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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Thank you for the Tonic-to-Outfits!


I'd like to suggest making an outfit similar to this, made existing old pieces of town clothes. The top is one of the hoodies, I don't 'think' it's the leather one, but that seems to be it's closest look. The Khakis. And the boots are from the witches outfit, which used to be separate pieces. I like those boots because they are a deal smaller than boots you currently have with the khaki outfit.


![](https://i.imgur.com/CCFa7ON.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/AVfz61C.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/OQmLwFt.jpg "")


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Simple Mount Skins Pack: for 2000 gems, temporarily discounted to 1600 gems, players could buy a skin pack for all mounts that consists on the five standard skins, but with all four dye channels. Would follow the "mount skin pack" business model ArenaNet appears to be using for mounts, but also enticing players who don't want holiday-specific skins.

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Truly never thought about this before now but earlier today I was looking at the nice christmas mount skins and the bunny caught my eye.

It has super cute christmas mittens, and that made me look through all of the glove skins in search of mittens for my christmas outfit, but unfortunately there are no mitten skins currently in the game.

So basically my suggestion is a christmas mitten skin, hopefully its not too far fetched but would be nice since we do allready have a santa hat and a scarf.


Design wise on the mittens would ofcourse be up to you, you can even simply copy the springer's mittens or just make a rather plain pair with a snowflake on.


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I'm thinking of a few famous people who have 'that special voice'. Calming, or storytelling, iconic.


- Sir David Attenborough. The wildlife documentary producer/commentator

- Morgan Freeman

- Sean Connery.


I'd love to hear something of them in GW2. **No** conversations, that'll be waaay too expensive, I understand!

More like _TomTom_ comments: But instead of those roadmap traffic messages you get **short in-game comment** such as:


- Your inventory is full

- You need to equip gathering tools.

- PvP match comments? I think Sean Connery would be my favourite for this, love his accent.

- The sea current pushes you back (reaching end of map)

- A new build will be available soon.

- Not enough space to mount.

- A new member joined the guild. A member left the guild. A Member is promoted to...

- Many other things that don't need to be updated anymore once they're recorded.


I think you get the idea with these examples, there must be more of those comments, to create a package that can be used for future expansions as well without needing to be updated, when it's done, it's done. Separately sold voice-packages in gem store.


Maybe this will be about reading an A4 paper of text for the famous person? That'll take less than half an hour to get it right (I think?) Would those be affordale/profitable packages for ArenaNet to get in store?


How do other players think about this?


There are famous people who have iconic voices. Let's make them immortal in Guild Wars 2 :)


- Grampybone


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The new chair gadget from the raid is cool, I’d love to see some toys that do the same thing with different chairs. Like a barstool, an easy chair, a rocking chair, some kind of asuran floaty chair, etc. etc.

That if that’s too much, I’d be very interested in seeing some more armor sets _instead_ of outfits. Outfits are so counterproductive.

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This is more of a suggestion for the trading post but also applies to the gem store.


I would love to have a filter or sort option for items that you have already unlocked in the wardrobe. I am not sure why, but there are quite a few items in the gem store that I have had to verify I still have via the wardrobe so I didn't accidentally purchase them again.


For those of us that actively go after skins, it would be extremely useful to be able to filter out items like armor and weapons in the trading post that we have already gotten unlocked. Currently you have to hover over everything and that is extremely annoying as well as time consuming.

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> @"AegisRunestone.8672" said:

> I suggested this in the old forums:


> **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass:** Takes you back to Lion's Arch before Scarlet destroyed it. Since it has the Forge, all crafting stations, etc. it would be a perfect pass.


Came here to suggest this exact idea! Love the amount of thumbs up!

I - for one - would LOVE to visit Lion's Arch as it was before Scarlet's war. It would be nice to have it as one of the Pass Hubs, with all the old NPC's and dialogue, residing within the Mists. Bonus points, if we could use mounts and gliders in the instance.


Another thing I personally would love, would be a **Weaver themed** (BLC?) **weapon set**. Ice & Fire Staff (If this ever happens, please design it as a scythe! <3), Fire & Air Dagger, Air & Ice Warhorn, Earth & Ice Shield etc.. The point would be having **multiple elements per weapon** as the core design. Though Fire & ice theme would probably fit the theme best, as it would show the idea in the most obvious way possible.


Also the good old **Elementalist Eyes and Auras from Guild Wars 1** ([These](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Elementalist_headgear "These"))!


We already have the four starter headpieces, but I'd love to wear the Canthan auras or Vabbian Eyes on my mage characters! This time it would be nice though, if[ they wouldn't shrink to invisibly small sizes on asura characters](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11173/suggestion-enlarge-the-glacial-storm-flame-and-stone-eye-skins-on-asura-characters " they wouldn't shrink to invisibly small sizes on asura characters"). :'( <3


Oh-oh! And [Male Elementalist Ancient Armor](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gallery_of_male_elementalist_Ancient_armor "Male Elementalist Ancient Armor") from GW1! <3

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> @"Fundor.2098" said:

> > @"AegisRunestone.8672" said:

> > I suggested this in the old forums:

> >

> > **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass:** Takes you back to Lion's Arch before Scarlet destroyed it. Since it has the Forge, all crafting stations, etc. it would be a perfect pass.


> Came here to suggest this exact idea! Love the amount of thumbs up!

> I - for one - would LOVE to visit Lion's Arch as it was before Scarlet's war. It would be nice to have it as one of the Pass Hubs, with all the old NPC's and dialogue, residing within the Mists. Bonus points, if we could use mounts and gliders in the instance.


> Another thing I personally would love, would be a **Weaver themed** (BLC?) **weapon set**. Ice & Fire Staff (If this ever happens, please design it as a scythe! <3), Fire & Air Dagger, Air & Ice Warhorn, Earth & Ice Shield etc.. The point would be having **multiple elements per weapon** as the core design. Though Fire & ice theme would probably fit the theme best, as it would show the idea in the most obvious way possible.


> Also the good old **Elementalist Eyes and Auras from Guild Wars 1** ([These](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Elementalist_headgear "These"))!


> We already have the four starter headpieces, but I'd love to wear the Canthan auras or Vabbian Eyes on my mage characters! This time it would be nice though, if[ they wouldn't shrink to invisibly small sizes on asura characters](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11173/suggestion-enlarge-the-glacial-storm-flame-and-stone-eye-skins-on-asura-characters " they wouldn't shrink to invisibly small sizes on asura characters"). :'( <3


> Oh-oh! And [Male Elementalist Ancient Armor](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gallery_of_male_elementalist_Ancient_armor "Male Elementalist Ancient Armor") from GW1! <3


Ha ha! Thanks. Considering it was the first suggestion, it's the first one most people will see, hence all the thumbs ups. XD


And I love your ideas. Weaver themed weapon sets, nice. I'd so go for a fire/lightning combo since that's my most used combo on my Weaver. And dat Ancient armor. GIMME! :D

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