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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Can we please get **Crystal Savant** and/or **Elonian Elementalist** sets for sale? At least one of the two, I'd really love to have them both but any one of them would be great. Thank you! <3


Also, as I saw the first comment on this thread my heart literally skipped. **Memory of Lion's Arch Pass** is such a great idea, it used to be my absolute favorite zone in all of gaming ever, the old LA. When I took a break for a year (from LW1 episode 3 to around HoT) I logged back in... and I saw the devastation. I was crying at my desk, I just couldn't accept what happened to our beautiful city. I wandered aimlessly around it until I ran into survivors right outside in Gendarran fields who told me that most people lived and are taking refuge at Vigil keep. I ran over there as fast as I could, just to make sure everyone was alright... and then I logged out and didn't come back for 3 years. I just couldn't bring myself to play GW2 without Lion's Arch. My heart was broken.


I... really, really dislike new LA. Old Lion's Arch had so much character, so much individuality. So much flavor. New LA is just a Sea World. Whenever I go through the original story and I have missions in old Lion's Arch I can't bring myself to leave the instance for hours. If there would be a Memory of Lion's Arch pass I'd pay double, triple of what I paid for my Mistlock Sanctuary passkey. Please take my money Anet. I just want to stay in Lion's Arch Memory forever.

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This is not a suggestion for a new or returning item specifically but more of a suggestion in functionality/feature.


This suggestion is both QOL and Gem Store related, so I will be posting on both threads.


It would be awesome if when sending a gem purchased gift, if there was an option on the item that would allow you to accept the gem equivalent for your account rather than the item itself. This would (possibly) increase the amount of gifts sent via the gem store. I know I try to only send to one person for whom I have api keys so I know if I am sending something he already has.


I also had a situation where I received a gift of mount licenses and had already unlocked all of the ones for that set. The person who sent the gift and I both had to put in a support ticket to get the original gem purchase revoked, and this could cut down on those types of tickets.


As the gift is mailed immediately, I would think you wouldn't have to worry about someone purchasing at a lower price and then trying to get gems after that item discount has ended. Or, include in the option of accept the gift or accept the equivalent XXXX gems for your account.


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1. Hoping the Zodiac armor sets will be re-added soon ^^

2. V-day incoming, hoping that the Rose Focus makes an appearance

3. More armors please, many people would love this

4. Please, give us new hairs. I've seen SO many people asking for new hair styles it's crazy. They would sell like hotcakes. Would love to see some of the old GW1 hairs brought back. The hairs some NPCs have currently and aren't available for players. Seen the White Mantle Cleric females have a nice hair and there is sometimes a villager in Lakeside Bazaar that has a flower hair I haven't seen before. The guild initiative representative sometimes has a cute ponytail with bangs. Most people would love to see long hairs, braids, flowers. I'd love to see a hair with Aurene's flowers. Maybe the GW1 ranger hair. https://i.imgur.com/imIaZtY.jpg

5. Still waiting on the hippie beetle skin from GW1 <3

6. Third garden plot or SOMETHING in that spot, it's driving me crazy.


Thanks for everything you've brought us already :)

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Seriously, what's with the crappy gem store updates lately? Why don't you add some stuff back to the store that people actually want? Namely, why don't you add the stuff back to the store that I want? LOL


Oh that's right, like I said before, they don't look at this thread, and they don't care what we want. I'm on the verge of quitting again because I can't give my character the look that I want, and therefore don't feel like playing.

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Hello, it would be very useful to expand the maximum stacks in bank in the same time whey we buy the expand for the Account vault. For example i have 1500 max stack in Account vault but still have 250 max in bank. It should be useful to have same amount available in both with the same expand purchase.

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Someone may have suggested these things in here at some point, but here we go anyway.


While not technically gemstore items, but sort of since you need a style kit, I would love some new tattoo options for Norns - I feel like the ladies kind of got cheated out of some cool knotwork tattoos, the dudes have way more options there. Also in the same vein, having new skin patterns for charr, sylvari, asura, or new skin color/pattern color/glow color would be great additions to style kits.


I know some people don't want more mount skins, but I would personally love some sylvari/sylvan themed ones, mostly because I'm biased and Sylvari are my favorite and it would be pretty sweet if they could have matching mounts :) Actually kind of surprised they haven't been made.

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I'd like to see the return of the Reading Glasses, they are on my "instant purchase" list alongside the Wreath of Cooperation.


A mini ley-line that would use the same animations as the mystic dragon.


A full base mounts dye kit (I suggest 1600 gems, including the roller beetle and the glider) that would give us 4 dye channels to all of our mounts, reusing the base model's colour paterns, as well as a second dye channel to our base glider skin to bring it on par with the others gliders.


A mordrem/ley-line mounts pack.


Suggestion: Make a matching Roller Beetle skin for all mount packs. It would cost something like 400 gems and would be sold separately, but would only be avalaible if we already purchased the matching mount pack. They shouldn't be tied to any limitted-time sales so people can complete their sets anytime.

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Guild Slot Expansions, I know of several players will full guild slots that would purchase this item to be able to join more than 5 guilds. Put them in for 800gems.


Also I'd really love to see Caithe's new look from when she gets all crystallized from Aurene be introduced either as an outfit or for sylvari to use, it was so pretty.

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Dear A-Net Dev Team... Pretty Please with cherry on top... I would LOVE to have a PAIR OF **ICE SKATES**!! :3


They should be easily doable as a movement toy... and for example if you step on actual ice (e.g. Lake Mourn in Hoelbrak) you can use the number keys to do Spins, Axels, Flips, Salchows... and Role Players could use the instruments to play personal songs for a figure skating championship :3 <3 It could also be a great Wintersday gift B)


Thank you for your continuous hard work!! =)



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