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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Anet I could see your outfit sales going up of you would just make the Winters Presence and Night Fury skins into infusions or allow the effects over an outfit. I myself would love to buy the Aura outfit but after putting so much money into WP I refuse to cover it up with an outfit :(. Many people have been begging for this for awhile.

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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> Hello all,

> When was the last time the Fallen Balthazar outfit was avaible at gem store?


> I wish ANet could make it available soon, it is one the best looking outfits in the game.


> Thanks and best regards.


[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest")

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I’m a new player with Heavy Armor and all this armors is beautiful but I was seeing styles in Guild Wars 2 Styles and I saw a Phalanx Armor and I’m really in love with that, I need this please and I have sure that many others players who did not have chance to buy want this too.


So... please of sweet kiss with taste of creamcheese? ❤️

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Was recently looking through outfits, and don't find any I would like to buy :confounded: I'm kinda hard to satisfy in term of looks: :persevere:

I love things related to sciences and to the steampunk theme, BUT: Already have aetherblade medium which is awesome by the way, but what I'm thinking of is one in the style of mad scientist, less charged without the fly-look headgear -> More like a regular lab coat, with some gears / electric devices on it, like a real scientist:




From left to right: -A game concept art, already covered by aetherblades medium outfit so okay.

-A design from a deviant-artist very nice very close to what I would like.

-A character designed and I drew by myself, a design I like a lot, actually in the style of the middle art.


-> They are light only using some tissues no heavy plates covering the whole, have the shape of a coat/lab coat, you feel an energetic/mechanic aspect in them. :D


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Oh oh Oh OH! How about Scholar Harvesting tools. Books that look like a bunch of moths that cut down trees, and a BIG BOOK that you can wack on top of mining nodes to crush them, and a book that opens up then digs up all those plant nodes. On a personal note, kittah would like a Yarn Ball. He doesn't care what it does. He just wants one.

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> @"Ivory.1635" said:

> Would love to see a Choya roller beetle skin!


To add on to this, would of loved a snowball skin for Wintersday... or even a pumpkin for Mad King (maybe even the blood moon! LOL that'd be entertaining)!




On additional note, I really love the new Staff of Fortune skin, and would love to see an entire weapon line for it. Something about the Chinese/Korean spin on armor/weapons is appealing to me (although, that piggy is absolutely adorable, too)!

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