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Stop giving dodge more mechanics and bonuses


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do you even know how easy to get endurance in this game

dodge is the best surviving mechanic after invulns so plz just dont make it broken

all profession have some mechanics that is tied to dodge but recently some profession got more broken mechanics

ANET do you know that if you put good mechanic tied to dodge player in PvP gonna spam it until they reach brain-dead level because how easy to get endurance via sigils /rune and viger uptime

not all mechanic that is tied to dodge are broken but the ones that damage or break stun or reduce cd of certain skills is just too much for the current PvP

and if you gonna introduce us to more broken mechanic tied to dodge in the future expansion or balance patches plz have the decency to give it an icd so it doesn't became spammable

EX . same as the necromancer blood trait Mark of Evasion which have 8 seconds icd which proc Mark of Blood which is a staff skill that have 4 seconds cd so the dodge passive have the double cd and even that is too much when the necromancer take Soul Marks easy LF and become Unblockable

so what i want to say is dodge is good as it is dont make it better AKA broken



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Why not? Refill endurance all you like, it's still just one single ability which behaves in an expected way. And if it can be used offensively - good, now we can make tougher gameplay decisions (trading defense for offense).

By the way, mark of evasion is meh at best. I don't think it would be used if it was a major trait.

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