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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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> @"Nathan Dragonslayer.4089" said:

> I still would like to see a keychain for like the 500 different keys that are sitting in my inventory. Also, it should be account wide so that you can just let it sit in a shared inventory slot for all characters to use.


This. Take my money now. Please.


It would also be nice to have the ability to add permanent lounge passes to a travel book, similar to the Living World Portal Tome (or even better, to the Living World Portal Tome - extra shared slot goodness).

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HI there, I am new here on the Forums but have been playing GW2 for a little while now and was wondering if there is more than just the Red and Green Glowing Eyes that has been in the GEM Stores as these are the only glowing eyes apart from the Blood-stone Eyes that I have as I have not seen any other Glowing Eyes apart from that.


I would like to see a variety of Glowing Eyes and Maybe Hats that include Glowing Eyes too Like a Top Hat with Eyes with Different Colors. Maybe a Glowing Eyes that can be Dyed with the Colors you want.


Here is another few Ideas.


Clothes with Buttons and Stripes that Glow with the Dye that you choose. Another Words you have a Glowing Dye ONLY Slot which will effect certain parts of that Cloth Item like maybe the Glow Slot will effect the Buttons Only or Stripes or the Main Cloth itself. And that will be the same for Pants, Shoes ,,,etc


Clothes that Glow with Animation like you may have done with Weapons already all in the Detail.


I am only thinking of this as I am currently Playing with my Elemental ALT and because of recent Spellweaver Elite Specs just to see more twinkly and glowy shiny stuff would be more awesome than ever lol.


It just and Idea so if I see these in Gem Store this would be so Awesome and would definitely like to see.

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> @kguruax.8045 said:

> HI there, I am new here on the Forums but have been playing GW2 for a little while now and was wondering if there is more than just the Red and Green Glowing Eyes that has been in the GEM Stores as these are the only glowing eyes apart from the Blood-stone Eyes that I have as I have not seen any other Glowing Eyes apart from that.


> I would like to see a variety of Glowing Eyes and Maybe Hats that include Glowing Eyes too Like a Top Hat with Eyes with Different Colors. Maybe a Glowing Eyes that can be Dyed with the Colors you want.


> Here is another few Ideas.


> Clothes with Buttons and Stripes that Glow with the Dye that you choose. Another Words you have a Glowing Dye ONLY Slot which will effect certain parts of that Cloth Item like maybe the Glow Slot will effect the Buttons Only or Stripes or the Main Cloth itself. And that will be the same for Pants, Shoes ,,,etc


> Clothes that Glow with Animation like you may have done with Weapons already all in the Detail.


> I am only thinking of this as I am currently Playing with my Elemental ALT and because of recent Spellweaver Elite Specs just to see more twinkly and glowy shiny stuff would be more awesome than ever lol.


> It just and Idea so if I see these in Gem Store this would be so Awesome and would definitely like to see.


They have a blue glowing eye mask as well: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glint%27s_Gaze_Mask

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> @kguruax.8045 said:

> HI there, I am new here on the Forums but have been playing GW2 for a little while now and was wondering if there is more than just the Red and Green Glowing Eyes that has been in the GEM Stores as these are the only glowing eyes apart from the Blood-stone Eyes that I have as I have not seen any other Glowing Eyes apart from that.


> I would like to see a variety of Glowing Eyes and Maybe Hats that include Glowing Eyes too Like a Top Hat with Eyes with Different Colors. Maybe a Glowing Eyes that can be Dyed with the Colors you want.


Aside from the blue eyes from Glint's Gaze mask, there's also the Phantom Hood which gives you glowing eyes and a shaded hood - but that's not exactly what you asked for though.

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Also, I'd love to see the cat ears return.


I would also love to see some sort of circlet skin. Not a crown, a circlet or diadem. I'd love a circlet or diadem skin for headgear. :)


> @godofcows.2451 said:

> pls consider queing in merciless weapon skins again. they're kinda running low in stock in tp. Either that or maybe you have something similar in style in the future. Or heck, i'd say it even if it's so niche, Katana-ish skins for various weapons pls.


I second katana skins!

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Please, PLEASE. MORE CUSTOMIZATION. NOT JUST COLOR CHANGES. New faces, new eyes, new horns for Charr, longer hairstyles that don't look goofy on Asura! Thorny arms for Sylvari, tattoos for humans! There's so many possibilities and there's been TWO expansions, and I've only seen different hairstyles! One of which were race restricted! PLEASE Anet, let us customize more!!!!

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> @Jayne.4916 said:

> i don't know bout anyone else but i'd love to have hair that chn have two colours... like parts/chunks be coloured by the "accessory" colour area... would give that more love to :o!


Well there is 1 since recently so Its probably possible to get more of those :)


(well I know at least 1 in the human female set. its towards the end and you can get it straight from character creation.)

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Ugh, every time I see the gemstore updates thread, I'm continuously disappointed...they're removing sets that have been in the store forever, but they're not adding the ones back in that I want! Instead the ones they are putting back in are literally the worst...in my opinion. Bring back Strider's and Primeval and you have instant buys from me (there's a couple parts of these I really want to use for a couple of my character's looks). :anguished:

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I'd like to see the Foefire boots skin finally get put in since _**they've been in the database for weeks now**_. Also, I think it would be fun to have a truly shadow armor set of every weight/outfit with similar effects as the Liadri mini, and I have seen more than enough "PG13 ish" armors/outfits on female characters and it's high time the male character's get some equality in this market.

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