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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @"AegisRunestone.8672" said:

> I suggested this in the old forums:


> **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass:** Takes you back to Lion's Arch before Scarlet destroyed it. Since it has the Forge, all crafting stations, etc. it would be a perfect pass.


**This!** Old Lions Arch pass! Maybe make the edges of the map dip off into the mists instead of being blocked by cliffs because that might explain why we are in a different point of time.

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Please bring Sworn Zaishen Helm back! I unfortunately missed it due to being inactive for a long period of time while playing Guild Wars 1 again for Hall of Monument achievements.


I would gladly drop 100 keys if I had to for the helm. It is the final piece of a fashion wars idea that I have.


Thank you kindly if this suggestion becomes a reality. I also believe it is coming up to the 1 year anniversary of it's release, maybe that can be a deciding factor :)

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Advanced Home Portal Stone - while normal version teleporting you to your race-based home, advanced version will allow you to choose which home location you want to go.

Asuran Mobile Butter Production Station - home node that provides 1-2 Stick(s) of Butter once a day.

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This isn't technically gem store stuff, but it's related to it anyway!

Could we have the Feathers of the Zephyr Package available through the Black Lion Statuettes again, please? :)

Missed it before and I've finally got enough statuettes collected to buy it. My Dwayna cosplay character desperately needs it. :#

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I could kill someone if it meant that I could get some more demonic items in the gem store; The abbadon mask was nice but I mean it would be cool to get some really demon esq stuff.





Something akin to these, I know we have a skin kind of like this but it is not that great, I kind of want to see a new one made with the styles they have now. It would be so much cooler and Id love to have some partical effects on it. They could make it more bestial if they wanted more of a diablo esq demon but Id love to see and have the ability to really embrace mallyxs dark power as a legitament demon.

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