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(spoilers s4,e4) What are we supposed to do now?


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As we all know, Kralkatorrik is in the mists, consuming what is in there and we are not allowed to kill him since his death would cause the destruction of tyria, through the imbalance of tyria. of course glints grand plan was to use her scion to replace the elder dragons, but aurene herself saw thousends uppon thousends of possible futures, but none ended in victory. only in defeat and death and kralkatorrik is now manipulating the mists to his advantage, collapsing world together, opening time-space rifts and branding everything. we are not dealing with the average elder dragon anymore. we are dealing with a overpowered god out there, everso hungry for magic, unlike anything we have seen. What can we do against such an enemy?

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please note every futures aurene has seen is if she went up "right now" against kralk with variable amounts of allies at her side.


as for what we are supposed to do: firstly it is interesting question how kralks departure to the mists affected the thing with magical balance of tyria.......


but for more realistical point of view - deploy pact forces once again - we have identified kralks weakness (resonance of itself), so all I think we really need to do is to develop huge andti-kralk lazor, manufacture alot of it, pack them onto pact fleet, move that fleet into the mist with aurene hanging nearby (or actiang as a bait perhaps?) wreck the living heck out of kralk via anti-kralk lazors (same deal as why warbeast was a thing except more and on pact airships) and let auroene absorb energy that gets relased when crystal dragon gets shattered (which is what happens when you subject crystal to it's resonance frequency or sth)

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Well since the mists are so endlessly vast well need to pull him back into tyria to even know where he is. But we could do it as a trap, pull him into open space in the desert surrounded by all the allies we’ve made. Hit him with weapons we make in the next episode probably, aurene absorbs it all, and we’re done!


Then, because kralk absorbed so much beyond the normal amount and aurene (and all of glints eggs) were made to replace normal dragons, some of the energy escapes, and now we’re literally on the edge of the cliff for world shattering. The plot of S5 and expansion 3 is finding vessels for the magic that’s already free, and then one (please be a sea dragon!) for the DSD. Because S5 will be a jump around season like 3, visiting places with water while we investigate strange disturbances (remember it was said the DSD can make minions out of water anywhere in the world)

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:


> but for more realistical point of view - deploy pact forces once again - we have identified kralks weakness (resonance of itself), so all I think we really need to do is to develop huge andti-kralk lazor, manufacture alot of it, pack them onto pact fleet, move that fleet into the mist with aurene hanging nearby (or actiang as a bait perhaps?) wreck the living heck out of kralk via anti-kralk lazors (same deal as why warbeast was a thing except more and on pact airships) and let auroene absorb energy that gets relased when crystal dragon gets shattered (which is what happens when you subject crystal to it's resonance frequency or sth)


If it was that simple, though, Balthazar wouldn't have needed to jump through all the hoops of capturing Vlast and Aurene. The same quest we hear about the resonance in also lays out that it takes one of Kralkatorrik's 'scions' (I am coming to viscerally dislike that word) to kill him. We could create a single Warbeast laser, same as Balthazar and only if Aurene consents to being used as a battery again. She's still very young, and the first time wasn't exactly fun for her.


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Well some things we can guess/deduce I think.

As I see Aurene's vision - she bases it on herself directly confronting Kralk with varying combos of allies - and always end up dead/crystallized... so either she needs to "die" before she can take Kralks place, or we need someone else to directly confront Kralk and keep Aurene in some auxiliary role.

We also have Naja and the Crystal Attunement — Collect all the Branded crystal samples that Naja requires - talking to her after completion she says: "With this set of crystal samples, I'm all set to make music. So to speak. Comparative harmonies, vibrational profiles...". And since we know what Kralk's weakness is... …

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Kralk has some of Mordremoths power/ Balths and leftovers of Zhaitan.

I wonder if it has the abbility to manipulate visions and affect the minds of lesser Dragons. Doubful, but interesting.

Maybe she only saw what Kralk wanted her to see.

Guess we'll have to wait and see.


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The main thing about Aurene's visions is that in every single one of them, we only witness combinations of our current and past allies and tools. This indicates we need something new. So most likely, in Episode 5, Caithe will introduce us, somehow for some reason, to a McMuffin which will be able to solve all our problems and overpower Kralkatorrik for just long enough for Dragon's Watch and Aurene to land the finishing blow against Kralkatorrik.


> @"Fleebag.1384" said:

> We also have Naja and the Crystal Attunement — Collect all the Branded crystal samples that Naja requires - talking to her after completion she says: "With this set of crystal samples, I'm all set to make music. So to speak. Comparative harmonies, vibrational profiles...". And since we know what Kralk's weakness is... …


Kralkatorrik: Killed off in a dance off to a poorly made remix set.

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:


> > but for more realistical point of view - deploy pact forces once again - we have identified kralks weakness (resonance of itself), so all I think we really need to do is to develop huge andti-kralk lazor, manufacture alot of it, pack them onto pact fleet, move that fleet into the mist with aurene hanging nearby (or actiang as a bait perhaps?) wreck the living heck out of kralk via anti-kralk lazors (same deal as why warbeast was a thing except more and on pact airships) and let auroene absorb energy that gets relased when crystal dragon gets shattered (which is what happens when you subject crystal to it's resonance frequency or sth)


> If it was that simple, though, Balthazar wouldn't have needed to jump through all the hoops of capturing Vlast and Aurene. The same quest we hear about the resonance in also lays out that it takes one of Kralkatorrik's 'scions' (I am coming to viscerally dislike that word) to kill him. We could create a single Warbeast laser, same as Balthazar and only if Aurene consents to being used as a battery again. She's still very young, and the first time wasn't exactly fun for her.



well from what I understood balthy needed vlast/aurene to attune the frequency of the warbeast beam - pact is already deploying golems powered by branded crystals and the weakness was specifically mentioned that he's vulnerable to his own resonance frequency - also not how anti-kralk spear was one made of his own blood.


so I'd say he's spreading ammo against him quite light-handedly

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> @"Fleebag.1384" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Kralkatorrik: Killed off in a dance off to a poorly made remix set.

> eheheh - rest in pieces - Poof the purple dragon




I dont even think id be upset, it would be a really really unique way to finish a story line, if a little silly xD

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Obviously, Aurene has to learn ultra instinct to be able to compete against Kralkatorrik.

But jokes aside, if we want to have any hopes of defeating the magic gobbler in the Mists, we need some incredible allies and quickly. The Giant from the cliffside fractal, Snaff and his Golem, Glint, the Mossman (to annoy Kralkatorrik), the Commandos (If we can get their helicopters, those are better than airships.), Barron and Fero died in the assault of Mordremoth. Maybe they found another doomsday device in the mists?

Since we need those allies quickly, I would even consider Trahearne. He may not be a frontline fighter, but I'm sure he already made friends in the Mists.

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