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Mirage/mesmer is OP?


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I agree they shouldn’t solely listen to players due to obvious reasons but at same time time after time changes have been made the point to the fact that the balance team may not have knowledge of how the class is played let alone how it’s outa sink with the game. I kno most developers don’t play their own game but they usually don’t buff over performing specs and nerf current underperforming specs which arenanet team has done in the past on numerous occasions leading players to question if they’ve played the game lol

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Some classes get so much and some so little. The classes that get little are usually continually nerfed and if they get some nice things they get removed or nerfed to uselessness,others get so much and than either buffed even more or small inconsequential nerfs come patch time, just some class/specs seem on a different level compared to others by a large margin performance wise

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Another few weeks atleast! Lol than there’s a small chance a part of mesmer will get nurfed that confuses all players including mesmers mains due to changing very little and not effecting the build causes all the out cries.same can be said for soulbeast. Hopefully the next nurf they do the take into account the nurfs sugestions mesmer mains have made, and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t like playing them much lol


> They almost always never take considerations on how to balance from the customers and rightfully so.


> I think Mirage and core traits will see significant nerfs (hi Evasive Mirror) but will still maintain a top duelist. Just by the nature of how the class is designed, people will always complain even if it's gutted.


> For now, I think most Mesmers are hiding in their room hearing their dad coming up stairs about to give them a paddlin'. But we're not alone, our brother (Soulbeast) is next to us too.


Yeah no matter what they do mirage is still going to be that spec that draws the most hate because of how it works, and being the mesmer/thief. There will be nerfs, we'll all adapt as usual, the community will continue whining.


One thing that would draw more hate from the community is if they ever gave thief a mesmer elite spec, with clones...which isn't off the table. I could see that with off hand torch.

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