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Pro tips for the new weaver.(S/D)


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after over 100 of duels with each class,ill help you with a bunch of useful tips

Ill list your counters in order and give you useful tips regarding how to deal with them


1) Condi mirage.

1. run

2) Spellbreaker

well, A spellbreaker is a really hard counter because if it catches you one time with stance of and no stun break with bulls you are dead, and its very problematic scenario,you can get a SB to 1 hp, all he need to do is to hit bulls on you and you are dead. meaning you dont have any place to make mistakes

dont engage without stance, or stun break on. kite him as much as he would kite you.

3) Deadeye

A pain in the ass fake class : p well, my advise to you is to try to CC it , but not much you can do against a good deadeye, you can outheal him and give him hard time killing you,but he has the high ground.

if you manage to CC him fast enough you can maybe kill him,especailly if you play condi build

4) Necro(Core)

A stun break is a must, they will play around condis and fear to do damage to you, your way to counter it is stun break, stance is less of an option since they can corrupt it. so you must rely on stun breaks, they have more sustain than reaper but less damage. eventually it will be a fight of whoever is better, you should be agressive and apply alot of pressure while keeping your health bar in check all the time, kite if needed


Holo is bascailly a better ele(lol). well, theoretically speaking. you have more sustain than him and more direct approch, you need to apply pressure on him and be careful of forge, they usually apply alot of burst at this time , so you gonna want to play stance with burning armor to apply alot of damage then go defensive roatation, ones they start losing they will become invisible and hit you hard, get your stun break and heal ready

6) Reaper

Well, have you see that white bar that reaper use sometimes? during this time you wanna either avoid them or go into very agressive roatation with shields on, the moment its off they will be kill-able , then you can kill them but be careful cause they still have annoying CC and some dangerous damage. I'd suggest to avoid them during reaper form and hit them ones its off.


Not much of a threat,other than good players. be careful of their damage, the durid is basically a weaker weaver tbh, be careful of the bear dmg(not sure how its called) just evade during that time


well, Guardian has 2 abilities you should avoid. the shield and projectiles and the spin projectiles, always avoid them , they do alot of damage. other than this you pretty much beat guardian easily


Dont attack him during his heal stage(he bascailly heals of your dps) and be careulf of his burst,other than that hes really weak

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You should consider posting the build you used and what game balance the duels took place in (PvE guild arena, PvP or WvW). I only WvW so cannot speak for the other gamemodes however from a WvW roaming perspective I don't agree with several of the points. I am not the best nor the worst (about rank 1100 in WvW, most ranks gained while roaming).


Condi Mirage: Don't run, timing the evades to the clone shatters and using the cleanses well will make you win, sadly your dinner will run away when they start losing.


Spellbreaker: I agree with this one mostly, the matchup will in most cases be a draw unless you get caught cc locked. You cannot kill a warrior that is running and they cannot kill a weaver that is running (look behind you while running else you get evil surprises you should have dodged)


Deadeye: Draw in your favour, unless the deadeye is bad you will not kill them, they can also not kill you. Just continue doing your thing, a deadeye can not stop you from capping points so you win in the end.


Necro(core): Battle of sustain, I have quite a lot of condi cleanse so the fear is often taken care of that way. Personally the Weaver wins in the end.


Holosmith: Tough matchup, you will most likely lose or draw. If you are on a higher skill level than the holo you will win or they will rocket boots(holo leap away)


Reaper: Kite when they go into shroud and you win in the end. Pressure hard when they are out of shroud cause you will use the shroud time to kite and heal up.


Soulbeast: Even matchup, they will kite you and you will try to stick to them. Player skill will most likely determine the outcome.


Guardian: As you said, weaver wins.


Revenant: Win or draw depending on how well the revenant will kite.


Would post build however am on phone, it is similar to cellofrags with a few personal modifications to the stat attributes.



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You can't really fight condi mirage, in any case the ones with vitality/toughness and the good ones. You're stuck in water/air air/water, being careful about stack of confusion ant torments and sufficient sustain, while, when you have a small opportunity to swap fire/air/earth to dps you have to re-target, close gap, be carefull again about daze, blind, clones.. mirage cloak ... and If you overtake he can just stealth/teleport away.

Power mirage/chrono are much easier, but be careful of the 0.5sec burst, use your riptide, dodges and twist of fade wisely, because you'll need them, here more than elsewhere.


War : don't fight war with sword, melee <180 range = death. He just uses his shield, or hammer or FC or rampage or bull, and you're dead, d/d is more optimal to evade and be outrange.


Holo : same, sword is not very effective, he has to many stab/BS, quickness, close cc and burst/strong hit, better "passive" sustain, he is way better and tanky at melee than you, better to let him rise his heat out of range and pressure him after he leaves forge.


Daredevil, spamming #5 staff and bounder dodger : you can't really fight them, you have not effeciant block, no invu (except focus), no counter attacks, he has more evades and BS/teleport than you, he can stick and put pressure on you easily. Be fresh air or just flee away, or be lucky to burn all their BS and burst.


Others classes are easier to counter, for ele as for every others classes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Silence.3702" said:

> after over 100 of duels with each class,ill help you with a bunch of useful tips

> Ill list your counters in order and give you useful tips regarding how to deal with them


> 1) Condi mirage.

> 1. run


Tbh i dont understand why most of the ele players say mirage is unbeatable with this build, you realy shouldnt have any problems fighting a mirage and caping the point and possibly killing them pretty fast, you have so much condi cleanse, if you just dodge the first 3-4 bursts they should be dead already. But well i have over 3k matches played with this build so i might see it from a bit different perspective

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> @"Gpe.3684" said:

> > @"Silence.3702" said:

> > after over 100 of duels with each class,ill help you with a bunch of useful tips

> > Ill list your counters in order and give you useful tips regarding how to deal with them

> >

> > 1) Condi mirage.

> > 1. run


> Tbh i dont understand why most of the ele players say mirage is unbeatable with this build, you realy shouldnt have any problems fighting a mirage and caping the point and possibly killing them pretty fast, you have so much condi cleanse, if you just dodge the first 3-4 bursts they should be dead already. But well i have over 3k matches played with this build so i might see it from a bit different perspective


because fighting condi mirage is just that - -- actually dodging their bursts and not so much about the cleanses. Unless it's guradian/fb and maybe condi cleanse engi builds no one else really have enough mass cleanses to be able to play reactively where they try to clear the 4+ condis everytime mirage's burst lands on them.


dodging condi mirage's bursts can only really be learned through experience because they are instant cast (requires quite a bit of experience too). On the other hand, if someone can dodge their bursts and maybe only get hit 1-2 times by it throughout the fight before they are both out of cds, its quite possible to beat condi mirages (at the very least stalemate/make them run away because it's mirage) even on builds that arent loaded with condi clears.

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> because fighting condi mirage is just that - -- actually dodging their bursts and not so much about the cleanses. Unless it's guradian/fb and maybe condi cleanse engi builds no one else really have enough mass cleanses to be able to play reactively where they try to clear the 4+ condis everytime mirage's burst lands on them.


> dodging condi mirage's bursts can only really be learned through experience because they are instant cast (requires quite a bit of experience too). On the other hand, if someone can dodge their bursts and maybe only get hit 1-2 times by it throughout the fight before they are both out of cds, its quite possible to beat condi mirages (at the very least stalemate/make them run away because it's mirage) even on builds that arent loaded with condi clears.

well he did say he has over 100duels against every class... so i guess he should be experienced enough :)


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> @"Silence.3702" said:

> Deadeye out pressures any weaver, since a weaver cant engage properly and wont be able to hold point without kite , its not gonna be able to outheal a deadeye for a long time. eventually the deadeye will kill the weaver.


> this is why Deadeye >= Weaver


Agreed. Deadeye has enough stealth and damage to pressure Weaver. Weaver only has sustain in form of Water 2 and Earth 2, 2 twists of fate, and its gap closers are on quite long CD (Air 4 for 30s - it's unlikely the DE will get hit by this, Lightning Flash for 40s, Air 2 on 15s). Any mistake, particularly failing to avoid Death's Judgement, will seriously put the Weaver in a huge disadvantage. Probably the only way the fight can be a stalemate is if there is enough obstacles for the Weaver to make use of LoS.



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The Water 2 > Earth 2 combo takes a long 4ish seconds to complete if you haven't been camping the attunement and most people pull this off reactively when pressured. Both skills have evade frames but you might be able to catch them before or after the end of one of the animations which is surprisingly easy.

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