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[Feedback] Mad King's Raceway [merged]

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Ok not 100% sure yet, but 90% why some ppl cannot get it (including me). Or the so called 'bug.'


Mounts cannot 'strafe' (wich is a key)

They can however turn.

For all mounts both these actions never cause problems, they do the same thing (more or less), unlike with character. So if i press strafe left or turn left, it both turns my springer. For beetle (and drifting) it specifically fails with strafing, but not with turning). This is weird as there's no reason to let both these imputs do the same as beetle cannot in a lifetime strafe.


A big call to anet, to make both keys (strafe and turn) work with drift (I see no reason that it wouldnt work). The only reason for me to get it comfortable would be switching turn/strafe keys wich would be a pain later on.

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By the count of the repeatable achievement, I’ve run the full course 21 times. Not counting the 35-40 or so times I made an error and just restarted where I was since I knew I couldn’t do it in time. I’ve gotten the gold for doing it in 1:05 - by the way, why is the achievement even higher a requirement than the gold?? It should also be 1:05, not under a minute. Although really they should both be 1:10 or 1:15 even. The closest I’ve gotten is 1:03, with all perfect drifts by the beetle.


It really is impossible. I’ve tried using the exploding pumpkins as tools to dismount instead of making turns (effective except it also takes endurance), switching between every possible mount combo, boosting or holding back at every turn, it truly is impossible.


It’s content straight from Lucifer himself

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The track at Domain of Kourna was good, because you have place to drift, you see from afar the direction, the obstacles, there are big fat checkpoints.

Here it is just "luck", sometimes you pass near the checkpoint you get it, sometimes you don't, sometimes you crash on a tomb you cannot see sometimes you don't, sometimes your beetle crash on wall and lose all his speed, sometimes it slides


So you need to play thief with swiftness, bow, shadowstep; mount/dismount every 10 sec, pray the lord to drift without crashing in a tomb and lose all your speed/stamina, sure, totally doable.


Edit : + the fact you have to wait the end of the race. I don't know how to reset the track if I failed, I have to wait 5 minutes ...

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> @"phoenixxx.8230" said:

> I actually got it after several tries. The thing that worked was learning when to release the drift button (have it mapped to "C"). I'll try my best to explain:


> - Upon boosting (full endurance bar), beetle shoots straight with little to no maneuverability

> - You will gain control a short while later, allowing you to drift ("C" button)

> - Do not hold down the drift button trying to make the corners. Think of it like a bowstring, you want to release it once you feel you got the direction correct - beetle will make really tight 90-degree corners with ease once you figure this out (may take a few tries)

> - Blue orbs refill your endurance, and right after are usually straight lines, so boost right after taking blue orbs

> - Be careful of pumpkins and tombstones, one dismounts you (quickly re-mount if so) and the other blocks your way

> - I did not have to dismount, switch mounts, or use any skills (shadowstep, etc) to make it within 1 minute for the achievement

> - It took roughly 20-30 mins of practice


> Hope it helps.



You are a god then

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Ok I cleared it after 3 hours of tries... The track is split into three parts. The second part is the hardest. First and last are easier. I will try my best to explain them:


1. Start straight with speed and go through left of the first point (lots of players do it).

2. Use Bound of Vigor right after the high leap in the beginning. Use speed right after that and use "s" to slow down a bit at the same time (otherwise you can't drift well in the field). In the fields, dift towards the middle ground with the hill while going through all gates and use speed before the middle ground. The first part is done.

3. On the second part, after the middle hill (you can slow down a bit while being in the middle hill), drift right away to the right and make sure not to lose too much speed.

4. You are slower now towards the tombs after the drift, but make sure to still drift in the next, sharp corner (the tombs) despite your slow speed. Right after the tombs, when you face towards the fields, use speed and slow down with "s" key at the same time and drift towards the right. Make sure to slow down a bit harder than usual or you won't be able to get all the gates here. This part is IMO the hardest.

5. This part after the drift in the open field requires a pretty medium speed (little bit faster than raptor running speed) in order to get all the gates without slowing down too much. When you get all the gates in the field, use speed to get through the middle hill again. The second part is done.

6. On the third and last part, drift towards the right after the middle hill. Go though the S road and use speed after the sharp corner and make sure to hit the wall on the left to completely slow down. https://imgur.com/a/CZvRqAn This is really important. After the slow down, drive towards the right, take the endurance bubble and use speed to reach the final hill destination.

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When i do drifting my beetle slides insanely far in the old direction (but facing new direction). It very rarely does the turn 'faster'. I see ppl doing it 4x as fast as me. No mattre what combination of keys i spam i cannot get the 'sliding' to stop. No clue at all man. The winners won over this secret. I know how to do the lap, i know where to turn, i know when to turn i know when to charge up... etc; I just don't know how to stop the sliding.


I must say Arenanet, after the gorgeous griffin race implemention this is the most crappy implemention i've seen. Very dissapointing.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Phoebe Ascension.8437" said:

> > Ok, this is the biggest kitten timed achievement i saw in a lifetime of guildwars. The drift key does Not work. It responds 5% of the times i use it. 5% The other times my beetle is an uncontrollable (in this small track with hindrances) mount. Thanks Arenanet.

> >

> > Griffon is already bugged (the charge down straight from stand still bugs and you loose strafing control - good thing i found a way mostly around that). And at least up and down worked from the start and i could practise like hell to do it.

> >

> > I did an almost perfect raptor run 1 minute 18 seconds. Thanks for making it only posisble on the most bugged ever mount in a lifetime. No clue how ppl have it worked. It's assigned, works GREAT for griffon, fails epicly at beetle.

> >

> > My frustration is now 1 million units. This will be a dark day in guild wars 2 history. 1 hour and going, still only 6 succesful straves (on 200+ attempts).


> People come in with the opinion that the beetle is useless and trash, don't bother learning how to use it and then complain that it is useless and trash. That's the biggest issue.


Sorry not everyone is a keyboard and mouse ninja to get this stupid thing to drift. The post you quoted is correct, it barely works when you do try to do it. Offer some actual advice instead of telling everyone how hardcore and pro you are. My beetle will not drift and I've spent time trying to get it to it just never happens.


I've even looked up videos but all I see are people showing off. If there's a guide video out here that explains how these features work I'd be grateful for a link. x.x



Final Edit: They should have just used Deroir's track that he made in his guild hall. That thing is aces.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > Devs need to go back and play an old game like wipeout to get a clue how to design a track that you need to drift around, cos this is not it. 1/10 pathetic. I'm about - this close to uninstall this game, this is not content...


> It's not that bad once you're used to it. 2 minutes for three laps however... unrealistic


The 2min achieve isn't for that race, it's for the other one. And you dont need stamina mastery. See here

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Managed 1:03.800 without any PoF masteries like drift control and extra energy regen, or even the ability to re-mount. It is unlikely though that I will be able to find four seconds to save with the tools I have available. If there's anything about the achievement or challenge that sucks, it's that the rental beetles don't bring players up to a universal standard to compete.


Also, not being able to see very clearly how quickly you last finished makes it near impossible to tell if any changes you make are making you better or worse.

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The track was a real let down for me. I’m not usually one to post complaints, but I was so disappointed when I checked out the track. I only tried it once before leaving. I was hoping for a fun, crazy, Hot Wheels track, designed to take advantage of the beetles awesome speed. Clearly, that’s not what we got. The track felt tight and claustrophobic to me. I have to say that I love my roller beetle, and drifting with it is a lot of fun — but nothing about this track looks fun to me. Instead of fun, this achievement just feels like a whole lot of painful work.


Here’s the thing [for me]... Even if I took the time to master this track, and somehow magically got this achievement, it’s content that I’m sure I’d NEVER EVER want to touch again. To me, that’s the definition of poorly designed game play.

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I just wish there could be a clearly defined race track that doesn't require memorization. All mount courses just seem to be a game of following arbitrary markers that zig-zag randomly all over the map. I know they stay the same each time but I would just appreciate a race track that you could look at the map and clearly see the entire course before you get started and clearly see the entire course as you are in the midst of it.

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Ayayayay..... sooo much complaining..

You people need to stop being soo much on the forum, and put more of that writing effort into practicing the track. Its duable, but it needs time. You need to perfect some part, but definetly not all of them. Check Kirnale.5914 reply for a bit of guidance, might help. When it comes to me, ill just add these things:

- You cannot drift instantly after boosting, only once the boost has been fully applied, thats is why unless you have enough distance available you wont be able to drift in time

- Checkpoints are HUGE, you just need to go through close to them, not into them. Abuse this to avoid some drifting.


And again, just keep practicing! When you fail some part of the course, think how to get around it, test things out, find out how to make through them faster. Some things you can boost/drift through, some you cannot. Just keep trying and keep improving.



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I think I might be able to do this with a controller. Drifting feels hard to pull of on keyboard.


Best time I've got so far is like 1:20 while switching between the raptor and the beetle. Also I imagine they wanted to make the race difficult similar to the clock tower as a challenge. Requiring this for the meta seems like much though.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:


> Edit : + the fact you have to wait the end of the race. I don't know how to reset the track if I failed, I have to wait 5 minutes ...


This took a moment for me to figure out too. You can press the x next to the quest timer thingy that pops up on the top right while the track is active. There does not seem to be other quick way to end the race like on the griffon adventures.


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I haven't seen a post about this yet, but I've generally seen some discontent regarding the anticipated beetle raceway. After going to the reaper rumble map to look for it, I can understand why they're upset.


If you don't know, Arenanet announced the Mad King's Raceway by saying "...Introduce your beetle to the joys of Halloween at the Mad King's Raceway" I feel many rightly assumed, (including me) that this meant some kind of nice roadway that they created with sharp corners, flat straightway, and a few jumps between to allow for us to train and take full use of the beetle. There are very few, if at all, areas currently in Tyria that let us race at top speed only slowing to take turns.


I'm not saying the race is impossible, I've heard people get gold in the adventure. It just feels remarkably difficult, and like many other races, it doesn't feel at all well designed. With the map just being the old Reaper's Rumble, I do not think any of the map was changed to help people handle beetles well. (Many many tombstones or small walls my beetle won't go over, or get stopped by a root I should have been able to pass between.)


For one who was super excited to have a fun NASCAR like raceway, I'm a little hesitant to say this was an enjoyable race to experience.


Thoughts? Agree? Disagree? Ideas on how to improve this for next year?

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