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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Piggy Bank. I NEED a Piggy Bank - with automatic (set amount of Gold you want to deposit 1x/day or 1st login) or/and manual deposit. So I wouldn't waste my Gold on shiny things I don't need, and save for things I actually need. And if you wanted to take your Gold out, you'd need a Piggy Bank hammer. Oh and ... They could look like Quaggans. I always wanted to smash a Quaggan with a hammer, and wear it as a hat later on .-. Which would obviously cost Gems. Just like Piggy Bank. Quaggan Piggy Banks could also be sold as Merch. You know, to save cash for Gems.

Gem Store and Merchandise suggestions ...

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Things I know that won't be added but always wanted:

* Additional Guild slots!

* Skip for spirit run. (any price!)


So to things that might be possible:

* Multiple account ID for increased privacy. Instead of buying two accounts to achieve the same objective, allow people to do the same thing within a single login for gems.

* Buying a new account for gems. Same reason as above.

* Projectile skins mixer. Would enjoy having my staff randomly using animation for different skins, and it would add variance.

* Resource node locator. Instead of having to run around in a map to locate nodes, have an item to ping on the map every lumber/Forage/ore node of choice.

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Perhaps not a gemstore item per se, but a tonic of the Awakened Scavenger would be really cool.

Okay, proper requests now:

* Additional guild slots. Please.

* Perhaps a backpack skin that looks like a proper cape? Dunno how to describe it better than that.

* A greatsword skin or three that isn’t either a mile wide, ugly as sin, or both.

* A sword skin that’s greatsword-sized. Or one that doesn’t have some swirly curved design that’s painful to look at.

* maybe a skin for the Griffon mount that makes it a Branded griffon? Or will mount skins never be a thing? (Honestly I’m okay either way I just have an unhealthy degree of love for Kralkatorrik.)

* Skins for the Obsidian Armor from GW1 since evidently your design team for legendary armor forgot about that faster than the writers forgot who Malyck was. (Yes, I’m still mad about Malyck, why aren’t you?)

* whatever asset the Awakened Scavenger swings around, except it’s a sword skin.

Basically I just kind of want to see you guys take some lessons from good ol’ FromSoftware in your weapon design, since half of what you’ve got now is either hideous or a #WristWrecker. Also please stop making outfits and make armor sets instead, it’s so much better for everyone involved.

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Transatmospheric Converter for your Home Instance. Places a device in your instance that lets you swap between Skyboxes and Weather.


Standard TAC lets you choose between "Tyrian Noon" and "Tyrian Night" as Skyboxes, and Clear Skies, Cloudy or Rain as Weather.


Mad King's TAC adds "Mad King's Moon" as a Sky Box (Featuring a dark and stormy night with the Mad Moon up high) with "Ominous Fog" and "Candy Corn Rain" as Weather.


Wintersday TAC adds "Winter Wonderland" as a Sky Box (Featuring a starry sky with Tixx occasionally swooshing by) with "Snowfall" and "Blizzard" as Weather.


Lunar TAC adds "Fireworks Show" and "Constellations" as a Sky Boxes.


Elonian TAC adds "Elonian Nights" as a Sky Box (The same Sky box you'll find in the Crystal Desert) with "Heatwave" and "Sandstorm" as Weather.


Bonus: If your character is Asura, they'll make an off-hand comment about inventing the TAC when interacting with it.

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> @"Zanvolt.9406" said:

> I really want a Skritt "Backpack" where you have a skritt just hanging on your back that talks like job o tron, saying your typical skritt lines as you do stuff


While you're jumping up and down repeatedly, the Skritt says: "Stop! Stop! Stop! Skritt feels ill!" XD


> @"Shinji.8320" said:

> * Perhaps a backpack skin that looks like a proper cape? Dunno how to describe it better than that.


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> @Chadramar.8156 said:

> Any armor, weapons or toys that are not human-themed! Sylvari in particular look so much better in gear that is designed for them. But some nice norn-themed things with fur and knotwork ornaments would also be great, and something for the charr of course because they're famously hard to find gear for.


> Actual armor skins over outfits, for all the reasons that have been stated many times.


> _Non-gendered armor_. Let me wear the exact same, beautifully themed, practical and/or impressive gear that men get to wear. No skirts, heels, underwear, b-plates, b-windows or other "strategic" naked skin.


> I once saw someone half-jokingly suggest a cat finisher for PvP, which each time randomly selects from any feline model ... and an Aurene wearing cat ears. That'd be hilarious, and I don't even do PvP.


Non-Gendered outfits.......THAT is what I've wanted ever since I started playing GW2. Or at the very least light armor that does not have the sexist character we see with cut-out skirts, butt capes, opened fronted skirts with thigh hose, high heels, etc.


I have at least one character of each class/profession and all of my characters are female. I have an issue with my female characters NOT being able to wear simple pants, with the ability to wear a different top without changing the look to a duster, or any silly belt that looks like my window curtains wrapped around the waist.


I also would love to see simple long tunics that resemble some of the beautiful sleek brocaded oriental robes with or without sleeves. I have one mesmer that I really want to see in one of those sleek oriental robes (**chest piece can be the long tunic and the leggings can be simple slim pants to go with**). I HATE much of the current female "fashion" items because to me, they shout loudly that because my toon is female she must wear armor bikinis or similar ridiculously sexist outfits.


Think "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny" female costumes. I love those amazing brocaded silk tunics with the side slit and pants underneath. Especially with the high collars and long flowing lines. Beautifully designed and flows well even in combat for the female fighters. There are so many options available when designing these costumes that you could come up with an extremely wide variety that would be attractive on female characters without making them look like courtesans from the middle ages.

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There is this error I see quite often, when an NPC or an animal starts to zip along without actually moving their legs. Can you make it possible on demand?? :p Maybe it'll look a bit idiotic but it looks so stupid that it's super funny. My kind of humor, exactly.


And a Mini Me as a miniature. Getting an item/magic to turn your current char. into a mini and then you can swap them and at least this way your other char. can meet on a one map!


Also, please , please can you make some kind of space like a house or an apartment for the characters? Home instance is cool, but I miss something private. A place where the commander can chill and decorate it as they wish. Hang pictures, put up flowers, pet cats, eat... whatever the animations allow ;d It can be something simple, but it would be super cool if it would be very customizable.

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I just want a way without rng to get a Witch's Hat, just sell it on the gem store and take my money anet, please.

Also, I would buy shared harvesting tool slots even if they are expensive, I really hate the idea of using shared inventory slots to put infinite harvesting tools and keep clicking them to change harvesting tools from toon to toon. I get that anet has to make money by selling the harvesting tools but I don't think the majority of players have more than two sets of them and selling the shared harvesting tool slot would make money off of those people, me included.

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