion. There are masteries and elite specs to unlock. Those would be specific examples of more horizontal progression. And of course legendary gear.


Me I'm getting ascended gear for some of my characters even though I don't actually need it. But I enjoy getting gear together so I do daily zones for ascended trinkets and I craft ascended armor and weapons, which keeps me busy. The need that you feel is more in line with a gear treadmill and that means that this game doesn't cater to that need. This game is more about what you want like cosmetics and other shinies. I also get bored after a couple of months usually. I'm here longer this time because I got into crafting now, but I'm fully expecting to get bored in not too long a time again. Of course when the next expansion hits I'll likely be back again.


The thing is though that this game has a lot of stuff to do but it might not be stuff you like to do. So for me this is a game that I play for a while and drop and then come back again when a new expansion hits. But since this game has a lot of stuff in it that I don't care for like the pvp and fractals/raids, I don't expect the game to be able to keep me busy constantly. I have raided quite a lot and also pvp'd in other games but there it makes more sense to do so for me than here. In fact I did pvp in GW1 as well as the "raids" there like FoW/UW/the Deep/DoA etc. I don't here. It probably had something to do with skins not being sold via a cash shop and so you had to either trade them from players at a very high price or get them yourself.


In the end ArenaNet have been relatively fair with their cash shop (though still overpriced in my view), but it does have an effect on gameplay and what people do in a game when a lot of the cool rewards are actually available for real money.

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I play PvP and WvW, engage in holiday events, collect skins, and follow the ongoing story line via the living story and expansions.


If you don't enjoy or anticipate the storytelling and lore of the world, don't enjoy the competitive aspects of PvP or WvW, don't enjoy achievement hunting or raids, and don't have any interest in collecting new appearances or mounts---you may just need to find a different style of game.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> what keeps you playing this game? What helps keep you engaged and wanting to log in each day and what do you do and why?

I play this game to entertain myself, and the game gives me tons of things to do that I find entertaining. I don't want to focus on gathering/winning/grinding stuff, nor do I want to worry about being effective, as I have enough of that outside of my entertainment time. This game excels at allowing you to just play whatever is fun to you and still get enough stuff picked up in the process to go enjoy other parts of the game without having to spend a lengthy, non-entertaining time preparing for what you want to do.


That said, what I enjoy is

* the huge jigsaw puzzle that this game's story and lore is. Between the different story archs (personal story, dungeon story modes, open world event chains) and the (major and minor) characters that keep turning up again and again (check out [Tegwen](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tegwen "Tegwen"), [Laranthir](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laranthir_of_the_Wild "Laranthir of the Wild"), [shashoo](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shashoo "Shashoo"), or [shrieksy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shrieksy "Shrieksy")) I always find connections and revisit old aquaintences. Even after 6 years of playing I am not tired of the large and small stories in this world

* scavenger hunts that lead me across the world, looking for bits and pieces from events, npc vendors, and hidden chests and stashes. I really enjoy doing those on my own, trying to figure out where to find what I'm looking for from whatever hints the collection in question gives without consulting youtube, Dulfy, or the wiki, and most of the time (except for a few outliers) this game does a good job at making those hunts interesting (to me) without making them either too easy or too hard. Having explored the world and stories extensively (see above point) is kind of a prerequisite to understanding the hints though ;)

* stuff that I can play with friends on the fly, like dungeons and (mostly but not always low-level) fractals, wvw roaming and smallscale, map exploration with small group content, especially on the expansion maps

* just walking/running/gliding/riding around whatever map appeals to me that way, gathering stuff along the way, playing events I come across, and taking in the sights and vistas


Once you set yourself free from the "must gather loot" and "must play efficient" mindsets this game offers so much to do. To me it is a much better form of entertainment than television or netflix could ever be :D .

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Once you set yourself free from the "must gather loot" and "must play efficient" mindsets this game offers so much to do.

I have to agree with you on this, at least for myself. I'll also tell you it's hard for me to let go of the efficiency thing, especially because of my work and all, but I am managing more and more and it definitely changes things.


I can't say it works for everybody but for me... yes, definitely.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

You mentioned you didn't remember previous comments and advice from others, but you indicated you had posted on this subject before. So you have. Here are a few of your similar posts:

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9682/im-getting-bored-fast

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6612/im-kinda-sad

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/22068/why-do-you-play


I hope you'll reread and find the advice and suggestions that other players have given to be helpful to you. Because this topic really isn't a Guild Wars 2 point of discussion, but more you seeking advice from other players every now and then, it would be best to post in the Players Helping Players subforum should you wish to discuss further. Thanks.

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