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Ideas for future DLC or expansion.


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So me and my friends were goofing around in game and we noticed that a lot of the GuildWars story takes place on land and we thought how cool would it be for an underwater storyboard and city featuring Quaggon and krait and other underwater critters, we also were entertaining the idea of mounted combat in later alliterations as something we would like, and we also thought possibly having an underwater mount and skill line. These are just ideas we were shooting back and forth and would appreciate some other folks input on this.

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Several things and dont take them to harshly please they are just facts gathered by many posts and many people talking in game and some are from developers.


1.) Water content and combat is not well liked or loved by a lot of people, basing an expansion/massive content release around water content would require a complete overhaul of combat and content for it not to be considered a massive failure.

2.) Mounted combat will not happen, the developers have actually stated this.

3.) An underwater mount while cool to have may not happen due to the addition of the swim infusions but we dont know that for a fact.

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I would personally enjoy an expansion focused around under water content. I think under water combat is fun, but will admit it needs a lot of work, even after the latest content release that updated underwater combat.


I know a lot of people don't really enjoy underwater combat, either due to the 3 dimensional combat, which does admittedly make it seem more complicated, or the way traits and skills don't transfer well when you hop in the water.


I like to think of underwater infusions as being almost like a perminant swiftness, so I still hold hope for an underwater mount.

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I was looking forward to visiting the dragon in the southern sea but I dont see that happening even in the next delayed expansion which is likely to be the final of Kralkatorrik and hopefully the beginning of the corruption of Aurene, or even the one after, too many bugs to iron out. So after the tying up of the current story I would like to go north to Jormag.

It could bring some of the cold mechanics from the Snowblind Fractal, fires for the cold and blizzards. And also expand on some of the monsters and ideas from bitterfrost frontier. Going further north again it could make controlling movement on ice lakes difficult, so you slide and not being able to stay in the same place while on a mount for to long or you will fall into the freezing water ie. move quickly on a mount to avoid death or slow on foot but light enough that you wont go through. Not being able to do kill dismounts when on thin ice will be hard to re-learn, skimmer and beetle being the only exceptions.


It could introduce new specializations, giving all the professions fire based skills that can do damage but also drop their cold meter, and with the constant cold being a health concern runes with vitality, burning and steal health would be sort after and It would give a reason for wanting to include a druid/elementalist/guardian healer in any group event instead of rolling out the healer only on very specialist occasions.

Give everything a winter theme, making cosmetic changes to existing skills e.g. rangers barrage will be rain of icicles. New ice/snow skins for armor, weapons and mounts. Snow pets and minitures. Melting ice floor Jumping puzzles, and an evil santa who kills you with kindness, maybe as a world boss would be nice to get a new one.


And finally for the beetle mounts you could make bobsleigh type tracks with jumps and ice walls that need speed to break through. This would be the excuse anet needs to give us, our own beetle track.


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