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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I'd love to see an extra saddle for your mounts, being able to carry somebody around, "take someone on a ride on your griffon" - I think it'd improve the gameplay a lot for the mount-lovers. I'd definitely get back to the game even more since mounts are almost the only viable and enjoyable way of playing gw (exploring and 'ridin around Tyria, at least for me and a few others)

- One additional mount saddle (i think these mounts can easily carry one more)

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An outfit that looks like a light robe for mage class magic user. All cloth and no added armor, long robes, flowing and billowing, noble/aristocratic, embroidered details, fancy diadem or hood... and maybe added mage-y things like vials or scrolls or pouches (but not necessary).


Reason: To play a Firebrand but pretending you're a arcane magic mage class with scepters and magic books flying everywhere.


There are a few outfits that almost work but each one has some slight problem. The arcane outfit bulks up human male characters too much. Daydreamers is weird with the open chest and the collar clips long hair. Crystal savant is too gaudy. Lyssa's regalia comes close. But I yearn for a full-on traditional mage-robe outfit option to hide heavy armor.

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What about adding option to ride mounts with friends? It should be implemented in game as gem store item which would look like saddle for example. If you buy it, you would get option to ride your mount together with your friend. Maybe it will be impossible (due to characters and mounts size) but I just thought writing it up couldnt be bad :)

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Is there a chance Anet could put back the Peg-Leg Boots Skin? Would be a great addition to the Engineer persona I am building. Lost arm and leg due to careless kinda of engineering kind of engineer. Thank in advance if it does come back. =)

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Would love to see a comeback from the Arcane Eye Blue Rifle skin, by the way, could he have an alternate color scheme like tainting blue part in red/orange?


I think you meant the Arcane Marksman Rifle skin? If so, I definitely agree! I missed my chance when it was first introduced as I didn't have a character that used a rifle. Now I do and wishing I bought the skin when it first came out. Please have it come back for a bit!

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Any chance store expanders (bank, backpack etc.) will go on some sale in near future? I saw some bundles and discounts in old YT videos so they were available way back but... as a new player I (and other new players) would really appreciate those. I mean the 4000 gems I had gone bye bye (well... most of it at least) for all Living World Seasons so... I love the game, want to support you guys, but share some love back with storage discounts for new players. Or maybe just a discount for 1 or 2 first purchases of bag slots/bank slots?

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Now that we have the awesome Elonian Elementalist Outfit, I'd love to see the Elonian Paragon armor be brought over (and keep the high heels on the female version, because it's looks like really cool dress armor!)


The armor in general: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Paragon_Elonian_armor


The heels: https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/e/ec/Paragon_Elonian_armor_f_dyed_left.png/268px-Paragon_Elonian_armor_f_dyed_left.png


Edit: I still have no idea how to make pictures show up on this new forum. =(

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okay, so i have a player instrument idea but i'm afraid it might be seen as convoluted to put together. if the devs want to hear me out though, i would definitely buy this item if it existed and if it was done to my specifications, more or less.


so, firstly, the concept is "Dubstep Machine" and i know, this sounds niche, but try to stay with me. i want this to basically be an electro bass instrument that has a hard hitting kick and snare like metronome that can be started and ended with the #8. as for the #1 to #7, i specifically like the key of F Minor, in my opinion, this key sounds the coolest with Dubstep music, so i ask that #1 start with C1 (C3 if you use FL Studios 12) and then skill #7 would be B-flat/A#.


now this is where things will get convoluted, but please stick to the letter on this. the #9 will be drum programming, it will open up a new skill bar. in this drum programming bar, you setup how the kick and snare are played out, where #1 to #5 will be presets, and then #6 and #7 will be the kick and snare alone with the #8 being a record option, which should be set to 140 BPM and a beatsnap/quantization of about 60 to 80% depending on what you think is programmably feasible.


now keep in mind, on the main skill bar, the #8 is merely a start and stop button for the drumloop, but on this secondary skill bar, the #8 is a record button for the kick and snare on #6 and #7, just wanted to be clear. as for the preset loops, idk, listen to various modern dubstep, it all is about the same.


one preset drumloop can just be like [1-K 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-S 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15-K 16- 1-K 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-S 10- 11-K 12- 13- 14- 15-K 16-] and yes, while it is 16th notes i have there, you'll notice how far the beats are apart, this is because even though producers tend to make Dubstep at 140BPM, the beat spacing is in half-time, which those of you who are already dubstep nerds knew this already.


but yeah, you can have a preset that is just double time (or in the case of dubstep, normal time, lol) and then you could do like a drumstep pattern that is like, you know, D&B, but at the speed of typical 140 BPM, but you know what D&B is, right? well, considering how inconsistent Noisia is, i suppose i should clarify what i mean by typical D&B, since there is a lot of D&B that breaks the norm.


[1-K 2- 3- 4- 5-S 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11-K 12- 13-S 14- 15- 16-] this is a stereotypical D&B pattern, and you can make it more interesting too, add like a kick on the 9th sometimes, or a syncopated kick like on the 15th or something, but either way, this is what i mean by D&B/drumstep pattern.


as for the other two possible loops, um... idk, lol... i hate to say it, there isn't that many Dubstep patterns, though i guess you could try to replicate the weird drum pattern Skrillex used in the verses of his remix of Cinema, that could be pretty cool. otherwise, yeah, just study various dubstep drum patterns, and wing it, or if you think 3 loops are enough, maybe make the #4 into a closed hi hat, and #5 into an open hi hat?


i should make mention of the #0, i have an idea for this to toggle a third skill bar, which will be a couple things. firstly it will be an octave up for the electro bass, so #1 through #7 will be playable. secondly though, i was thinking maybe on this skill bar, have a record option for #8 as well, but only for the electro bass, and then have the #9 bring up another, fourth skill bar, that is like supersaw sort of high octave ambient synth, which only will have like the #1 through #7, aside from #9 being there to toggle it back to the up-octave bass.


and what you can do with this supersaw is make it polyphonic in nature, or actually, specifically make each button a chord, so like, #1 is C G C, or something like that. as for the electro bass, i want this to be monophonic, and i know this is possibly asking a lot, but could you program a 50 to 100ms slide/glide/portmanteau on the bass?


now i want to clarify something quick, when i said C1 (C3 in FLS12) that is considering that you haven't downpitched the sound design of the bass, which we need to get into that now, because i don't want you to accidentally making some sort of like acid bass or some cheap 2009 wobble bass. when designing the bass, what a lot of producers end up doing is downpitching the synthesizer by 1 or 2 octaves, so when i say C1, this is assuming that you haven't downpitched the synthesize at all.


when i make basslines, i have the habit, due to watching a lot of Youtubers who have tutorials on electro bass, to pitch down -24 semitones (2 octaves) so when i am actually playing the MIDI in Ableton, it is technically C3 (C5 in FLS12) so i just want this to be clear in case whoever the dev is who is working on this player instrument, gets confused at why the bass sounds funny or gurgly.


as for how the electro bass actually sounds, this is kind of up to you, but as per request, please no screechy Zomboy type bass, it runs very high on the upper mids and highs, and is generally annoying to most people who don't like Zomboy type dubstep, lol. you should honestly play it safe and maybe check out some Ganja White Night, or even Bassnectar.


granted, Bassnectar is not exactly perfectly in the box of dubstep anymore, so i would say Voodoo is a fair example, otherwise for Ganja White Night, check out Bubblegum. and don't feel like these are the only songs you have to take inspiration from, like, go crazy, but i just warn you, to keep the bass somewhat tame so that for my idea of having a supersaw topsynth with this instrument also, like, you should try to have a highpass around 700hz on the supersaw/ambient/topsynth, and then a lowpass of about 500hz.


if these EQ filters need adjusting to make the sounds fit better, then go for it, but also, i would suggest highly that the kick, whatever the main peak is sitting at, like idk, a lot of dubstep kicks hit around 110hz more or less, and then dubstep snares hit hardest at around 200hz, well then to compensate for that, make either a notch point in those EQ ranges on the electro bass, or a bell point with a Q of about 2 to 3, and do at least -6dB, possibly more if needed.


if i'm talking an alien language, then i suggest watching SeamlessR tutorial videos for FL Studios, and if you use Ableton, then literally half the internet has some sort of tutorial, and if you use a different DAW, then i don't know what to tell you because i only use those two DAWs, lol. but i'm sure there's tutorials out there for Reaper, Cubase, Logic Pro X, and so on.


i think that is pretty much everything, and i'm willing to pay 2,000 gems for this, especially if it's done well, and to make sure it's done well, as you guys are designing the sounds, you should get polls and opinions from avid dubstep fans, so that you don't accidentally make something that sounds bad.

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Hello all !


Will the Mount Adoption License be back soon ? I really want the Fire Pinion skin on my Griffon :)


And will it be possible for us to choose what skin we want ? Like the Istani Isle License allows us to do so, i really hope for this functionality to come for the Mount Adoption License.


Thank you by advance !

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