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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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1) **A movable waypoint**. You could drag it anywhere on the world map. Maybe flashing a color so you can easily find it. Movable once per day but it will stay where you leave it as long as you want. Maybe sell up to 5 of them. Possibly make them unlock for all characters you own or will own.

2) **Notation flags for the world map**. Can change their colors. Good for marking the map for permanent nodes you want marked, or whatever. Maybe sell up to 50 of them. Maybe allow the notations to be set for character, or account, individually. So you don't have to re-flag something you want seen on all your characters maps.

3) I want a **Charr Jetpack Glider** ...just a small engine like thing on your back, but spews out a massive ton of ugly black sooty smoke as you glide around. A global warming denier's CO2 emitting dream. A backpack that'll make Al Gore cry.

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**New Griffon Skin.**

Hello. I would like to introduce You my suggestion which is to be a fresh skin to the Griffon mount.

The basic griffon and most of it's actual skins is based on Owl Griffon. What do You think about adding the Eagle ones ? In the past I liked to play one game which was stricte kind of WvW based game. In that game there was special kind of mount which was exactly Eagle Griffon type. It looked really glorious. Here is the one that I've found in the internet which is very familiar to this one I remember from that old (shutdowned) game.

(The creature which you can see below is a concept art of an Eagle Griffon from GW2)

![](http://78.media.tumblr.com/ba6117badcf718901e79fb4ecbb2b897/tumblr_mjx8qr2Sry1rtdsh3o1_1280.jpg "")



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I'd like to suggest a New raptor skin (The current 2k one while fancy does not really appeal to me since the tail looks too light to balance the front of the body so it looks like its constantly about to face plant).

I'd like to suggest a Tyrannus from GW1 EotN, I've been missing them for years, was hopinh we'd see them in HoT but the only thing close was the Mordrem version of it.

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* [Kormir's Regalia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/6/64/Kormir.jpg) Outfit


* [Abbadon's Regalia](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/b/bf/%22Abbaddon_God_Statue%22_concept_art_1.jpg) Outfit


* Melandru's Regalia Outfit (but please, [this](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/a/ab/Avatar_of_Melandru_model.jpg) is very ugly, you would have to retouch it a bit :p)


* [Dervish Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/c/c6/Dervish_Elite_Sunspear_armor_f.jpg)

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I am not sure, if this is the right place to post what I am about to propose, but feel free to move if needed.


Unwanted legendaries - I feel there should be some sort of system placed in where account bound legendaries (unwanted) could be traded for other legendaries (wanted) via gem store and/or farmable item (not to other players as that would screw up the economy).


For eg. A player purchases an item from the gem store (Legendary Makeover), and have it replaced w/ a different one which will still be account bound - Core to core and HoT to HoT.



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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> The new 2,000 gem raptor skin is very ornate. I get it; you're a business that needs to make money. But please consider selling some 400-500 gem individual mount skins that are NOT random choices. ty


Indeed. Even random boxes of skins for one exact mount ("box with random raptor skin", "box with random flying pancake skin") will be better than existing "huge box of randomness". Anyway small sells (Ill by 2 or 3 separate boxes for some exact mounts at least) will be better than totally no sells (yep, I wont buy existing box, though I want some skins from it).

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I would like to see you offer an upgrade to the harvesting tools that don't offer a bonus so we can improve what we can collect as we harvest. An example would be to upgrade my Tireless Harvesting Minion to drop a specific key or even a volatile or unbound magic component. you pay a little less but you get to convert your old harvesting tool a something you can benefit from

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so here ill sugest the things i want: a Shatterer griffon skin, i would be happy to pay 2000 gems for that:D

is it possible for a traveling toy that just makes you levitate, the Electromagnetic ascender looks nice, but the forwards bending when its active is not nice, i want a toy to just levitate me off the ground to accompany my mursaat outfit.


just thought of other ideas: liek in the beginning they added 3 armors from gw1, why not more, i miss my elementalists hydromancer armor, one of my friends had elite studded leather for ranger.

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> @Tiefsee.3647 said:

> First of all, the new feathered raptor looks great, i love him!


> But may i suggest some changes, the tail looks odd when i jump - maybe let the tailfeathers fold together to a smaller ome, just like real peacocks do - and expand once it is landed


> Next - a other feathered raptor, same skin, but without the extravagant feathers - the "female" version,v something that looks similar to a female peacock (maybe a bit cheaper, because that ones won't be as fancy)


> And if you do both peackock raptor versions, please add an extra animation, everytime a male peackock-raptor looks at a female peackock raptor (while standing), the tail of the male peacock raptor buffs up like a real peackock when he sees a real female peackock hen


may i add, the female peacock raptor should cost between 500-800 gems, that way a lot of female peacock raptors would be there, that mans i could brag a lot with my male raptor- oh and the female should have just two color options, female birds aren't as colorfull:



modell is already made, just remove some fancy feathers

a lot of players will enjoy a cheap mount

if a lot of players have a female, the value of the male increases -> more buy the male

this ornamental gender splitted bird chema can be repeated multiple times and giving your designers a great idea pool (i suggest taking a look at paradise birds)

it gives an other feathered/acurate raptor

first he players buy a raptor to have something different, then everybody buys it and it isn't special animore - they buy a more expensive one that can have more as two color option -> more money for you guys



one new animation

one new script for raptor interaction


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> @NightSwarm.2781 said:

> as well as the Aetherblade armour set again.


Good luck with that xD it's been 10 months since it was last on the Gem Store and boatloads of people have been asking on the forums (and everywhere else) for it to come back. So we can only keep our fingers crossed.



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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> * [Kormir's Regalia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/6/64/Kormir.jpg) Outfit


> * [Abbadon's Regalia](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/b/bf/%22Abbaddon_God_Statue%22_concept_art_1.jpg) Outfit


> * Melandru's Regalia Outfit (but please, [this](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/a/ab/Avatar_of_Melandru_model.jpg) is very ugly, you would have to retouch it a bit :p)


> * [Dervish Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/c/c6/Dervish_Elite_Sunspear_armor_f.jpg)


Second the dervish outfit. And a dance to match.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> * [Kormir's Regalia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/6/64/Kormir.jpg) Outfit


> * [Abbadon's Regalia](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/b/bf/%22Abbaddon_God_Statue%22_concept_art_1.jpg) Outfit


> * Melandru's Regalia Outfit (but please, [this](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/a/ab/Avatar_of_Melandru_model.jpg) is very ugly, you would have to retouch it a bit :p)


> * [Dervish Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/c/c6/Dervish_Elite_Sunspear_armor_f.jpg)


For the Melandru's Regalia outfit: instead of using the [GW1 avatar](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/a/ab/Avatar_of_Melandru_model.jpg), which was ugly, use [this concept art instead](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/4/4f/%22Melandru%22_concept_art.jpg). Looks far better, just remember to add an effect covering our character's skin.


I don't really like [Dwayna's Regalia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dwayna%27s_Regalia_Outfit). It looks a lot like the [concept art](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:%22Dwayna%22_concept_art.jpg), sure, but it's weird to see our character's face when we are basically dressing like the goddess. The GW1 avatar, [blue skin and all](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/5/52/Avatar_of_Dwayna_model.jpg), looked a lot better.


I know we cannot modify the current outfit, but I suggest releasing a new Dwayna outfit (call it something like "Dwayna Ascendant" to differentiate it from the current outfit). Refine a bit the clothes (improve the female model's skirt, reduce the head piece a bit, refine the shoulder pieces, add more details to the chest piece), and, instead of skin, show an effect similar to what we see with the [blue Celestial Infusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/6/60/Celestial_Infusion_%28Blue%29.jpg) or with [Astralaria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/a/a9/Astralaria.jpg). It would fit the kind of particle effect we have in the Balthazar and Grenth's Regalias.

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