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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I would like some changes to the world boss device. :)

I really like the device for general world bosses.

But there are a few bosses (like TT), were I can not use the device.

The reason for this, is that you have to be very early in the map (earlier then the device gives the option to travel to the boss),

if you want to join an organised commander.


I would be great if we could get the option for TT sooner.

TT is my favorite world boss, and I would like to use the device for it.


Still the device is only 400 gems, and it works really nice in general.

I dont know which dev made this, but I am really thankfull for it.

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In Guild Wars 1, there is an armor called Monk Dragon armor. I loved this piece of art on my monk back in the first game and would like to see it return as an outfit that I can use on any of my characters. ![](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Monk_Dragon_armor_f.jpg "")

![](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Monk_Dragon_armor_m.jpg "")



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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> I would like to see a 3rd Black Lion Gardening Plot.


> I would like an item that turns regular home instance nodes into rich versions.


> I would like to see the return of the perma Noble Ledges pass.


> I would like an item that allows me to store my favorite travel points like the season 3 and 4 books do but at my choice. I would also like to be able to custom name the points entered. Should work for anywhere. Basically an item that stores my 3D coord and allows me to return there at will at no charge. 10 spots should do nicely. No purchase limit.


> Grtz War


^ cheeky repromote lol


I thought of one more thing that I want:


More shared inventory slots. 21 just isn't enough. By my current count I am already 8 short at maximum and I am going to be 3 more short in the near future. Please allow for more shared inventory slots. Upping it to 32 would be in-line with the current maximum for bag slots and one could argue with all gobblers available that even more shared inventory slots would not be out of the question so 40 would be perfect. Thank you for considering.


I would like to share all the ones marked in green between all my characters!

![](https://i.postimg.cc/dtn1RpmH/problem_illustrated.jpg "")


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Dear ArenaNet


There are still may people who would love to have basic griffon mount skin with four dye channels, and more importantly - ready to pay for it. So why not make it purchasable - through an adoption licence or as an individual mount skin? And with already existing design with three well established color areas, and the markings on wings and tale as a potential fourth area, half of the work of preparing this pattern is already done.


![](https://image.ibb.co/jCnCBe/griffon.jpg "")


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Would we be able to get the old race specific town clothes back as armor skin pieces? The Charr npc’s have amazing looking town clothes and it would be wonderful to be able to use them as armor skins for any armor type. I know u can get the “sets” with tonics but being able to use the old looks as individual armor skin would still be awesome.

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> @"AegisRunestone.8672" said:

> I suggested this in the old forums:


> **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass:** Takes you back to Lion's Arch before Scarlet destroyed it. Since it has the Forge, all crafting stations, etc. it would be a perfect pass.


The problem with this is I'd stay in the old Lion's Arch all day and never come back to the new one, lol. :dizzy:


A general suggestion: more outfits that will look even halfway decent on charr. There is a serious lack of those.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> While I'm enjoying a lot of the over the top mounts that have come out like the Umbra Demon Skimmer for my Necromancer, and the fire variants for elf-wizard looking Elementalist, Branded Set for my Mesmer, one thing I'd really love to see is a set of no nonsense-nonmagical armored set of mounts for my warrior. Something spartan, practial and martial looking clad in armor.

> Does this character look like it has any business being on a glowing pink bunny?

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/CZuC2Pr.png "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/HQU7hlG.jpg "")


Thank you!

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Racial Chair -- changes appearance based on your character's race:

* Sylvari - entirely made from plants, flowers, vines

* Asura - hovers off ground, glowing tech parts

* Charr - like the iron throne from game of thrones, but grittier

* Norn - Similar to Charr's, but made from antlers, fur, carved wood, embossed leather

* Human - historical aristocratic, with elaborate carved wood/gold and patterned cushioning


Also, separately, perhaps consider chairs with different seated positions...

* like a chaise longue (roman, egyptian or victorian) where the player is semi reclined/semi propped up on their side

* or a beach chair lounger, where character is semi reclined/laid on their back soaking up sun (maybe it automatically puts them in a swimsuit and broad-rimmed hat?)

* simple floor mat - player sits on the floor, crossed legged or kneeling

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More hairstyles please! Long hairstyles- and better ponytails for humans. More nordic hairstyles for Norn. more flower hairstyles for Sylvari. Less cute hairstyles for Asura, Manes for Charr - no more shared hairstyles between genders or races. There are several hairstyles that NPCS have that are unavailable to players. Please add them.

No more bulky outfits. Practical please. Like your outfit designers typically add something that makes an outfit not as... good as it could have been? Like the Crystal Nomad would have been better without the crystals. The design choices make no sense more than half of the time. Please hold a player outfit design contest!! Or even a player mount design contest.

Skin ideas

Cobra inspired raptor mount

Frog springer mount

Machine beetle mount

Alpine wolf Jackal mount

Dragonfly/thing skimmer mount


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It has been a while since I read all of this thread, so this may have already been suggested. I think it would be really cool and useful to have some kind of collection unlock package.


Ideally, this would be for those collections that unlock on random drops. There could be value in unlocking other collections or side stories, but things like the elite collections require you to play as that class anyway.

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my wish for today:

* short skirt but without the leg thing and with a tight dye pattern (the current one has a flow effect when you dye it and it ruins some concepts)

* really long pigtails for humans

* 2/3 high boots

* headphones as head skin

* instrument themed weapon set with the axe as electric guitar and scepter as mic.

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