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Event Achievement Question

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Are the annual ones the only ones reset each year? I have some repeatable ones that aren't complete, and I can't tell if I just decided to 'not' push really hard last year, and just do one level of them (for AP) and save repeats for future years, or if I had done all the repeats and they reset them?


Example: Carving Across Tyria. I see I'm at 192/200 right now, and 5/25 (so I did it once already). Now, I'm pretty certain I didn't already carve 400 pumpkins this year, or did I?

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Let's say if you completed certain achievements for the festival in 2017. In 2018 those achievements will remain completed while others will be opened for completion again. You'll always get achievements you can complete in that festival once per year and other achievements which you can repeat over and over again.


The carving pumpkin achievement requires you to carve 100 pumpkins. That's the annual one, the one where you can complete once this year. The carving 200 is definitely the repeateable one which you can repeat whenever the festival is active.

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The ones labelled (Annual) are 'normal' achievements - complete them and then they show up as done. But presumably next year they'll be reset and you'll be able to do them again.


The others in the Halloween Rituals category are infinite achievements like Agent of Entropy. When you complete them you get the reward and then it resets and you can start over immediately. These ones don't reset between years so you can carry on from where you left off. For example I got my first weapon box from Eve of the Mad King today, because last year when Halloween ended I was on 3/5 days completed. But all of these achievements have a cap on how much AP you can earn from them, so you can't just pick an easy one and do it over and over for infinite AP.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> So the 200 one, where you can do it 5 times for a total of 25 AP. That one resets every year, so you can get 25 AP every year for that?


The achievement points from the infinite achievements are only awarded once, but you can continue to complete it for the ToT bag rewards. They keep track of how many times you've completed them. I got all the AP from most of the infinite achievements last year. This year it's showing I've already earned all the AP from them and the number of times I've completed them last year. The completion count just keeps going up. (Which is nice because it means I don't have to feed Drooburt all over again since I got all the AP from that last year. I only have to feed him if it happens to be a daily achievement.)


The achievements marked (Annual) can be completed once a year, along with the meta. But all other achievements can only be completed once.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> So the 200 one, where you can do it 5 times for a total of 25 AP. That one resets every year, so you can get 25 AP every year for that?

No, the achievements that are capped to 25 AP don't reset every year. I have them but without AP this year, because I completed them last year. Only the tower still has 25 AP available because last year I've never been able to complete the JP. I also had already Carving across Tyria partially completed and also Defeat bosses in the labyrinth was 4/5. Same for the races. But without any AP available.

EDIT: well, redundant reply, sorry. I saw now that @"Charrbeque.8729" already said it :)

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