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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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1. I would like to be able to purchase an **unlimited transmutation** ability. If this was the case I would also like to be able to **convert limited charges** into something else like small amounts of karma. If the devs are against this because they want to sell transmutation charges on the gem store, then I would at least like legendary gear to have its own unlimited and free cost of transmutation.

2. Replace Makeover kits with makeover packs where we unlock sets of features for our account and allow makeovers to be purchasable with a small fee of gold. For example, I buy the Spring Season eye color set (6 eye colors) for 200 gems, then I go to the makeover NPC and change my eye color to this new eye color for 1 gold.

3. Add a Gem Store Account Level to the game where the amount of cash we put into the game adds experience on our Gem Store Level. Higher Gem Store level adds very small passive conveniences to our account like gathering node speed and karma gain percentage buff or something.

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I would like a total makeover for the gemstore. The UI isn't really good, and just updating it to show off the items better would do a lot to bump sales. For example, the only items that really get shown off are the new ones on the front page. I don't have your sales numbers but I guess the stuff that has to be scrolled down for isn't selling so well. I don't have an UI here to show as an example, but different online shops, like for clothes or in general other stuff would probably be a good example. I don't know when I've last seen a webshop that just has some menus and then you have to scroll, scroll, scroll down for all the stuff. The preview could open as a new preview window, just as in the hero-panel, or the normal preview panel.


Also I think the wardrobe pays a big part in selling skins from the gemstore, and the hero panel. Why can't I find some of the skins sold in the gemstore in the wardrobe, like the SAB gliders can't be previewed from the hero panel.


And of course, less outfits, more of the armor skins. I loved the armor skins we got years back, and many of them I still use on my characters. Were the sales that bad for them or is it just easier to create an outfit?

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Also, still discussing the mounts, and if you're not really going to change the system, and you don't want to implement any in-game reward skins, why not give a mount ticket for completing the mount collections, the ones where you have jackal treats etc. Not sure if this is a gemstore suggestion or not, but I don't think it's mount feedback really?

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A "**_key ring_**" that would take up 1 Inventory slot that would hold all of your keys, including Pact Crowbars, Exalted Keys, Vials of Chak Acid, Bandit Skeleton Keys, Machetes, Trader's Keys, Zephyrite Locpicks, Keys of Greater Nightmare, etc. Any key acquired would go to the key ring automatically. The key ring could be put in a Shared Inventory slot and used by all of your toons.

Another suggestion would be a "**_hot inventory_**" item. Any item placed in this special Inventory slot would show up as a skill to the right of the mount skill on your screen, and could have a hot key assigned to it. If I placed a Stealth Disruptor Trap in this inventory slot, it would show up in the "hot inventory" skill box, and when a @$#$%# Thief disappears in WvW I can click or hot key it to immediately set the trap without having to open my inventory first.

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I'd like to see an achievement award for supporting the gem store with increments that increase according to how many gems one has used. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, and nothing that increases character power to give the impression of P2W, but maybe a title or exclusive non-weapon skin. Some kind of progression appreciation.

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Additional colour channels for mount skins - Two Tiered Bundles based on the basic mount models: Tier 1 is two channels for x-gems, Tier 2 is four channels for x-gems. And if ArenaNet can't really offer a four channel for the basic mounts because it might make too big a dent their mount skin sales in general, please think about a two channel option.


With regard to the Griffon...aside from the time put in and occasional frustration with respawn rates & harsh multiple cc's which caused death far too quickly at times - there was in my world a significant gold investment in acquiring it. To me the status ranks higher than the raptor, springer, skimmer and jackal. As such, it would be great if it was more customisable with 2 or even 3 dye channels. Perhaps the same model with additional dye channels could be sold for a nominal gem price in the gem store or offered as a freebie?

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Feature suggestion : **Quick use slots for consumables and other usable items next to skill bar**

I think an optional feature for this would be very useful when we need to access our tonics, food, utility items and toys quickly without searching for them in inventory.

It can have 4 slots or more. And those slots should be keybind-able. Possible usage scenarios would help QoL a lot.

For example if you have a detector item in your inventory, and you use it regularly for a quest you can put it to this item slot and you can use it via keyboard.

Or if you wanna switch between instruments with keybinding, this will help a lot too. You can play songs with different instruments easily.

In raids, you can switch between food types easily, or you can just hit a key or key combination to refresh the buff. And many more QoL improvements...

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Here is my idea that you should do for "mount skins" I know it is under fire and touchy subject. The way I see it people want...

1) lower priced skins...

2) Something to do in game...

3) RNG!!! (right? lol)


So my idea is this... People can buy an egg on the gem store. This egg can be bought as a raptor egg, skimmer egg, whatever egg of mount they want. Then they have to do IN GAME activities to cultivate the egg (because they want to feel its a reward and something to do.) Then while in game they cultivate and do different things to make this egg grow. In the end they GET TO CHOOSE what kind of skin they want (out of a few). Then they get their reward (skin). You guys should place it fairly cheap because it is only one skin and it has a time gate for things to do naturally around the world.


Now they can also buy another egg and maybe you have several different "activities/tracks" the egg can land on (RNG!! LOL) so that the egg requires different paths or tracks so people dont get bored of the same egg but they can keep buying new eggs for the other "skins". So then people feel like they did something for that reward and you still get paid for your work (artists etc).


And if you choose more of an 'epic egg' the tasks are harder. And people should know what they are getting into before they buy these eggs. So they dont buy it and say i really want this skin and then feel overwhelmed because they will take months (as a casual for example) to finish this one thing, but they may play more because its for that really cool mount skin they want at the end.


It sounds complicated and confusing but I think you will get what i mean? I think this solves the problem of No more rng, people have to work for their reward, and you can get paid for your efforts.

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An additional suggestion for the "mount skins" dilemma

Rather than (or in addition to) one large pack with all the available mounts, smaller RNG packs might work better. Separated possibly by mount (a skimmer adoption contract with all the skimmer possibilities in it, one for raptors, and so on) or style (this adoption pack has all the lightning skins and that one has fire skins etc)

This would reduce or eliminate the issue with getting skins you absolutely don't want or for a mount you don't have or use (many of us don't have the griffon, or only use the skimmer when absolutely necessary)

The separated packs could be the same gem price or slightly more for the benefit of selectivity (500 or so gems for a mount based separation or 700 for a guaranteed style)

This keeps the skins gem store based while also retains the integrity of people who have already purchased mount skins for the gem store, and additionally solves many of the complaints about the 1 in 30 chance for any specific skin.

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My suggestion will most likely require ArenaNet putting together a guild team once again as it also contains a suggestion for new features, but still offers a few gem store suggestions - so here goes...


**First, add a few more features to the Guild Window**...


Add settings for recruitment management - these settings would allow guild leaders/officers the ability to set...

* Recruiting Type: can be set to OPEN (anybody can freely join), RESTRICTED (officer approval required), or CLOSED (invite-only).

* Guild Focus: contains a list of checkboxes that the guild typically participates in (PvE - Open World, PvE - Dungeons/Fractals, PvE - Raids, PvP, WvW, etc).

* Guild Description: automatically includes which server the guild is in, but also allows players to write a description of the guild - useful for adding links to online Guild Applications.


Add a "Search for Guild" tab - this tab would allow players to search/browse through a list of OPEN/RESTRICTED guilds (CLOSED guilds would not appear on the list)...

* Player's should be able to filter the list depending on what criteria they are looking for in a guild (for example, Focus = WvW, Server = Blackgate - will only show WvW guilds on the Blackgate server).

* Clicking on a guild in this tab will show the user more details of the guild (including the description) and the ability to JOIN (if it's an OPEN Guild) or SEND REQUEST (if it's a RESTRICTED Guild).


**Then, add some Gem Store items to enhance the Guild the player is representing**...


* 2,000 gems = Feature Guild (for 1 day/week), places the represented guild at the top of the 'Search for Guild' list with a customized font style/color to really make it stand out!

* 400 gems = Advertise Guild (for 1 day/week), places the represented guild near the top of the Search for Guild list, under the featured guilds but above all the non-advertised guilds

* ???? gems = Exclusive Guild Hall, allows players to purchase a Deed/Claim (similar to the 100 gold ones) for their guild to attempt to claim an exclusive Guild Hall (for example, 'Mistlock Haven' - which would have the same gravity effects as Mistlock Sanctuary)


Anyway, I think ArenaNet could make quite a bit of money with guilds purchasing advertisements on a daily/weekly basis!

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1. An item who will keep me buffed all the time. Account wide. The item will have start and stop tab, and i can designate the food and utility from my inventory. Until the stack is not finish i am buffed ( I always forget to restart my foods and utility).

2. An item like a notepad for crafting recipe. I can select 10 recipe I am interested in and I can check them from a separated tab in crafting window. If previous I selected a recipe with my tailor, in this notepad, i can craft that recipe with my leatherworker(different toon, wich is not a tailor). A recipe can be deleted when If is not needed, and brought back if needed. .......would save a lot of time.

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> Luchador outfit


> I fully support keeping items in store all year round.


I remember anet stated it would be too much to navigate the shop if all is available and they would need to rework the ui to do so. Now that the I got reworked could we get all stuff available? Except seasonal stuff maybe like winters day finisher etc.

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