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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Can we have swimsuits as **_novelty_**?


Not outfits, but a new novelty slot. Why? Apart from obvious "running naked" issues, having this also allows a new set of skills when using the novelty. Maybe a set of skills that activate certain beach related animations, expanded emotes, you get the idea.

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> @"NeverLoseGuy.3894" said:

> Can we have swimsuits as **_novelty_**?


> Not outfits, but a new novelty slot. Why? Apart from obvious "running naked" issues, having this also allows a new set of skills when using the novelty. Maybe a set of skills that activate certain beach related animations, expanded emotes, you get the idea.


No, we need them as outfits.

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1. update existing mount sets with skins for roller beetle, warclaw and skyscale. I need my mounts matchy. Do that thing where you discount the cost for the bits you already own. Make the total package obviously cost more, but not crazy more, and I'm buying em. Exo-suit, branded, mad realm, and awakened sets are awesome.

2. Add sets for some of the great skins you already have:

* dreadnought

* primeval

* exalted

* sand souled

* star (starscale, stardrift, stardust, starshell, starbound).


These are all awesome skins, but no way I'm buying em individually. I like em matchy, remember? I'll buy the set tho, especially if it has the beetle, warclaw and skyscale. 2k for 5 or 400 gems each is a great deal. So 3.2k for 8? Heck bump it up to 4k for 8, 500 gems each, still a great deal.


If you must, make the new skins available early in the random/select stuff that I can't stand. Make them available in the set at a lower price later. I'll wait for the sets.


Oh one last thing, 3, if you must do the random mount thing (did i mention i hate that?), at LEAST make it so you can preview from the store. C'mon we are giving you money here. Don't make us dig around in our character set and work to figure out which skins we'll get. Sell it! Show us right on the tp which mounts are in the package. Though take this with a grain of salt. I won't ever be paying money unless I know exactly what I'm getting.

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Hey there, thanks that you gave us a Wishlist. Items I would love to see in Gem Store:


- Magitech Armor Skin Set (not aviable in the last 2 years if my research was right)

- Belindas Greatsword skin


You would do me a favour, maybe you read this and my wish come true ^-^


Thanks so or so

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New Gemstore Upgrade.

- Custom Outfit


Special Outfit set manageable by player. Custom Outfit offers player to choose unlocked wardrobe skins in respective armor slots. Each skin choice cost transmutation charge. Once skins are choosen, Custom Outfit can be weared by all characters. ( i.e. wardrobe's Medium armor skins can be used by Mesmers ).


If any of choosen skins have race-restriction, Custom Outfit will be soulbound to that race only.

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