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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Last night in Mistlock Sanctuary, someone used a choya tonic and pranked us that there was a new choya glider. Everyone was amazed, and my first impulse was to reach for my wallet. Which brings up two suggestions:


1. Why is there no choya glider? :open_mouth:

2. Have you considered the possibility of gliders that create a full transformation effect, like a tonic? (For example, probably too late for Wintersday, but you already have a reindeer transformation tonic. What if you used those animations and graphics and used them as a glider?)

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I have recently returned... I heard that the new Xpac would have mounts.


Naturally, i assumed there would be Skin of a Terragrif... An iconic Monster of the GW Universe. One of the few that had their own entrance Animation, and they flew in to Battle.


So not only do Hunter's STILL not get them as a pet.... but it isn't a Skin for the Gryphon slot ( Dark Wing would work well... You know, the Matriarchal beast at the end of Vinewrath... )


It really needs to happen. I have had a suspicion that Anet is simply waiting.... you know, to spread out content.


Maybe it shouldn't be a purchase item.... Maybe you make it one of those mount skins, only available by completing a list of Achievements. At any rate, it should be in the Game.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Players have shared a number of terrific suggestions for Guild Wars 2 Gem Store items. From outfits that hark back to old Tyria to miniatures that warm the heart, from dye sets that personalize your look to new gliders that make a statement, player ideas have help us expand our Gem Store to include a wide variety of wonderful items.


> If you have a suggestion – or several! – that you’d like to share with the development team about potential Gem Store items, please post them in this continuing thread.


> Thanks for your input!



I'd love to see a tonic tab, with some gem store tonics. I'd personally buy AND collect tonics if they were made streamlined into a tab.

Tonics I'd pay for:

- Largos Combat Tonic (2K gems? No problem lmao)

- Dragon Minion Combat Tonics

- New models that are clearly distinct (even if it only has 2 or 3 attack animations)

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Isn't it about time for the White Feather Wings Glider Combo to make a return? Seems to have been quite some time since they were last available, kinda wondering if there is some reason for the rarity of this particular Glider Combo? I get the impression that these are quite popular with players so it seems a little strange that they don't appear in the Gem Store more often as I suspect they'd generate quite a few sales. :/

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Not really a suggestion for a new item but I suggest removing the Legendary essence of luck added to the black lion chest's common drops this season. I don't think anyone is happy seeing 500 luck drop since it's so easy to get, and for people like me with magic find maxed out it's completely pointless.

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Please can we have a pack of 5 **plain**, dyable mounts?


Ones with designs along the lines of the Savannah Monitor raptor, Tawny Hare springer, Oasis Skate skimmer, Banded Mystic jackal and Spotted Sylph gryphon in a 5-pack where you're guaranteed to get just those skins and no others?


No particle effects, no novelty paint/clothes/effects. Just plain mounts that look like the originals but with more dye channels and maybe more of a pattern.

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Strip the decorations and snowflake patterns from the [Cozy Wintersday Mount Pack]™

Re-release them as [Frosty Mount Pack]™


> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> If they had just the frosty effects and not all the Christmas-y stuff on them, I'd probably buy them.

> Snow/ice/frost-theme is right up my Norn main's alley.

> But, as I said, the santa hat and stuff makes it far too niche.


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We now as of today (12/12/2017) have permanent town clothes as outfits. Can we have some more? I love that the design team is always hard at work bringing out new outfits, but most of them are so extravagant and somewhat over the top (not saying I don't buy them, because that would be a lie, lol). Can we take things down to a simpler notch once in awhile? I've posted a pic link below, these clothes are already ingame so other than having to make models for the non-human races they already exist. Can we get outfit equivalents?




Seriously, I'd buy these and half the work on them is already done for the design team cause they're already ingame.



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I think sPvP and WvW legendary armor versions should have their own, unique legendary skins opposed to raid-unique Envoy armor.

I liked the way how Fractal, sPvP and WvW legendary back pieces have their own skins. I think it should be same for sPvP and WvW legendary armor.

I mean they should have some cool animations and/or cool effects/auras like other legendary items.


I also have an idea to add; Open world PvE should have its unique legendary set as well with a different skin. It must be hard and grindy to craft and shouldn't be tradeable.

For example, Aurora required you to put a lot of effort to the game to complete the set. Make it require more stuff than Aurora maybe, but give us alternative ways to have legendary armor sets. This way you can end most of discussions about raids. Every legendary set should have its own, unique skin with effects/animations unlike current "plain" styled WvW/PvP armor.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Chiltonium.7643" said:

> > Oh, and i don't know if this was mentioned as I didn't read all 22 page, but.....

> >


> >

> > Like I am sorry, but to have transmute stones cost so much on the gem store....charging us to show what we've already earned? O_O I like to change my outfit daily in most games, but this one I literally cant afford my real life money to do it.

> >

> > I'd gladly pay for a permenant transmute stone. I bought the permenant pickaxe, logger, and harvester, as well as the silver fed salvage-o-matic, now just gimmie a perma transmute stone. Please.


> Great idea. It does stink to have to keep paying to use what we already spend gems on. If people could transmute without individual charges, don't you think they might buy more armor pieces/sets and outfits??


Exactly. I look at some of the stuff in the store, weapon skins, armor skins, the funny hats and glasses, and then I think "Eh, I dont have enough transmute stones to mess with those."

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> @"Dauntliss.8123" said:

> > @"Umut.5471" said:

> WvW legendary armor.

> > I mean they should have some cool animations and/or cool effects/auras like other legendary items.


> WvW Legendary armor does. Try wielding it in equipment preview the next time you take a look at it.




Only the chest piece has an effect. Not all parts are fully animated like envoy armor.

Also Open World PvE needs a set that depends on personal effort like i said. Maybe some hard personal challenges without depending on groups.

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