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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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**Ethereal Tonic**: Now that tonics have an effectively infinite duration, I'd love to see a combat tonic that applies the same ghostly effect that you normally get from eating Strawberry or Omnomberry Ghosts! I'm sad that effect only happens randomly and only lasts five minutes, so I'd love a way to engage it at will, for as long as I'd like! It'd be ideal for Halloween, too :D

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There are items players have asked for in abundance before and Anet designers have delivered but sadly, we never saw another item of that type again in either a different kind of design or the designers went back to the same-old boring item that we have seen many times before, it's just this new item has a new dye channel. Not a big woo-hoo there.




1. Hoods/ Hats/ Outfits that make characters bald. Stop. Doing. This. Anet. There is literally no reason this should be ignored. Give us placebo hairstyles atleast, much like the Inquisitor Hat with the updo! [Example Here](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/47423-1-1384784912.jpg "Example Here")


2. Helmets/ Armors that expose the neck Area. Hey Guys! You like my new helmet? It's not really for protection since my entire neck is exposed. Simple fix, add an armored collar/ fur/ literally anything else. [Example Here](https://banner2.kisspng.com/20180513/djq/kisspng-for-honor-knight-centurion-xbox-one-body-armor-5af86fdcea8054.5595537915262310049605.jpg "Example Here")


3. Goggles. The goggles we do have side on our characters face, great! Now, can we get some that sit atop out characters heads? Without removing our hairstyles? [Example Here](http://www.steampunko.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/unnamed-file.jpg "Example Here")


4. Butterly Wings with an Actual Dye Channel. Not much more can be said except let us have a backpack with dyeable channels! Not Gliders. Actual Backpacks. [Example Here](https://natgeoeducationblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/butterflies.jpg?w=1000&h=748&crop=1 "Example Here")


5. Bumble Bee/ Other Insect Wings. We have a scarab glider and backset so close Anet, but no cigar. Give us actual insect wings. No other reason behind this or method. Heck, we have giant angel wings just because other MMO's have it too. [Example Here](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/cb/cb/74/cbcb74be02aeef18f241d2b78e34bb8a--cicada-wings-dragonfly-wings.jpg "Example Here")


6. Noble Human Attire as an outfit. No, this is not a thing yet and it should be. Why there hasn't been enough light on this recently is either people gave up on asking or forgot. Well,I'm here to remind everyone that forums used to be flooded asking for this NPC Item. [Example Here](http://pre01.deviantart.net/d719/th/pre/f/2011/181/6/7/guild_wars_2__human_dress_2_by_yeewu-d3kjg4x.jpg "Example Here")


7. STOP ignoring Charr Horns & Ears and Stop ignoring Asuran Ears. Why do players have to ask for this? We shouldn't have to. If an outfit is only going to cater to humans, atleast start putting a disclaimer (Equipping item will remove all horns/ Long Ears) Or instead, start actually creating armor and outfit sets that don't ignore an actual character design. [sad Example Here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/0/00/Primeval_Dervish_Outfit_charr_male_front.jpg/328px-Primeval_Dervish_Outfit_charr_male_front.jpg "Sad Example Here")


8. Melandru Outfit. We've gotten Dwayna, Grenth, Lyssa & Balthazar already, so it's about time to see the best 'Goddess' make her debut within our gem store. [Example Here](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a8/3d/ac/a83dac1fac1a4bf6ff1bd7c9f7073489.jpg "Example Here")


9. Long, Nice looking Hairstyles for all humanoid Races. [Hairstyles with Ribbons](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/204421270571746392/ "Hairstyles with Ribbons") , [Just Long, Beautiful Tresses. (Elegant ones with bangs)](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/204421270569782619/ "Just Long, Beautiful Tresses. (Elegant ones with bangs)")


10. No More Anime Hairstyles for Charr. Give the, actual tribal/ more Charr-like hairstyles. It's a little sad this has even become a thing. It makes charr seem like the butt of a GW2 joke that shouldn't exist. Give Charr hairstyles feathers, bones, braids, twisted dreads. I compare Charr Manes to Horse Manes and longer Dog Fur. [Example Here](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ff/2b/79/ff2b79435f5cb749a353d23925cdb521.jpg "Example Here")



12. Epic/ Good-looking facial hair. No silly mustaches or sad stubble. [sample Here](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/705517097852083701/ "Sample Here")



12. Last but not least- FLOWER CROWNS! [Example Here](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/526921225138093469/ "Example Here")


13. Player Housing. I shouldn't have to list reasons

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As to the helms removing hair (#1, #3, and possibly #7?), this is due to there being two types of helm skins: Those that sit on the top of the head and those that cover part of the face.


If the former did not remove the hair, then the hair would simply clip through the armour (i.e. given the huge variety of hair height, armour can't be placed on the head without either floating above or clipping with the hair). The latter does not remove the character's hair, and you can see clipping with some combinations.

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