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Dagger Focus Rod Weaver | WvW | Video


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dont play much these days but jumped after a few weeks into wvw yesterday.

couple of last buffs helped dagger weaver alot allthough air line is required to do dmg (outside of conditions) which in the end means the same problems all other weaver specs have. u either trait damage or survival.


only thing i want to add is that dagger weaver is the only spec that feels different in gameplay to core and hot specs. i guess those quirky slide mechanics are the reason for it but its damn fun to fck around on it once u put it together.


nuff said | enjoy



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EU server measn 75% of the pop are using pve builds. You do way too little damage to be viable in NA server 1v1 let alone 1v2 or 1v3. S/d is the only thing kinda viable at best vsing high level metas like condi mirage it's only 1v1. You can parlay 1v3 but you have GTFO out of there or 1-2 cc you are dead or if I reaper sneeze on you and you are using barreir trait instead of speed/ chill resistant traitline. You are either anti melee focus or anti chill. You can mitigate against 1 extreme but if you get jumped by another meta you will die. Now somedays I can fight 1v4 or 1v5 bad akram train people but that's not a real fight. Veteran players will skill, fast reflex and an abusive build will over take weaver. SInce weaver is luke warm with 7/10 suitability and a 7/10 damage face tanking distance. But if you rating on a damage vs no pure glass specs you are best a 5/10. Even using pure zerker, air, arcane, weaver. The will mitigate your kitten damage.


Weaver is called face tanking soft cc and medium level spikes and 3-4 condi source under 15 seconds. Vs opponents with 75% of your skill level 2 condi tank healing mirages with over take you with easy in time. 2 reapers will explode you to. 2 Warriors will cc you to death.


Weaver is a pianist and at your pinnacle ability you are B+ level vs A to A+ card metas.


Weaver needs to face tank so vs all class water, aracane and weaver is required. You can atmost go air, arcane and weaver vs power mesmers, power theives, power revs average level guardians, average level wars, bad reapers or scourge and awful soul beast. The rest you must be WAW forumula. Sw/D is the strongest Sw/F with air in certains fights but if its 1v3 off hand dagger would be best even just going AAW.

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You can't fight 1v3 with sword, you just spam evades and tanking, and die, you don't fight. No good cleave, no 360/aoe, no mobility, no range; you face an enemy, the 2 others just have to stay > 180range and watch you run and failing your dual attacks while laughing or backstab you.

It's ok for pvp, ok for dueling, ok with group to focus (take fresh air in that case). Not ok for 1v3 roaming the camps or ganking. Don't use PvP builds variants in WvW, don't expect the same result wvw as pvp, this is not the same gameplay.


But, no, we do have condi builds too, like too much. We have the traiblazer mirages and scourges, we see the greving mirage, we still see the annoying thiefs spamming #3 d/d that can't let off even after 15 minutes of pointless conditions, etc.

And so what ? Is this thread about the best weaver build ever made ? He even says "u either trait damage or survival."

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yeah im not here to convince anybody to do anything. all ele specs are to far away from what is meta. and while we are at it. this whole game is far away from what it once promised to be.


in that case i got one option left and that is play for fun. fun for me was allways about exploring options. dagger turned out to be one since the aura buffs and air line rework. when u get into it you notice (allthough the casttimes are way to long)

- u have the highest amount of evade options

- focus was allways the most immobile oh option. weaver dagger helps tons to keep your mobility up and high

- dagger/focus supports you with two auras. that means you can go rly low on precission and up your toughness if you chose to cause air traits gonna back you up

- dagger doesnt require target to maintain pressure and has more range


that said. it plays absolutly weird at first and esp if you come from sword and expect the evade frames and ports you used to have. if you willing to forget that and be open, dagger is hands down the most fun shit we have. it rly reminds me of those darkage early days dd ele footages before all the freaking nerfs.


if you aim for efficiency play another class.


p.s. if you got so much condi problems in na you obviously cant play it. i saw a condi dd weaver version somewhere on youtube. as condi you obviously can go defensiv traitlines.


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yes the df idea originally came from a pvp point of view. i got the idea of this build by a guy who had it from crann. met another known ele in a pvp match who had it aswell from him.


so yeah the range and none target requirement of dagger is huge in pvp. problem are the amuletts. demo + divinity worked best for me.


but the main problem of pvp is that u gonna face eatchother several times during a match alone and esp over a whole season. so ppl gonna catch up quick and gonna test ur sustain vs several things including condition cleanses. and in that regard its subpar.


whereas in wvw you gonna meet random ppl for one or two times so you get carried by the surprise element way longer than in pvp. also in wvw you can adjust your armor and stats better.


for combos. ofc there are some but the fields last so short its rly not worth it to push for those combos and burn cd's on them. just use the skills on requirement of the task ahead and like you need to know your oponents class and capability aswell cause of daggers odd casttimes. it feels like a class that could work reactivly but the casttimes destroy it.


imo what makes it work is the fact that the meta is more about stunbreaks than stability stacks. so lightning rod is your kicker. facing classes with high stability uptime like a holo or even core dd ele makes it very hard.


what makes it fun is the good mobility and with unravel the great amount of choices. it doesnt feel as limited as the other sets and i get the feel its all my fault when im losing cause i could ve done this and that aswell. i dont have this feeling on our other sets.

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