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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @"Belquerst.9783" said:

> Etherbound items, please! I only got Pauldrons and want the whole set!


> Also more Skyscale skins, please. The best ingame mount but skins in game are meh :/


I would have liked to get the branded and awaken skins for skyscale and warclaw, to match my other mounts; but instead had to get the bull horned for skyscale, which is like you said "meh".

All it changes is the horns shape and adds 2 more colours.


The thing is that branded is included in a skin pack, which was only available once in Gem Store.


The new horizons skinpack offer 5 random ones for 1000 gems, but you could get anything; and have you seen the majority of skins?


I tried to get random skins twice before and got 2 skimmer skins that I never use.

What a waste of gems.


So yeah, more skyscale and warclaw skins at a reasonable price would be nice.

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> @"Marcelo.4210" said:

> > @"Regh.8649" said:

> > winter is coming, we might need a bonfire (novelty)


> Imagine a "chair" Novelty, with a bonfire where players can also sit with you! Like a "Minicamp" thing! That would be awsome!


I'd love a campfire surrounded by logs (chairs). And others can sit on it once deployed!


I can see several versions of this. A campfire for out and about, or a table with chairs around it for in town. Or a pile of rocks. all with some central thing to sit around. It could either be 3 or 4 different deployable toys or just one that changers skins to match your surroundings.

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Would like to request the **Venom Warblade**, or even better, the **Black Lion Weapon Vouchers** pretty please.

Made a character recently that I'd really love the Venom Warblade for but sadly I didn't have the foresight to purchase the last time it/the weapon vouchers were available. The next time the weapon vouchers are available I plan to grab an extra so I don't run into the same situation again.

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I would like the deverish scythe to have a greatsword version in addition to the staff. A reaper should have a scythe. It is why i only bought the clothing and not the pack as i couldn't use the scythe skin.


Please fix the glyph of reaping so that you can use in someone else's home instance. you disabled it entirely instead of just blocking the capture of the ascended plants which is the reason you disabled it in the first place. Another update and still hasn't been fixed.

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> @"Eloh.8604" said:

> > @"Aerick Blackmoore.8167" said:

> > > @"Aerick Blackmoore.8167" said:

> > > > @"Aerick Blackmoore.8167" said:

> > > > Witht he upcoming release of the Icebrood Saga we 'need' the Svanir Gauntlets to return !

> > >

> > > Did I say need, i meant manditory ;)

> >

> > To further clarify, the Bound by Blood Prologue reintroduced the Flame Legion so 'Pyre Gloves' should return too !

> >

> > Jormag being the big bad this Saga, Sons of 'Svanir Gauntlets' are really really needed to return Anet! ;)


> yes we need pyre gloves pls


Here, Anet, this guy,...right here, he gets it!


With obviously the addition of Svanir Gauntlets. :)

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My wish List:

* I would really like if the recent Newer mounts (Roller Beetle, Warclaw and Skyscales) got added to the Combo Skin packs Set instead of buying them individually. I know they are newer and kinda unique...but man I just love does combo set for whatever theme your going with your character! They so cool and beautifully made! I love collecting does sets but those 3 feel so left out... comepare to the original Mounts of Path of Fire!.


* Job Specific quest or Order quests from the Living World Maps that lets you unlock: Mount Skins, Gathering tools Skins, Gliders Skins etc... all related to your specific job...even adding a summoning animation depending on your job or Order...


Example: A Necromancer Rewards skins for mounts:

_Springer_ looks like a **Bone Minion**

_Skimmer_ can look like a **Blood Fiend**

_Raptor_ can look like a **Flesh Golem**

_Jackal_ can look like a **Bone Fiend**

_Roller Beetle_ can look like a **Flesh Worm**

_Griphon_ can look like a **Shadow Fiend**

_Skyscales_ can look like **Shadow Behemoth**

_Warclaw_ can look like **Aatxe**

And well you get the idea...


**NOTE:** I am aware that there are many skins in the Gem Store to Cover this Job specific skins looks but I just wish it be an extra reward for Living World and also expand a bit on our own Jobs with a simple quest to unlock the power too summon such things depending on our jobs, it will also add replay value to such map areas. Or maybe even open up some of the Raid Maps with a personal story for us to explore and unlock such skins...


* Now that we have Dragon Mounts in the form of Skyscales... Why not add skins to the Gem Store with the likeness of the Elder Dragons! Imagine a Skycale that looks like a miniature Zhaitan, Primordus, Jormag, Kralkatorrik, Mordremoth and even maybe "The mysterious Undersea Dragon" code name: Bubble! lol

* And for does who love does World Bosses maybe add a rare drop of a Mount skin that resembles that Boss? Like a Hydra Raptor or Skyscale Sunless?


Yeah I know one can only dream and most if not all ideas will be part of the Gem Store but I just wanted to put it out there because I love GW2 approach to gliding Mounts and how you can customize them them... so though it be nice to have other areas where to get this additionally from the store by doing content. :)

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I'm sure this has been suggested many times before, but different types of backpieces. It seems like almost every new backpiece added to the gem store lately is some variation of wings. I'd really like to see some shields, whether currently existing weapon shield skins or entirely new ones. Capes/cloaks would obviously be good, but that's been beaten to death repeatedly. Different styles of tomes with unique colors and engravings, perhaps some tasteful particle effects. Another cool idea would be something similar to the first tier scribe backpack, except a bit larger with more detail and engravings. Basically, a container holding scrolls hanging from the characters back.

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