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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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**Color Gradient Dyes/Glowing Dyes**

Dyes that have multiple colors or different gradients ([example](https://www.xmple.com/wallpaper/orange-gradient-linear-purple-1920x1080-c2-ff4500-9932cc-a-120-f-14.svg "example")). _Potentially_ dyes that make your armor glow brighter or have different patterns (camo, etc.) Would be a great customization option

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> @"spectress.8354" said:

> I've been thinking these things for a while, so this is nothing more than my flight of fancy but it would be nice to see these things in the gemstore someday:

> * Formal military uniform/dress uniform (outfit): we already have special armors and weapons for the three orders, I think it would be nice if we have dress uniforms as well, it could even have capes or those fancy peaked cap (just don't make the characters bald please) or draw elements from the three orders or based on Pact aesthetic.

> * Summer clothes / swimsuits (outfit): I've been dying for these to come out ever since I saw Kasmeer in her swimsuit, this outfit would have each races have their unique style as well! (I think I saw the fanart/concept of those said outfits on twitter), it would be nice if there's a special summer event going on in Southsun as well to go along with it.

> * SAB themed mount skins

> * Racial themed mount skins

> * How to Dance, Volume 2

> * Library or bookshelves in home instance where the players could store their books or gizmos (like Parables of the Gods, Memory of Vlasts, etc), would be nice if the players could view special cutscenes that's been unlocked in their personal stories/living stories.


> Other than that, I was hoping for Rampart, Strider, and Incarnate armor to come back to the gemstore.


Yeah, I swear I need to start a summer campaign lol definitely agree with the summer stuff....




I’m just gonna leave this right here ;P

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I don't know if that has been asked before, but I would love to have more female noble outfits. Not that the one already existing is ugly, just that to me, it really looks unpractical and I feel claustrophobic just looking at it. It bothers me that my character wouldn't be able to run in that kind of dress.

I really love those two dresses the non-playable noblewomen wear and I would definitely buy them as outfits for my guardian. She's a noblewoman and it's a bit of a shame that she never gets to simply relax around in a beautiful gown. ;)

(this one:) ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Fianna.jpg "")

(and this one:) ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Human_female_14.jpg "")


I also would love more skins for quivers. I recently made the Bower's Delight quiver and love it, but while it looks amazing on norns and humans, it doesn't go well with my sylvaris who are dressed in cultural armors. I would love to be able to buy a sylvari-themed quiver skin, or to make it in the mystic forge. I love the design of the Fire Quiver: it's slim and elegant. The problem with Rox's Quiver or the Bower's Delight, apart from the fact that they are not sylvari-themed, is that they are too big and clip easily with the armor, while the Fire Quiver does not. The Fire Quiver has the perfect shape and I would love to have a sylvari-themed quiver in that shape, only with leaves instead of fire. Not something too obnoxious, but an elegant leafy quiver that would easily blend in with sylvari cultural armor.

![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/e1/Fire_Quiver_Backpack.jpg/162px-Fire_Quiver_Backpack.jpg "")


And since I'm talking about backpacks, I'd love to have one like the one we get when we carry around Glint's egg.


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Hello! I'm a mount addict, and I've had some random ideas float through my head that folks have suggested I share here. I'll list out the ideas I've had below. :smile:


Beetle Mounts:

Christmas ornament beetle skin, with tinsel/garland for reins

Halloween jack-o-lantern beetle skin, with pumpkin vines for reins

Winter snow globe beetle skin, the inside of the body looks like the Wintersday snow globes on weapons


Griffon Mounts:

A plush griffon skin, like the little toys but riding size!


Underwater Mounts:

Two Quaggans that pull you, one seaweed vine attached to each

An underwater bubble, like the gliding skin but mount speed!


General Mount Collections:

Pinata mounts that burst into confetti when you dismount

Bifrost effect mounts that have a shifting rainbow effect and leave behind pools of sparkly rainbow glitter

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