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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" - Any chance of unbound magic gathering tools making a comeback?


Would also love to see Aetherblade armor, some glider skins (electromagnetic descender or shining blade) and Executioner / Hexed / Mad Scientist outfits.


Electromagnetic travel toy would be cool also!

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> @"Noa.7490" said:

> It seems to me that it's been ages since last I've seen the Glowing Green Mask. One of my new characters would need it in order to complete the look. Has the item been discontinued?


No, its just Anet not listening to people's requests. Many people here have been requesting Aetherblade sets to return to the Gem Store for months and months now but to no avail. Looks like you'll just have to wait for its seasonal rotation then. Which might be Spring.

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> @"Dauntliss.8123" said:

> > @"Noa.7490" said:

> > It seems to me that it's been ages since last I've seen the Glowing Green Mask. One of my new characters would need it in order to complete the look. Has the item been discontinued?


> No, its just Anet not listening to people's requests. Many people here have been requesting Aetherblade sets to return to the Gem Store for months and months now but to no avail. Looks like you'll just have to wait for its seasonal rotation then. Which might be Spring.


That's what I figured. On a side note, what I really don't understand is the reason for such merchandise dry spells. Just, why?

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i would like to see more mount skin packs and less individual 2k gem mounts... that are often sub par, i think 2k gems is a fine price for 4 or even 3 mount skins... but 2k gems is way to much to ask for 1 skin, i mean even most of your big bundle packs are only 2k gems and thats usualy 5 items worth individually 400 gems to 500 gems each, you should also consider maybe offering golden black lion keys as purchassables, but for like double the price or 2 and a half times the price of regular black lion keys and in maximum stacks of 5

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> > > @"Noa.7490" said:



> That's what I figured. On a side note, what I really don't understand is the reason for such merchandise dry spells. Just, why?


Its not like they dont have the capacity to hold everything in the Gem Store. It's just a marketing tactic to create false scarcity :P

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A "Black Lion Trustee License". Basically an item that allows for a one time, player to player transaction to bypassing, or effectively just hard cap, the trading fees (through its own price). Intended for high value items like Precursors, Legendary or Aura-Infusions. Could also be added to Black Lion Chests as a rare to uncommon drop, along with a super-rare, permanent version; "Black Lion subcontractor License" or something. A trading channel for chat and/or LFG might be necessary, in order to avoid spam.

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All I want is a number of new hairstyles for the Sylvari, Norn, Asura, and Charr. The humans had quite a few new hairstyles and a number of new faces added to the game just before/during the launch of POF and gave nothing for the other 4 races... I understand that POF lead us to a place of human lore that was introduced in Nightfall GW1, so it makes sense that we were given hairstyles and faces that fit that culture we were heading to... however, there are 4 other playable races that the community plays in GW2 and I didn’t see it very fair for only the humans to get any sort of new customization options. I REALLY hope that very soon we see a fair amount of new customization options for the other races that got nothing for POF...

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Few realistic looking pistols. I would love to see Desert Eagle and some Western revolvers without all those gloving parts. Also I would love to see some new makover options for races other than humans. They had stolen wintersday to be Diviniti's Reach only let them not steal horns for our charrs , ears for our asuras , tatoos for our norns and (whatever special part they have) for our sylvries !!!

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> @"Biziut.3594" said:

> Also I would love to see some new makover options for races other than humans. They had stolen wintersday to be Diviniti's Reach only let them not steal horns for our charrs , ears for our asuras , tatoos for our norns and (whatever special part they have) for our sylvries !!!





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