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2 part-er, looking for advice...

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1. So I have been playing this game since day one, and mostly doing pvp but I looking for something a bit more. So is the Pve of Pof fun ? I enjoy most of pve structuring (i.e. global events and stuff) in GW2 but i feel it kinda misses that chance of people friendly talk or adventuring for fun, example is map talk in LA is really dead, everyone is so quiet

2. Could anyone recommend some good epic fantasy music? Can be calm or Adventurious (no offense makers of GW2 but hearing the same song over and over again in different places gets a bit dull)



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1. is a side effect of a shift in player culture. Activity in towns is a direct reflection of the amount of down time players have between stints out in the field. As the level of convenience increased, and fewer reason to go back to town to sort out loot or process materials, so did the amount of time people spend in towns decrease. Between the Istan farm, Guildhalls, Lounge passes, and K-trains, theres no compelling reason to hang around town unless you needed a specific NPC that you could only find there. But if you really wanna know how many brains are active in LA at any given time, just say something completely idiotic in map chat, and see how many people respond to it in the next 2 minutes. 9 times out of 10 it'll start a discussion/argument if at least 5 people decide to respond.


2. Youtube.... like all of it.....

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I generally keep a variety of youtube fantasy musics on depending on what I'm doing, like Skyrim OST, anything by Brunuhville,

(for big boss fights) and pretty much much anything else that links off those.


Part of the reason you wont get much LA chat is due to megaservers and pve not really having set servers for ppl to group together in in the traditional sense

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While it tends to blur together, tracks by Two Steps From Hell are action-movie-adventure epic.

Tons of Conan music work as well, in my ACKS campaign on Roll20 the GM is using Conan movie and MMO music to great effect.

On the classical music side, try Carmina Burana by Carl Orff. I first discovered it in the movie Excalibur (long before the internet, even longer before Google, I had to ask around quite a bit to learn what it was).

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