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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @Samarak.7519 said:

> I'm really hoping you are planning on having mount skins like you have glider skins. I can't see why you would pass up the opportunity, but just in case you need some encouragement....here it is.


One type of mount skin I'd really like to see is a branded griffon...they are SO cool looking, and I want my griffon mount to look like that!

Also, I'd like to see mount skins with more dye slots, or fully dye-able.

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New Mail Carriers: The bird mail carriers make a pitchy chime sound when mail is delivered, which I find unpleasant. But there are only so many other alternatives available (I usually stick with the seed pod or anniversary carrier) that I started thinking of possible options for new carriers that didn't have the "bird problem":


1. Butterfly swarm — butterflies descend in a spiraling motion above the player. No strong chime or ding, but instead a more subtle sound (fluttering of wings or something?). The butterflies on the Grove Hydria back piece in-game could be a reference.

2. Holographic Aurene – similar to when she projects herself in the open world to the player character. She could appear, bound around the player’s feet, and then vanish.

3. A herd of cats – it’s on theme! A small group of cats scramble past the player, while one stops to either lick its paw, or roll on its back as the mail is delivered. The delivery sound can be the same mew of the home instance cats. The message itself can be delivered by a small ball of yarn uncoiling as it flies up toward the player, or something.


There is unlimited potential: an undead hand springing up from the ground, a mail golem (a la M.O.X.), a sylvan or krytan hound, mail-o-tron, aspects of the human gods (maybe?), an exploding bloodstone fragment, ley-line anomaly/coalescence, mini pact zepplin, an Awakened sentry, Choya Pinata, Choya herd, any choya, etc.

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> @Thanatostasis.4562 said:

> > @Rognik.2579 said:

> > Not sure if this'd be practical or even possible, but different underwear/swimsuit for the characters? Not sure if it'd get much use (at least for the right purposes), but it would be a natural extension of the Fashion Wars 2.


> You might want to jump on the bandwagon with me and others suggesting underwear and swimsuits, I've suggested also tights/pantyhose in dyeable layers two cosmetic slots one for tights and other for sockings/stocks layerable, opacity slider and purchaseable patterns, for stockings purchasable options for suspenders, lace tops, etc... patterns interchangeable between both, since they're easy to do and there are so many tights to take inspiration from I see a good niche, same goes for underwear and swimwear... Aspects so neglected... I have made a full post detailing my suggestion on page 14 in case you want to know more and give me your opinion on wether you see it feasible.


I've been thinking the same thing! I'm annoyed by having dull yellow undergarments, for one, and further it seems weird that if I go to a beach or whatever my character is just wearing lacy underwear. It's not necessary, and not that important, but that kind of makes it perfect for the gemstore. I'd love to either change the color of my character's undergarments, or to have options for bathing suits/bikinis/etc (or both!)


BDO incorporated undergarments as a part of armor, with stat buffs and whatnot - which I _wouldn't_ want Anet to do, but it demonstrates that people were still interested in getting to choose the design they used, and the color, etc. beyond the stat buffs -- so I think this could work here.

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> @NazzyDragon.9127 said:

> Mount skins.


> Dragon skin for griffon. At the least.

> Would sell like hotcakes.


I don't mind mount skins that subtly change the existing model of the mount (armored raptor, different patterns/color channels, different interpretations of the species - pocket raptor model, etc.) but I highly doubt they'd start offering different species for existing mounts, especially considering all of them are tied to story. If I got a springer from the springer farm, collecting carrots, etc. -- it wouldn't make sense if it was suddenly reskinned as a Kangaroo. I'd actually be disappointed if I could reskin my raptor as a horse, as opposed to just getting a Tyrian Stallion mount or something in-game.

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How about a way to return an item? Many times, the application in game of an item that looks great in preview just doesn't translate. If I buy a set of wings, for instance, and they look horrible in the world, I would happily return them. No harm no foul, just return them for what I paid for them


Consumable items such as boosts, permanent mining/gathering tools, story packs, and dyes shouldn't be returnable, and there should definitely be a time limit such as 24 hours, but durable goods such as outfits and skins could easily be returned and removed from one's wardrobe.


Just a thought...

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Hi all,

I would like to go with a question (or a plea) and suggestion in this topic.


First, my question is quite simple - is it possible we can get Sohothin as it is in PoF (effects and HQ textures) as buyable skin on TP store. In my personal opinion im quite ready to go 5k gems for this skin and never look back. It is by fora, for me at least, best looking skin/effects, weapon made in GW2 so far. Not even one of legi weapons comes close to its design.


Second, well, looking what you did with Sohothin in PoF story, i started thinking about Masteries. For me one of major disappointments on warrior side, spellbreaker, is fact it uses daggers as weapons. animations for it look like really slow mo thief. But what if , instead of daggers , we got mastery that actually changed weapons we use , toward something else ? I imagined using sword / torch for example as power weapon, skill facts changed toward power dmg, blinds for example , even keeping old animations , or making GS skills work as condi :O. for me this would mean i can go play my warrior with completely different set of skills but using same looks.

I so wish that i can use my sword / sword set as power dps build , and that could go with some skill fact changes :O.



Sorry i hate spellbreaker and daggers on war but its just my opinion of it :/.


Thanks for reading .



$$$ ready waiting for that 5-10k gems skin of Sohothin. Love you !


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> @caveman.5840 said:

> i would like a feature to pre-order items that are not for sale currently in the gem store , I am dieing for the shadow assassin outfit and don't want to miss it when it goes back up for sale


Perhaps there could be a right-click option on items in the Wardrobe that would "vote" to bring back a certain thing, and then ANet could tally those and see which are in demand. Wouldn't that make the company some money in gem sales? Of course there'd have to be a limit of one vote per item per account, but it seems like that could work. There are a few things I feel like I've been waiting forever for, or have missed their return.

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1 - Fiery dragon Sword exists, it is a HoM exclusive, the new effects are exclusive to story, like Marjory's GS Spirit effect.

2 - I would love sword to have a flip over trait that makes it Power, like removes the bleed, but adds vuln + damage. then Final thrust wouldn't feel so strange on a "Condi" weapon.

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1 of the things that I could not understand is the price of utilities. 1 particular that gets me is sigil/rune removing tool. Costs about 60 gold in gems per one and most expensive rune or sigil is under 15g. Whats the point of it when you can replace them cheaper by buying new one and placing it over old one. I would love to use those tools and utilities but few items on BL trading company need some rework in prices.

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I'd like to see the Katana-type skins that are already in the game as Tengu weapons added as gemstore skins, Belinda's Greatsword already exists so the 1h and Dagger would round out the collection. They are great skins, realistic without flash and they would sell like HoT-cakes!


Katana: [&AgGADQEAAA==]

Dagger: [&AgFcDgEAAA==]


![](http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/gw2-hot-weapons.jpg "")


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I finished PoF yesterday, and discovered most of the maps and NPCs and I kept saying "I want this NPC's clothes!!" -- I know I posted this before but I want to say it again, as a roleplayer I would like to have more options to dress up my characters for the appropriate RP they are doing.


Please give us **Common Clothing Bundles** through gem store. We already know these are in game, worn by NPCs and they could change according to the male/female model that was picked by the players;


* **Kryta Nobles Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 aristocratic Human wear used by NPCs.

* **Kryta Commoners Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 commoner Human wear used by NPCs.

* **Kryta Spiritual Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 Human wear used by Priest/Priestess NPCs.


* **Sylvari Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 Sylvari wear used by NPCs (Sylvari Mentors included), could be separated into two bundles as "Dreamer" and "Nightmare." There is already a serious lack of sylvari-shaped-home-grown-looking gear for Sylvari.


* **Charr Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 Charr wear used by NPCs, I cannot detail this one because I have very little knowledge over Charr attires. Perhaps it can be separated into bundles named by their legions?

* **Asura Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 Asura wear used by NPCs.

* **Norn Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 Norn wear used by NPCs.



And of course for PoF;


* **Elona Royals/Nobles Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 aristocratic Elonian wear used by NPCs.

* **Elona Commoners/Refrugees Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 commoner/refrugee Elonian wear used by NPCs.

* **Elona Spiritual Edition** — Includes 5 to 10 Elonian wear used by Priest/Priestess NPCs.


Sunspear outfits are great, but they are the only set we have for Elonian characters we are RPing, and rest of the clothing the human characters can wear is to Krytian compared to Elona. It would be even better if we could mix-match these but that might create trouble due to light/medium/heavy skin limitation, so I'd prefer to see these as Outfit options (unless an 'Adaptive Gear Skin' option is on the make).



PS.: I gave the 5 to 10 numbers as an example, I am fairly sure Sylvari doesn't even have NPCs wearing 10 different common clothing...

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