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Everything posted by Samug.6512

  1. If you are referring to this image: https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/03ce6SkrittWeapon.jpg It's just a guardian in the Mad Scientist Outfit: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mad_Scientist_Outfit Sorry for killing your hype... Edit: besides, ANet is able to make an NPC wield anything, anywhere, they confirmed it a long time ago on GW2's Reddit AMA. Don't dig into random out-of-context screens coz they mean nothing.
  2. > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said: > > @"rrusse.7058" said: > > While I am on the same page as @"Tony.8659" , the main concern here is why isn't Arenanet drawing more attention to the current update? > > > I want to touch on this note quickly to say that you're absolutely right. That's on us, and you're going to start seeing communication about these faction updates on our channels in all of our supported languages. > > communication? you guys still do that?
  3. > @"Noah Salazar.5430" said: > We actualy have: > Holo-> Dps > Scrapper->Bruiser(tanky dps)/healer > How is scrapper a healer?
  4. I don't get the point of this whole discussion. A little floating orb, 4-legged creature or a floating fire monster, they all use the same algorithms to follow a player around, choose their pathing or the target. And those are simply bad. We don't have direct control over them, we cant rely on them, just give us a spec that doesn't have those, case closed.
  5. I hate it: 1. Scrapper already is heavily steampunk-themed. 2. Oh nu another minions specs go away 3. Even ANet admitted minions are dumb and reworked Scrapper, thankfully so. 4. "hop into a golem" is basically a worse version of Holosmith 5. If I understand correctly, this spec relies on picking something up from the ground? Well I would like to remind you this also is a mechanic that already exists and nobody uses - on revanent (most people are not even aware it's there...) and engi (again thankfully, on engi it is present only on one trait and F5 on core, situational at best) - also, was on medkit, nobody used it, medkit got reworked, now it's meta for support engi. 6. Another power spec on engi, it would add lots of variety to all engi builds... This spec has literally everything I would like **NOT** to see added to the game
  6. There's gonna be no more balances, the meta is perfect. /s
  7. So on engi we have a hard split. We have turrets that are absolutely useless, except healing turret (place down, wait for the burst and either explode or pick up for faster cd, nobody would just leave it there so it pulses or whatever, so it's not even being used as a turret), we also have gadgets that are useless with exceptions of some borderline cases like "throw mine". Turrets just need to be removed from the game and replaced with something similar, akin to thief's traps got. Gadgets I could see being useful after some tweaks to both the skills and related traits (right now it's just grandmaster trait in tools, so requires a very heavy commitment for very medicore skills). On the other hand we have elixirs, having an entire traitline commited to them, each one of them with very clear purpose, relatively low cd, decent effect. Engineer also has kits in their arsenal, another unique skill type that was given to compensate the lack of weapon swap. Each its similarily to elixirs has a relatively clear purpose and all kits present a universal arsenal, maybe lack a specific "condi" kit. Another flaw is kits' traits are all over the place, but then again kits are quite well enough without traits. Exceed on holo is yet another unique skill type, and ever more so, they don't have an associated trait. ANet explained the heat mechanic acts as a trait itself thus there's no need for that, IMO this is a mistake and each Exceed skill should get a >100 heat effect, making Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit into trait associated with this skill type. And finally gyr... excuse me, wells on scrapper, quite (pun intended) well (re)designed skills that even go nicely with an associated Rune of the Chronomancer, can be buffed via traits and similarily to elixirs offer a wide variety of effects, for me the weakest link being probably the healing gyro.
  8. > @"Kharrus.6015" said: > Engineer - Golemancer (Staff) > New skill type: Minion When will people get the hint. Nobody. Wants. AI. Specs.
  9. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said: > > > @"Mil.3562" said: > > > > @"juno.1840" said: > > > > > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said: > > > > > Especially since many Scrapper cleanse- and heal-skills don't apply boons you can overcleanse effectively, meaning you can support multiple groups. That's why you usually need only 1-2 scrappers per 15 people. > > > > > > > > Purity of Purpose turns those condis into boons (at least until ANet nerfs it, which I heard is in the works). That makes scrappers indirect boon-bots. There are almost always conditions going down. My favorite is chill (for alacrity) and burn (for aegis). > > > > > > > > > > Is this true that ANet is going to nerf Purity of Purpose? Heard from what source? The only reason why healing Scrapper is still a thing in WvW is because of PoP. You nerf that to the ground (knowing ANet always throw out high handed nerfs) and with Tempest 10 allies buff taken away in WvW too, all we have left in WvW is FBs as support. The King of support will soon be God. > > > > If they nerf it, it would be a rare sensible balance change in a while. PoP is OP - slap a cooldown on it or smth. This will make more room for tempests / shout wars that have good cleansing and heal, and offer utility on top of it. > Of course they are going to nerf it. Because Purity Of Purpose. > > Lets just ignore the fact that the *scrapper* is the meta. Not core (or holo). If F5 on supply crate also gave AoE stability I'd be very happy to try core support instead of scrapper. Tools instead of Scrapper with Elixir B, maybe elixir R, or Mine for blasts, boonstrip&CC. Could even go HGH and Elixir C. Instead we'r stuck with this weird bruiser spec that is supposed to deal damage to survive, that also happens to be one of the best supports in the game...
  10. 2012-2013, long stalemates in the jumping puzzles back when Obsidian Sanctum was popular. Falling back to a next choke point, pushing the enemies back, temporary alliances to punish the dominating side, building ACs to assert dominance, catas for a knock-back. Using the fountains to sneak past the enemies. Wish OS had some high-risk-high-reward objective at the end so people start going there again...
  11. Skill2 is amazing if you manage to hit somebody point blank, so that all of the "healing packets" hit one ally right in front of you. I use it as a spike heal, if somebody is particularly low, as 5*1.2k = 6k hp, which is more then some other healing skills. That said, I do think it's very wonky to use and hard land properly, I definitely don't rely on it to keep somebody alive, especially that people's moves are usually very erratic and hard to predict. Just stand directly behind a person, hope they won't dodge-roll suddenly and use the skill. Even if only 3 packets hit it's still 3.6k hp which is huge. I think this skill looks like it looks ("bandages") as a tribute to how medkit looked like for the first 4-5 years, when it literally dropped bandage packs you (or an ally) had to walk over to 'pick them up', akin to current rev's healing orbs you drop if you trait properly, and which nobody uses as well.
  12. Nerf core? Why? Too overpowered? Offers too many builds? What a joke of a list.
  13. 1. Slow turning can sure be annoying, but speeding this up would absolutely ruin the possibility of shooting a very precise shots. It's already super annoying when you need to turn cata/treb/mortar a tick to left/right, you tap the button... and the siege does 2 ticks. So now you are one tick too much to the other side, so you try again... and the siege moves 2 ticks again. Randomness of this process is nerve-wracking. I suggest that, after spending mastery point, not only siege turns faster, but you also have an ability to straight up select where it will be facing, just like when throwing siege. After selecting an "automatic turn" skill, you get an arrow and when you click the siege automatically turns to the direction closest to what you chose. 2. This would be a nice touch. Not a big deal, kinda makes sense and helps doing some quick repairing.
  14. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > All Engi needs is a mainhand for core that isn't bad. > LITERALLY ALL ENGI NEEDS. > > Cmon Anet, it ain't hard. I second that. That move would open so many new builds, not only for core but for scrapper especially. Holo works nice with sword already but I suppose some new mainhand weapon - especially power - would do wonders...
  15. Oh god not another AI spec. ANet can't even get the turrets right, and removed autonomus gyros from Scrapper, but you people still insist...
  16. This wasnt a balance patch. This was a quick balance hotfix that should have happened a couple of weeks after the main balance patch that introduced the changes, so the one in March.
  17. 1. Yes, the wording is bad, but you get the boons too. 2. No, Iron Blooded works only for unique boons on you. 10 stacks of might and 2 stacks of Stability will give you 4% reduction, it will not trigger on each individual stack of might, nor will it trigger on boons you give your allies. 3. Same as above. Per unique boon, not per unique stack.
  18. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > @"Yasai.3549" said: > > I don't mind this. > > I always liked druggie-Rifle builds, but I absolutely abhor having to slot 4 drugs on my utility bar. > > > > If it's something like : > > Equip Elixir toolkit, drink up to 3 potions, then the toolkit goes into cooldown for say, 20 seconds, sure why not, I welcome it. > > And the Toolbelt skill can be Elixir S with the same 60s cooldown as before. > > > > > > Can we stop suggesting to make literally every single utility skill type of the engineer into kits? Already read people suggesting a gadget kit, turret kit, and now people want to even turn our only other good utility skill set outside of kits into a kit? Why not? Then we can throw kits into an omega kit as well, and we'd end up with 4-5 utility skills to choose from making build crafting piss-easy, also makes way easier for ANet to balance toolbelt skills since there's only 5 left as well. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > > > @"Iskander.6309" said: > > > > Imagine a giant wall of text of explanation, and excuses. > > > > In the end it all boils down to: currently scrapper is top tier in wvw for the invisi and condi removal. In Fractals, Raids and you name other group content, it is subpar, no matter how you look at it. (I tried, I failed). > > > > > > > > The game, in its current state is built upon meta builds which is how it should be. But the meta could be expanded, and elixers could be a step forward to Engineer's viability in boons/support. I think, I hope. > > > > > > > > Disclaimer, there are a lot more options to expand the meta, I am just engihorny. > > > > > > To this point, Anet has created elite spec which can roughly get seperated into 3 types: dps, tank, support. > > > Engineer has 2 of these. Holosmith serves as our dps elite spec, while scrapper is designed to be a tank. > > > A support elite spec, something along the lines of the druid or scourge, is something that we are missing. > > > > > > I think it is more likely that Anet will enhance our ability to fill the healing and boon support role in end game PvE by giving us a support elite spec for the third expansion. It makes the most sense in my opinion. > > Hahaha, *what*? > > > > Scrapper is meta support in WvW. *Heavy* meta support. 90% of scrappers run the exact same support build regardless of it being a 5 man or 50 man or guild raid. > > > > That scrapper is played as a support in WvW does not mean that it is designed as a support in the first place. That is already evidenced by the fact that it basically has a dead grandmaster minor trait in it's build. Most of the time, this build is camping the med kit and also doesn't invest any stats in power, meaning that impact savant becomes entirely useless as a trait for this build. > > Anet themselves stated that scrapper is intended as a bruiser, a tanky fighter spec. The reason why scrapper is used in a support build are just: some of it's utility skills (sneak, purge and bulwark gyro) and the fact that engineer lacks a third support trait line. Scrapper happens to be used for support only because of Purge Gyro and Defense Field, the elite specs has nothing else that is essential. Superspeed spam is nice but you won't die without it and there are professions that can share it too. If Supply Drop gave 2 stacks of stability, core engi would shine as support way brighter than scrapper even if best you can do is take Tools.
  19. Only 5 days to 2 years with no info! Is everybody excited? How are you guys celebrating?
  20. It'd be thematically correct, having a certain "doze" of an elixir available that we can either throw or chug. But elixirs are what carries our class right now. Such change would require a major balancing and there is no alternative for elixirs in builds. So until the class is properly balanced - we have 3-4 skill types that are semi-universally available for any kind of build, multiple trait lines that offer equal amounts of interactions and core engi can compete with other professions without a need of picking an elite spec, I'd rather stick to what we have now.
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