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Team ArenaNet and Extra Life 2018

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We are excited to announce that [Team ArenaNet is participating in Extra Life](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/team-arenanet-for-extra-life-2018/ "Team ArenaNet is participating in Extra Life") for the second year in a row!


I want to start with huge thanks to the 50 ArenaNet employees who are giving their time to make this happen, both on livestream and behind the scenes. So many people from different teams stepped up as livestreamers, production and tech assistants, and chat helpers/moderators, and they deserve a big round of applause.


I also want to highlight the awesome news that ArenaNet is partnered with Extra Life this year as a [superteam](https://www.extra-life.org/arenanet "Superteam")! What this means, among other things, is that we can now host Sub Teams.


You're all invited to be a part of Team ArenaNet, but if you would rather create your own team with your friends, family, guild, raid team, or anyone you like, you can do that and still be part of the ArenaNet Superteam! All of your fundraising will still go toward the Children's Miracle Network hospitals you choose and toward your own team goals, but you'll also be a part of the ArenaNet Superteam overall total and your team/team members will appear in the leaderboards on our Superteam page.


A note: You're invited to join our team no matter what games you're playing for Extra Life–of course we'd love it if you choose Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2 for part or all of your game day event, but any gaming you do is in support of Children's Miracle Network hospitals and we support you in that!

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> @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> I'll be streaming Bless Online for that massive audience they have.


Any game you choose in support of Extra Life, the money you raise goes straight to help little ones with life-threatening illnesses and injuries–I'm sure they and their families will be grateful for your support!


A little background: A Children's Miracle Network hospital cared for my son briefly when he was a toddler and my husband and I were scared parents who didn't know what was wrong with our child. (He's fine now, yay!) The same hospital saw my three-year-old niece through her battle with cancer. She lost that battle at the age of four, but she was a little fighter and Children's Miracle Network cared for her and her parents in every way possible while she was fighting. Thanks to events like Extra Life, the tragedy wasn't made even harder on her family by crushing medical bills.


TL;DR: Thank you and everyone who participates, from the bottom of my heart, no matter what game you choose. <3

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > I'll be streaming Bless Online for that massive audience they have.


> Any game you choose in support of Extra Life, the money you raise goes straight to help little ones with life-threatening illnesses and injuries–I'm sure they and their families will be grateful for your support!


> A little background: A Children's Miracle Network hospital cared for my son briefly when he was a toddler and my husband and I were scared parents who didn't know what was wrong with our child. (He's fine now, yay!) The same hospital saw my three-year-old niece through her battle with cancer. She lost that battle at the age of four, but she was a little fighter and Children's Miracle Network cared for her and her parents in every way possible while she was fighting. Thanks to events like Extra Life, the tragedy wasn't made even harder on her family by crushing medical bills.


> TL;DR: Thank you and everyone who participates, from the bottom of my heart, no matter what game you choose. <3


Hey Rubi, I was trolling in my first post, Guild Wars 2 always has me coming back - sentimentally I met my now-fiance on GW1 so it's very hard to give up. I'll happily follow and support a cause to help organisations that help children.


As a patient in the UK, we thankfully don't have to worry about medical bills but the woe is understood from countries who do not have universalised health care - if it wasn't for our NHS, my transplant probably wouldn't have happened when I was a baby.


I'm fortunate enough to see a game I am passionate about, that's always here, take part in a charity event like this. I'm also sorry to hear about the loss of your niece.

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> People around the world can and do join in every year! Extra Life has been going strong for ten years now, and gaming communities from all over the globe step up and play games to help these kids on game day.


Just wanted to know since the blog post mentioned prices, usualy thats reserved for the usa people.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > People around the world can and do join in every year! Extra Life has been going strong for ten years now, and gaming communities from all over the globe step up and play games to help these kids on game day.


> Just wanted to know since the blog post mentioned prices, usualy thats reserved for the usa people.


Ahh, gotcha. Well, we will be following our usual Twitch giveaway legal rules, [posted here.](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-contest-terms-and-conditions-twitch/ "posted here.") Point one reads "The selection of the winners will be made among all eligible entrants worldwide. The prizes are allocated to the winners which have been selected on a worldwide basis".

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • ArenaNet Staff

We're one week out from this event and I just dropped an update on our [Team ArenaNet page](https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=41864 "Team ArenaNet page").


TL;DR: We've increased our donation matching funds, added a pile of in-game gifts and buffs in support of us reaching our donation goal, and posted the full livestreaming schedule. Visit the link to see which devs are livestreaming, what content they're playing, and how supporting Children's Miracle Network could get you some in-game rewards!

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While I probably won't be playing alot of the game next Caturday, I WILL be helping out myself. Gonna play the Tomb Raider Trilogy from start to finish since they recently added Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary to the backwards compatibility list on the Xbone (I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!) I hope everyone can help out in their own way again this year and remember to have fun!!!

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As a long time (relatively quiet) member of the GW & GW2 communities, I have to say one of the best things about this community and of ANet is their commitment to give back, and do good in the world at large. This is my first year participating for Team ArenaNet in Extra Life. It's a wonderful cause, and although I'm not sure I'll be able to play for 24 hours, I'll at least make a dent in finishing the last two PoF masteries I've let languish for too long. :) Given the current state of the world, it feels good to be able to do something positive. Thanks to all of you at ANet, and to my fellow gamers for your participation!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"eduardo.1436" said:

> [Donated. I really really want the golem-tron tonic, orignally available as an app reward in 2015 I think? Niw is one of the rewards for reaching a high donations threshold. Let's do this!](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Interface_Crafter_Golem_Tonic "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Interface_Crafter_Golem_Tonic")


That's the one! Thank you so much for joining and donating. <3 We're less than four days away from the start and I'm incredibly excited about this--I can't wait for you all to see everything we've got in store in support of Children's Miracle Network!



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  • ArenaNet Staff

We're only one day out! (Technically 26 hours and 20 minutes) We just [posted a full update](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/our-24-hour-extra-life-stream-begins-tomorrow/ "posted a full update") on all of our plans and some of what we've got in store for giveaways. Only some--we don't want to give EVERYTHING away. :)


I also want to drop a quick thank you to the GW2 community, because our event hasn't even started yet and we've already passed the 10% mark of our $25,000 goal! I'm eagerly looking forward to hitting that $25k mark and sitting down to drop the $25k matching donation to Children's Miracle Network. Thank you ALL SO MUCH for getting us a big head start!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> I'm looking forward to this and will watch the streams when I can. I very much enjoyed it last year. Will there be anyone getting their heads shaved again this year? Maybe getting a tattoo or something? ;)


A shiny new set of clippers was delivered to the office yesterday. Whether or not they get used is up to you all. :D

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > I'm looking forward to this and will watch the streams when I can. I very much enjoyed it last year. Will there be anyone getting their heads shaved again this year? Maybe getting a tattoo or something? ;)


> A shiny new set of clippers was delivered to the office yesterday. Whether or not they get used is up to you all. :D


Do iiiiiiiit.

I shaved all my hair off back in February, you really learn to love yourself when you’ve no hair to hide behind. I’d recommend every woman try it atleast once.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

[We are live on Twitch](

"We are live on Twitch")! Bobby and Clayton are up right now, and they're eating hot peppers and hot sauce for donations.


You've already gotten us well past $5,000 in donations. Fun fact: $5,000 is enough to cover a chemotherapy treatment or a heart monitor for a child at a Children's Miracle Network hospital, and you all just did that! Head to https://www.extra-life.org/arenanet to keep the donation train rolling!

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