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Reaper's Rumble 2018

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Finally, after six years of moaning for it, players have finally seen the return of Reaper's Rumble. How has everyone's experience of this been this year?


I found it to be much more dull than I remember in 2012, but it's hard to tell if that's me or the game. One significant change I recognized is that the mode is now limited to 5v5, whereas it was as much as 10v10 before. I think I've found this to be significantly negative on my experience. It causes me to run into more swingy 3v4 or 4v5 matches. It's also hard to cover such a large map with five players, so there are more times in the side fields when I don't run into enemies, and more times when players are allowed to slip into the back of mausoleums and take them out uncontested.


I would really like to know how many games of this I've played, but there's no achievement track for number of times played, or won. It's the same problem I brought up for Aspect Arena this past summer.


It is hard to criticize the return of something I have personally clamored for for some time, but I'm just not feeling it this time around.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> It didn't age very well.


> People also have no idea what they are doing. Saw people camp the fields while I just solo'd all 3 of their objectives.


Yep!! Logged onto the forums to specifically mention this. I've been waiting for this to return since the first year, but just like last time, 75% of the players seem to have no idea what's going on and log off mid-game. I was even placed in one instance where I was the only player waiting for more players to join after EVERY other player quit mid-game. I suggest rather than having the rules explained in a small box at the beginning, flash the objectives in BIG BOLD LETTERING across the entire screen in the beginning, even if it causes an extra 10-15 second delay before the start of the game.

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I'm sad to say it didn't age as well as I remembered. Interesting thought about the 10 v 5 man teams. I found this to be really swingy this year and gave me some of the same feels as DragonBall = once you're down, kiss it good bye.


It makes me sad, but still super excited to actually see it in game again.

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I don't remember much about it from the first iteration, but I know I enjoyed it and was really looking forward to its return. This time, I enjoyed my first couple matches. But it feels very buggy. the strongest skill (#5) is soo inconsistent. It only works like 20% of the time. If there is any hint of elevation difference between you and your target, it will fail and hit the dirt in front of them or shoot over their heads. if there is an ant hill between you and your target, the skill will be blocked. sometimes you can shoot a target dead-on point-blank and it will hit them, but other times it will shoot through them even if aimed properly. sometimes it seems to work like an aoe, and other times might only damage the first skeleton it hits, even if there are others are very close right behind them.


another thing I'm not sure whether is a bug or game mechanic, but sometimes when you try to throw your pumpkin in your mausoleum, the ground-target skill will stop at the edge of the doorway (as if by an invisible wall) so you can't aim for inside. And if you throw it in this situation, the pumpkin might look like it hits inside the mausoleum, but it won't spawn any skeletons.


also I've been disconnected from the server about 3 of the last 6 matches, usually at the end of a match when the game is trying to switch you to a new match.


Just not a very fun experience right now, and I agree with the poster above that mentioned that map seems too large for 5 v 5. half the time you're just hitting the enemy structure unopposed.

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I actually liked it. I was confused about the throw of the pumpkin in the mauseolum at first to grow skeletons (seems counter-intuitive), I'd rather plant it, but once I got the general idea, I enjoyed it. I loved the music too and the scenery. Perhaps it's meant as a casual pvp? Last game was tight. The score was 2-3. Lots of fun!

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