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ressing mechanism for rev


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as some classes have nice res mechanism increase so should rev . ranger with his pet, engi with his function gyro, guard with merciful intervention etc...


i think that ventari should have it as the healer class. so i propose this idea


ventari elite Energy Explosion should heal down player in 240 radius by 1% for every 1 nrg you had before the activation


what you think ?

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That's a really interesting idea, but at that strength I think it would be too strong. Guardians have Merciful Intervention and at 20% it's broken in WvW. This could easily replicate that (and even surpass it), and I don't think that's really something to be modeled after. Maybe if the strength was adjusted down?


My idea for a Salvation trait, which isn't quite as interesting:

Cast Energy Expulsion when reviving an enemy (40 sec cooldown, 3 condis removed, does not affect energy level and triggers from any legend). You gain 10% increased revive speed. Additionally, downed allies near your tablet (radius 240-300) are revived 10% faster.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> That's a really interesting idea, but at that strength I think it would be too strong. Guardians have Merciful Intervention and at 20% it's broken in WvW. This could easily replicate that (and even surpass it), and I don't think that's really something to be modeled after. Maybe if the strength was adjusted down?


> My idea for a Salvation trait, which isn't quite as interesting:

> Cast Energy Expulsion when reviving an enemy (40 sec cooldown, 3 condis removed, does not affect energy level and triggers from any legend). You gain 10% increased revive speed. Additionally, downed allies near your tablet (radius 240-300) are revived 10% faster.


I think the Energy level thing is well balanced for this idea since energy itself seem to be very limited when using Ventari.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > That's a really interesting idea, but at that strength I think it would be too strong. Guardians have Merciful Intervention and at 20% it's broken in WvW. This could easily replicate that (and even surpass it), and I don't think that's really something to be modeled after. Maybe if the strength was adjusted down?

> >

> > My idea for a Salvation trait, which isn't quite as interesting:

> > Cast Energy Expulsion when reviving an enemy (40 sec cooldown, 3 condis removed, does not affect energy level and triggers from any legend). You gain 10% increased revive speed. Additionally, downed allies near your tablet (radius 240-300) are revived 10% faster.


> I think the Energy level thing is well balanced for this idea since energy itself seem to be very limited when using Ventari.


I disagree. At 1% per energy that would mean you would only need 20 energy to have it be Merciful Intervention-level strength. That skill completely trivializes downstate and is too powerful in WvW. We don't need more of it considering this could be used in a similar manner.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> as some classes have nice res mechanism increase so should rev . ranger with his pet, engi with his function gyro, guard with merciful intervention etc...


> i think that ventari should have it as the healer class. so i propose this idea


> ventari elite Energy Explosion should heal down player in 240 radius by 1% for every 1 nrg you had before the activation


> what you think ?


I like this idea very much. But I fear it could be very OP. Perhaps by 0.5% per energy.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"Milan.9035" said:

> > Would be cool if we could like put our glint heal on others and maybe increase ressing by 10%.

> >

> > Meh kind of pointless for a support build to have ress trait, forget it.


> why pointless? guard and mes have 1 skill


I was being sarcastic. We had this forever and then anet did a rework on glint and removed it....

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Will agree that a revive trait/function if added would belong on Salvation/Centaur Stance.


It's probably too OP, but i'll toss this out for fun:


1. Centaur Stance, Protective Solace (Mabey traited, also increasing radius slightly)- Alongside projectile block now also revives downed allies inside the bubble for x%(1-2%?) / second.

2. New Salvation Trait/Add function to old trait - Revives allies within radius of Ventari's Will (Tablet Movement) and Natural Harmony (Charged Heal) for x%. (~5% & ~10% respectively i'd say.)

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I don’t think any of the suggestions are particularly OP when looking at how it compares with other classes. Heal scourge is a monster at rezzing and ofc Druid with pet and Guardian with Intervention or Signet of Mercy. If it needs to have a trade off it could just be made a grandmaster trait and compete with the large percent modifier in that line. I like the ideas to add it to energy expulsion or protective solace. Or perhaps just add it as a modification added to the tablet if traited that will give percent healing per second if the tablet is on a downed body

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A Rez Upkeep may be something new when you think about it. At first I was against putting something like this on a upkeep skill due to balance around energy, but the trade-off is that it would be a Rez over time effect. In WvW that may be slow enough that enemies can still stomp but AoE effectiveness of it good enough to keep allies that are downed, alive long enough to stay afloat. Energy is a problem with Healing Ventari Revs, which originally I felt it made more sense to add this to the high cost Elite than the upkeep but thinking about it, the upkeep idea actually works a bit with a nice drawback to keep balanced.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > That's a really interesting idea, but at that strength I think it would be too strong. Guardians have Merciful Intervention and at 20% it's broken in WvW. This could easily replicate that (and even surpass it), and I don't think that's really something to be modeled after. Maybe if the strength was adjusted down?

> > >

> > > My idea for a Salvation trait, which isn't quite as interesting:

> > > Cast Energy Expulsion when reviving an enemy (40 sec cooldown, 3 condis removed, does not affect energy level and triggers from any legend). You gain 10% increased revive speed. Additionally, downed allies near your tablet (radius 240-300) are revived 10% faster.

> >

> > I think the Energy level thing is well balanced for this idea since energy itself seem to be very limited when using Ventari.


> I disagree. At 1% per energy that would mean you would only need 20 energy to have it be Merciful Intervention-level strength. That skill completely trivializes downstate and is too powerful in WvW. We don't need more of it considering this could be used in a similar manner.


it might be powerful in gvg 15v15 where already FB have nice rezzing abilities with MI and mesmer with IoL . but in wvw zerg fights not at all with all the dmg around you.

usually ventari have about 20% nrg up to 50% nrg when playing in zerg in wvw. the ability to rez ppl will make him more needed than ever with all the dmg out there.

also it could be easily adjusted like 0.5% or give it base of 20% when using the skill no matter the nrg you had. but i like the nrg idea

you can also split it like the rezzing amount will split by the numbers of down so 20% with 20 nrg will be 4% with 5 allies down. as usually 3 ppl are down in burst situation.


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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> it might be powerful in gvg 15v15 where already FB have nice rezzing abilities with MI and mesmer with IoL . but in wvw zerg fights not at all with all the dmg around you.

> usually ventari have about 20% nrg up to 50% nrg when playing in zerg in wvw. the ability to rez ppl will make him more needed than ever with all the dmg out there.

> also it could be easily adjusted like 0.5% or give it base of 20% when using the skill no matter the nrg you had. but i like the nrg idea

> you can also split it like the rezzing amount will split by the numbers of down so 20% with 20 nrg will be 4% with 5 allies down. as usually 3 ppl are down in burst situation.



Well there are still game modes and applications beyond just those, which I think is still important to consider. I am by no means trying to knock your idea...in fact I absolutely love it, I just think it would need to be toned down a little bit. Perhaps something like 7% per 10 energy to have it fit with the condition removal mechanism. I would love for it to give the tablet a new and powerful role, I just don't want it to be too strong.

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> @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> Will agree that a revive trait/function if added would belong on Salvation/Centaur Stance.


> It's probably too OP, but i'll toss this out for fun:


> 1. Centaur Stance, Protective Solace (Mabey traited, also increasing radius slightly)- Alongside projectile block now also revives downed allies inside the bubble for x%(1-2%?) / second.

> 2. New Salvation Trait/Add function to old trait - Revives allies within radius of Ventari's Will (Tablet Movement) and Natural Harmony (Charged Heal) for x%. (~5% & ~10% respectively i'd say.)


I definitely like that first one a lot. Keep it at 1-2% a second and I think it would be pretty balanced. It's slow, eats up the rev's energy, without support anybody will easily still stomp or plow through it, and it's also literally a giant glowing eye catching beacon for the other side, which runs the risk of drawing focused fire to the location. I'd like a general radius increase to the tablet's skills in general too. Even just 60 more on most of them would be such a nice quality of life improvement given how clunky the thing can be at times.

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