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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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If Anet is tallying posts, I love some of the prior suggestions and would spend gems on:


- bookcases to store or display what you earned or completed from achievement

- build templates

- infinite extractor


A suggestion I haven't seen yet (and sorry if I missed it), bring back some of the display funtionality from the Hall of Monuments to your home instance. Would love to see legendaries, achievement banners, and mini's displayed. I liked visiting HoM's in GW1 to see what others accomplished.

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Some suggestions here:

1) Bookshelf >> contains ever lore book obtained from achivments (not really a gemstore item, can be just implemented for everyone)

2) Unknown Mists Anomaly >> node for home istance, can be gathered only by the owner ; gives Unbound Magic, Fractal Relics or a small chance for a random existent Infusion (some influsions are time gated or got really low chance so adding one more way to obtain them would be better, plus that most people who does not have legendary armor wants some effects on it)

3) Pet Playground >> A special playground where all cats from the home instance will gather and play. This way they won't randomly run around anymore, will have a place just for them.

4)Some baby animals for home instance (puppies, piglets, baby hippos etc.) They will gather in the Pet Playground too or they will run around.

5) Foreign Winds glider >> A glider made from sails from the Zephyr ships.

6) Undead Lord glider >> Pawala Joko themed glider, made from golden bones and skulls tied by old white linen bandages used for mummifications.

7) Undead Lord Outfit >> Outfit similar with what Pawala Joko will wear, it should look good on necro for sure.

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> @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> I suggested this in the old forums:


> **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass:** Takes you back to Lion's Arch before Scarlet destroyed it. Since it has the Forge, all crafting stations, etc. it would be a perfect pass.


Just a thing I noticed a week ago. I've never played GW1 and never saw Lion's Arch as it was before, I started this game 6 months ago. I did the personal story at that time but without my today's knowledge, so I might have missed it: one story part plays in the old Lion's Arch. Must be the level 30 part or so, because I was in it with my charr about a week ago. At the time I did that part for the first time, I never visited LA before (I proceeded with the story before exploring the world) and didn't recognize it, but now it was obvious.


You can revisit the story chapter and explore old LA, that's what I did. When I'm at home, I'll check which part of the story it is and update.

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> @Greyrebel.7492 said:

> adventure bookl (an info bank , like a creature or npc book) , as we fight and defeat creatures it adds them to the journal and theire 3d models and gives info about them like theire origins and mybe , also the npc we face or the charecters we read about in books ingame , an example in book can be in noc part we can see balthazar and the info we gathered about him or an interduction , kinda works as a small ingame wiki but for only npcs and enemies and cities


Something similar was in first beta. Think it was a journal entry we got after bosskills where we could see a idle animation and some lore about the boss.

Could expand on it to something like Warhammer Onlines Tome of Knowledge, track kills and after a certain amount of kills or other discoveries add a small bonus to dmg in PvE though ofc.


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I would buy a Permanent Hair Stylist Contract form the gem store. I've never changed the hair style of any of my characters so far, and I'm not going to buy the one time kit from the TP. Since I'm not a unique snowflake, I'm pretty sure many other players think alike about it. I'm happy with the hair styles I picked for my characters, but would probably change my main character's style every week just for fun, if I didn't have to pay for this micro-transaction every time.


I would pay 1500 gems for it. That's about 18 Euros for something I'm not spending any money on usually. It's really not like I buy a single use kit every week (never bought one), so you definitely make more money than now.

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> @Yggdrasiln.5240 said:

> > @Smoochoo.1086 said:

> > A bikini outfit


> Seriously only if the men get them too. Swimming trunks are not a valid equivalent lol.


True. Has to be speedos.



I'd like to see more classic GW1 elite sets.

Like Kurzik heavy, Gladiator, Fanatic, Bonelace (minus the fishnet >_>), maybe the obsidian armors

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> @MixolydianGray.6578 said:

> > @Drecien.4508 said:

> > Would love to see an exchange type service to convert older unlimited gathering tools for newer ones. Whether its for cosmetics or for utility it would be a welcome addition to the store.


> I could see this being useful. I didn't have this problem because I'm a newer player and this was my first set, but I know several people who were irked over having to buy the unbound magic tools after they already had a set for a rather long period of time. People want the perks, but don't want to shell out more money than they have to. I don't exactly know how this could be put into practice within the store, but I like the idea.


Additionally, when unlimited tools were first introduced they were soul bound. So quite a few players have multiple sets of the same unlimited gathering tools and are looking for variety in their experience. I would love to exchange two of my molten alliance mining picks for picks with different effects.

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I, for one, would like to see the return of the Elite Druid's armor set make a comeback, as a Medium armor option, in the Gem Store. For Light armor, I'd like to see the return of the Elite Luxon armor set from the Ritualist. For Heavy armor, bring back the Elite Sunspear armor from the Warrior class, or even Vabbian set.

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> @Silverwing.8750 said:

> Some people are asking for the harvesting tool slots to be shared account wide. There are a few things to take into account:

> * some players have already bought multiple infinite tools for multiple characters.

> * some players may want to equip different infinite tools for different races/professions, not the same tools across all.

> * Arenanet would probably sell less infinite tools if the slots were shared.

> * We do already have shared inventory slots, although they are of course not as convenient, as you have to remember to equip the tools etc.

> Just some thoughts!


I wonder if it would be possible to have multiple shared gathering tool slots that you can check for activation. That way you put all of the tools you want to cycle through in those slots and select the one you want active for whatever toon you are on.

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I really want to see the Bat Wings and Black and White feather wings gliders get the flapping animation that the Crystal Dragon wings have..

I would not care about having to buy them again to have this feature.


I want a postman Skritt mail carrier too..

A Skritt pops up from a hole in the ground wearing a little postman outfit.. hands you a letter and says 'here ya go' or 'Stuffs for you' in an adorable Skritt voice then dives back in the ground.


I also want more Gw1 skins.. both armors/outfits and weapons..



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> @Faaris.8013 said:

> > @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> > I suggested this in the old forums:

> >

> > **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass:** Takes you back to Lion's Arch before Scarlet destroyed it. Since it has the Forge, all crafting stations, etc. it would be a perfect pass.


> Just a thing I noticed a week ago. I've never played GW1 and never saw Lion's Arch as it was before, I started this game 6 months ago. I did the personal story at that time but without my today's knowledge, so I might have missed it: one story part plays in the old Lion's Arch. Must be the level 30 part or so, because I was in it with my charr about a week ago. At the time I did that part for the first time, I never visited LA before (I proceeded with the story before exploring the world) and didn't recognize it, but now it was obvious.


> You can revisit the story chapter and explore old LA, that's what I did. When I'm at home, I'll check which part of the story it is and update.


Actually that is a interesting idea. I know it would be crazy to build as it would require a lot of new assets but I'd love a Pass area that recreated GW1 LA, or Ventari's refuge.


Could there be Gem store fractals? I'd love to see any of the GW1 major story battles rebuild in the new engine to help people know more? Ring of fire mission against the Lich/jade armors. Sunspears attacking mainland during nightfall? Cathedral of Flames reimagined?



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