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How to fix Soulbeast Feline merged skills


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Why are they so bad? All other pets grant you some sort of utility when merged other than damage. Feline pets don't even give you strong damage even though they are tied for the most offensive pets in the game! You get a SINGLE TARGET bite attack which deals about as much damage as a CLEAVING single greatsword auto attack. The Maul attack does basically no power damage but does reasonable bleed damage. Both of these attacks are melee range and deal different types of damage. You gain no combo fields, finishers, distance closers, evades, invulns, heals, boons, debilitating or movement impairing conditions, CC, or persistent AOEs.


I would like to see the damage of Bite increased to at least 1700 to make it stronger than all other single merged pet attacks. This would allow it to be kept at 1 Target without feeling too strong. I would like to see Maul (SB merged pet skill) to be turned into a 600 range Leap combo finisher in keeping with the few other Feline pets that have that ability. Additionally the damage should be increased to about the 1000 damage mark and it should grant 2 seconds of Quickness if it lands. What do you guys think?

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Every pet should have at least 1 CC on it's normal utility list along without whatever themed/flavored skills it brings in on the side. This would make every pet semi viable for use. The beast merge skills should also always grant 1 mobility skill of some kind for the use of the Ranger like smoke assault or gazelle's F2 gap closer, in addition to whatever flavor/theme the rest of the skills present. They should consider a simple rework of the above because as it stands now, 8/10 pets are just completely useless in pvp and in pve.


But if you're talking felines in general, it would help greatly if their condi durations were shortened in favor of higher condi damage to begin with. The condi durations of the feline skills take waaaay too long to ever tick their damage in a competitive environment.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Every pet should have at least 1 CC on it's normal utility list along without whatever themed/flavored skills it brings in on the side. This would make every pet semi viable for use. The beast merge skills should also always grant 1 mobility skill of some kind for the use of the Ranger like smoke assault or gazelle's F2 gap closer, in addition to whatever flavor/theme the rest of the skills present. They should consider a simple rework of the above because as it stands now, 8/10 pets are just completely useless in pvp and in pve.



We probably have different views on how the game should be designed. I'm more in favor of specialization where as you seem to be more in the normalize everything camp. This dichotomy is as old as multiplayer games themselves I suppose. . . Correct me if I'm wrong. Also it seems like you were talking about core ranger pets there, not just SB merged skills. I think everyone in PvP can agree that those are long due for a tune up/redesign.

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> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> I'd rather they just replace the F1 with the pet's F2.

> Merging with tiger giving you a big damaging leap+Fury while Lynx's leap bleeds a target.

> Jaguar giving you a few seconds of Stealth

> Sand Lion's giving access to Dust Tornado

> And Stalker granting AOE Might, ect.


Yeah that would be the most ideal situation, I agree.

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Realistically speaking, they have to be things that they would also change for the felines themselves, as the SB merge skills are direct carry-overs from the pet skills. Having both skills be mid-range leaps would be reasonable enough in my opinion, as that would also help the pets land attacks. Cats and birds should provide the highest mobility.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> I can't comment on the changes you suggested, but, I am all for making MOST if not all Pets relevant in PvP.


> I don't know how long it would take a anet programmer/game dev to sit there and hash that out,

> but it's certainly needed.


> As it stands now, only a handful of pets work in pvp.


I want this to happen as well. I would like to see other pets get more use, and it'd be awesome to see everyone not using the same damn pets all the time.

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