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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Offer the Infinite Unbound magic gathering tools separately as well as the bundle. Also bundle the other "similar types" together too for that 2700gems Like for example the flute ones. Personally i have the watchwork pick, and i have a spare infinite pick already, but would love to get the logging and harvesting one. But since you only offer it as a bundle i'd just be wasting hard earned gems for a mining pick i won't be using and cannot gift it either, which just makes it a waste of such a good pick

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> @"Odin the exiled.5764" said:

> Offer the Infinite Unbound magic gathering tools separately as well as the bundle. Also bundle the other "similar types" together too for that 2700gems Like for example the flute ones. Personally i have the watchwork pick, and i have a spare infinite pick already, but would love to get the logging and harvesting one. But since you only offer it as a bundle i'd just be wasting hard earned gems for a mining pick i won't be using and cannot gift it either, which just makes it a waste of such a good pick


Same for me.

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I love the Awakened Zealot Outfit, BUT as long as it has got these ugly long footnails, I am not going to get these.

Maybe it would be possible, to add the possibility, to turn off single armor parts of an outfit (like in this case the boots), to overwrite them with your current equipment part (the appearance).

Or just give this outfit simple nice flat boots, without ugly toenails.

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I would love to see mount skins as well as a glider/ back skin combo based around the concept of Oxidecimus the shadow raven, link for reference https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Oxidecimus_the_Shadow_Raven.

Shadow raven wings for a glider/back skin combo would be epic . Not too sure how it may work as a mount skin, but if done right it could be just as epic.


Would also be cool to see mount skins themed around each class, the human gods, and the dragons (dragon minion theme).

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I would like some kind of "revive animation skins" for when reviving another player. This could be for example, turning it into a prayer animation with some holy light effects, some healing plant tendrils for a Sylvari theme, perhaps more simple ones like fiery/dark/frosty auras coming from hands. I think this would be a nice additional item to the store that WvW players would enjoy.

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# Purchasable Emotes


This was an amazing part of Lord of the Rings Online that I highly recommend as a member of the role-playing community. To add some context, a single emote might cost around 200 Turbine Points in their microtransaction store. You can buy 600 Turbine Points for $7.99 USD so it averages out to around $2-3/emote. In LOTRO, emotes are not unlocked account-wide but I see no reason why they shouldn't be if implemented in Guild Wars 2. Here is a list of [LOTRO Store Exclusive Emotes](https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Emote#LOTRO_Store_Exclusive_Emotes "LOTRO Store Exclusive Emotes") to consider.


While the Lotro Wiki page doesn't show screenshots of the emotes being performed, each emote from the Lotro Store is acted out by the character in-game which makes them useful role-playing tools. This also opens the door for special emotes acquired through in-game achievements where being able to perform that animation could be considered a prestigious reward, thus adding another type of incentive to the achievements page.


If emotes were added to GW2, I would be willing to pay the same amount: $2-3 per emote on average.

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A bit too long of a thread to read every post here, so I'll throw out a few thoughts and if anyone already mentioned them, consider that me seconding the suggestion.


* Another How to Dance book. I have vol 1 from ages ago and I love it. Would love more, especially if you can condense the books into 1 slot by using the weapon skillslots, or with a menu asking which volume to open. Not like you can be in combat with it active anyway.

* I've seen a lot of folks asking for bikini outfits. I think that could be done a more entertaining way. Gem store underwear. Dyeable alternate versions of the nude clothes. The non charr characters are already wearing something akin to swimwear when nude, why not make it customizable? I would love it if my main charr could ditch that odd looking chestwrap that does not actually cover anything at the very least. It's odd that my skallywag chest has her exposing her chest for all to see in fine berzerker tradition, but take that off and she feels she needs to cover herself with a ratty looking cloth that isn't even on the model to block the view of anything.

* More emotes.

* Alternate voices. Even if just outside story. I think the current voice actors do great work, and I love the charr female voice, I think Kate Miller did an awesome job doing a female voice that I can legitimately believe is coming out something as big and tough as a charr. And she is singlehandedly the reason why my main is a fem charr, But I have more than 2 charr characters(I love the race conceptually) and It would be nice if I could have a different voice to differentiate.

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> @Hecatoncheirs.4760 said:

> 1. baby goat mini

> 2. plague doctor outfit

> 3. laboratory jacket (not like mad scientist outfit; I'd much prefer one that looks like lab gear & without all the extra junk)

> 4. clown outfit

> 5. cultist robes, not themed to a particular deity.. just good ol' simple, spooky hooded robes


I love the plague doctor outfit, genius idea

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A few suggestions:

- A stable for mounts in the Home Instance (like HoM ;) )

- An unlockable armory in the Home Instance for Legendary weapons and armor/backpack skins (like HoM :D )

- A tool, "slot" or an item with the ability to save and later restore the dye settings on your armor/outfit/mount.

- Unlockable aura selection slot in the wardrobe

- A portal tome for the portal passes (Captain's airship pass, etc), like the [Portal Tome](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_Portal_Tome "Portal Tome")

- Forum avatar unlock which can unlock your actual character's actual portrait on the forum for your account (no brainer me think ;) )


Thats all. For now :)


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Here is an idea I just thought of today:

The ability to unlock an "outfit" for a full armor set.



Sell an item similar to a transmutation charge but with the following use:

1. When activated, the item shows a list of full armor sets the player has unlocked (e.g. human cultural tier 2, warbeast, vigil heavy, etc.)

2. After selecting one of the armor sets, an outfit is unlocked in the wardrobe that encompasses that full armor set.

3. The player can then use that full set as an outfit.

4. The item is consumed once the armor set is selected and finalized.

5. Sell the item for 800-1000 gems. This is more expensive than a regular outfit but allows the player to create additional outfits for full armor sets they like.


An additional idea I have posted before but bears repeating:

Style slots:

1. Add a style/appearance slot next to each piece of equipment that is visible on the character.

2. Transmutation charges are required to change the style slot.

3. Equipping different armor/weapons/back has no effect on the style slot.


I.E.: Add a way to retain skin appearance when equipping a new set of equipment!

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