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How true do you find the original description of the thief in your game mode?


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"Thieves are expert in the shadow arts. They utilize stealth and shadowstepping to surprise and to get close to their target. They're deadly in one-on-one combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to overcome their enemies."


Does this description fit what you play in your game mode? If not what changes would you make?

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Nah, I don't think the description is accurate. These are the changes I would make (in bold).


"Thieves are **known to avoid** the shadow arts. They utilize stealth and shadowstepping to waste **initiative and flee** their target. They're **dead without help** in one-on-one combat, **and even when** using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal **most rarely** overcome their enemies."

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> "Thieves are expert in the shadow arts.



>They utilize stealth and shadowstepping to surprise and to get close to their target.


Also true. 15k backstabs in wvw. much wow!


>They're deadly in one-on-one combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to overcome their enemies."


Agility: Refers to shadowstepping and generally

Acrobatic: Daredevil

Ability to steal: Half-true but useless outside raids.


> Does this description fit what you play in your game mode? If not what changes would you make?


I think it fits well.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> I've never felt like I'm taking something away from my opponent and the "deadly in one-on-one combat" needs to have multiple connotation marks.


I think from the looks of the replies and playing the game. Wvw players are pretty content with the perma stealth DE then back stab 1 shot because that requires very little skill/risk and big reward.


But any one who plays pvp knows that it's the worse 1v1 in the game. I honestly think they should either undo the sword and dagger Nerf specially for pvp.


Or change lesser haste so it's recharge time is 20 seconds instead of 60. 60 recharge time basically makes useless. But since recharge time would make DE stronger. They should just undo the auto dagger and auto sword Nerf. Considering other classes can to 8k auto attacks from range. 500 - 1.5k is insanely low.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > I've never felt like I'm taking something away from my opponent and the "deadly in one-on-one combat" needs to have multiple connotation marks.


> I think from the looks of the replies and playing the game. Wvw players are pretty content with the perma stealth DE then back stab 1 shot because that requires very little skill/risk and big reward.


> But any one who plays pvp knows that it's the worse 1v1 in the game. I honestly think they should either undo the sword and dagger Nerf specially for pvp.


> Or change lesser haste so it's recharge time is 20 seconds instead of 60. 60 recharge time basically makes useless. But since recharge time would make DE stronger. They should just undo the auto dagger and auto sword Nerf. Considering other classes can to 8k auto attacks from range. 500 - 1.5k is insanely low.


The 60s on that is a little too long I agree (for core/DD) even when traited. I've mentioned this before in the older forums regarding balance, but why doesn't Anet control trouble builds on classes with a mechanism like if you take trait 1 you get x_value but if you have other_troublesome_trait_x and elite_spec_x you get -attribute and only smaller % x_value etc - this is how other games have done it in the past.


A simpler example would be:

Gain quickness, fury and swiftness.


Quickness (6s): Skills and actions are faster.

Fury (6s): 20% Critical Chance

Swiftness (6s): 33% Movement Speed

Breaks Stun

Note: Cooldown 30s, 60s if using Deadeye elite spec




Quickness (6s): Skills and actions are faster. 3s if using Deadeye

Fury (6s): 20% Critical Chance, 10% if using Deadeye

Swiftness (6s): 33% Movement Speed. (3s) 25% movement speed if using Deadeye

Vulnerability (6s): 3% Incoming if using Deadeye

Breaks Stun



Something like that anyway. Imo it can control all those nasty builds people keep complaining about on any class without directly harming other builds.

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The statement stays for PVE)


For WvW - false. Unless dealing with paper zerling.


For PvP - "They utilize stealth and shadowstepping to surprise and to get close to undefended point. They're deadly in +1 combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to catch almost-dead fleeing enemies."

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> "Thieves are expert in the shadow arts.


Nope. Historically, Shadow Art is both defensive and offensive ability...Shadow Arts in GW2 is pure defensive. That's is not a description of an expert in the art.


> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> "They're deadly in one-on-one combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to overcome their enemies."



Steal is supposed to be a scale tipper yet most of the stolen items are crap. In addition, DE completely replaced Steal, which IMO, should be a stable skill for Thief regardless of Elite Specialization.


> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> Does this description fit what you play in your game mode? If not what changes would you make?


It seems at this point that it would be far easier for ArenaNet to change that Thief description than changing the Thief to match that description.


edit: typos

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