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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Gem Store item - metal jaw/chin armor 1 or 2 dye channel max (similar to charr dreadnought head piece but a tinny bit bulkier)

For fierce looks


Edit: or make it part of a new head option for charr (A metal jaw... that would be insanely cool now that I think of it)

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**_Please bring back the Arctic Explorers Outfit ! _**

NEW : I second the above suggestions : for Pajamas and a yawning emote.

Could I get a novelty that is kinda like the Bouquet of Roses -- but have it be a steaming cup of coffee or cocoa comes out for me to hold and/or drink ?

Also , I second for the Umbrella Glider like Mary Poppins style or an umbrella as a Novelty Item.

Lastly a Snowball Launcher type gun , for fun , though a weapon might be a great idea ? Please - with maybe AIr Nerf gun sounds and will function in Costume Brawl ?? Maybe could have the similar animations to the pop gun that throws the birthday cakes ?


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