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Guild Hall Ideas


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I've been thinking. Would it be cool if the makers of the game created new guild halls based on certain things and places such as raid locations and other cool places? Here's a few ideas I thought of that might be cool.


1. The White Mantles' Stronghold of the Faithful fortress. Perhaps a quest given to the Commander by Queen Jennah or even the Pact can given to the Commander to help him set up a base of operations for Dragon's Watch by taking a certain location, and clearing any hostiles that will most likely be there. I could see the game creators putting in White Mantle remnants trying a last ditch attempt to revive their cult by occupying the Stronghold, which the player character and few others must clear out to secure the location, and possibly replacing a large bloodstone crystal with one of those shiny Glint-looking crystals as seen in current guild halls when captured.

2. The Bastion of the Penitent prison complex could be a good one. Perhaps a ghost or someone with lots of magical knowledge and power can give the Commander directions as to how to make such a place a guild hall for Dragon's Watch. I would expect a fight with a powerful monster from the Mists in order to claim it.

3. An Orrian styled guild hall would be strange yet interesting. To make it more legit it would first appear in a corrupted state until the Commander clears out what would likely be tough unchained Risen, and a Risen boss.

4. An Ascalonian style guild hall. Perhaps long lost ruins have been found, and the Commander is directed to claim it, but has to clear out Ascalon's most elite ghost soldiers from the time of the Searing.

5. And of course guild halls based on the playable races of Tyria that have to be claimed by fighting say Sons of Svanir for example.


If you guys think these are good ideas or bad ideas I would love to hear your feedback. Thank you. :)

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I like your ideas. If nothing else, more variety in hall environment and lighting can meet more people's tastes. I myself have been hoping for a Caudecus Manor style estate since early on (not identical, since lore has a new Lord in place there already, and besides CM lacks a ballroom which really is a must imo!). The above links are previous forum discussions on the topic, just a couple of the threads, to help you see what's been brought up before and maybe spark your own thinking even further.

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