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Concept for new GW2 merchandize.

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Greetings Milords and Miladies,


While the store already offers alot of cool stuff; lemme add some new possible options to the table:


**Various Food items.**

Considering these things need to be stored for a while; lets go with candy/cookies for now.

It should be High quality stuff while keeping the price acceptable somehow.

Visually it should look like stuff from gw2; Stuff like cookies or peppermints can be made as permanent stock;

But the more high polished handcrafted stuff; like golem lolley's could be limited time offers each year.

Take into account you wanna try to make each product suitable for EVERY community member instead of making multiple version of the same type.

(for example: use Agar agar instead of Animal Gelatine for Vegan's, find a subtitute for milk components so its ok for the lactose intolerant )

Not just candy or cookies; think of stuff like beverages/ales/stouts aswell. would make nice birthday/valentine/promotion presents for like say; yer loved ones.

![](https://i.imgur.com/WcEbAV4.png "")

_Above: some food example's and leisure items_


**Gw2 inspired Card and Board games.**

Plenty of visual/textual resources to work from. These products would be great to play GW2 with friends/family/strangers; even offline.

You can take a break yet still enjoy the awesome world of Guildwars. consider making various sets ( guildwars prophecies, factions, nightfall, Eye of the North settings)

Ofcourse it important to make them accessible for everyone. It doesnt need to be Warhammer/Magicthegathering levels of difficulty straight from the start.

Instead implement a difficulty system so everyone can play their own version.(multiplayer/solo modes?)

![](https://i.imgur.com/WkfogEV.png "")

_Above: possible offline fungames._


**Miscellaneous/Other Merchandize**

1.Coloring book with GW2 "child friendly" lineart. ( this is great for communitymembers with kids)

2.Childrens story book + narrated audio cd (voices+soundeffects) ; this can be an original story suitable for children with titles like: "Little Choya went to the city"

3.stressballs shaped like yer famous critters ( when you squeeze them their heads/eyes expand and they make a whimsical sound.


I didnt mention the "How to". Its too complex for someone like me; they will need to figure out stuff like: do we need to create a dedicated "merchandize" team. Wich manufacturer shall we pick; and do they have distribution centre's in both US and EU. How much budget will we reserve for a "test pilot"; and if succesfull how shall we proceed, etc ,etc.


Some of these idea's derived from stuff other community members posted.


Coloring book idea was inspired by Jarl Petter's post https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/55608/hot-doodle-with-daughter-2-years-old


The food merchandize was inspired by Lizdeath's post/blog https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52909/mitsuhikous-mesmerizing-asuran-kitchen-an-rp-cooking-blog


_Edit: Consider how much idea's we as a community can comeup with... If you have very nice idea(s) of yer own; dont hesitate to post em._




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