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Water Mounts

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> i hope not


Why is that? Underwater gameplay in Guild Wars 2 is pretty fun. They just need to speed up movement a bit more and get the abilities in a good spot. I feel like the anti-underwater sentiment is more of a meme than legit. I get that some professions are missing key abilities, but that can be sorted out with some dev love. Is there something about the actual concept of three dimensional gameplay that bothers you? I would love some sprawling underwater maps like Subnautica, dark tunnels with bioluminescent plants and magma flows casting colorful lights. Plus, an underwater expansion could focus on the Quaggan, aka the best NPC species.

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I agree that an underwater mount would be fun, even if it was "just" a speed boost. Ideally I'd also like it to have a move with shoots you up to the surface, or at least in the direction of the surface, which would be helpful for avoiding combat and getting back out of the water. (And for me helpful in finding the surface, because I sometimes manage to get turned around underwater.)

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> @"Stu Grockalot.2937" said:

> Oh hell no! I hate underwater combat and actively avoid it. I can't think of anything more horrendous than forcing you to do underwater combat by having underwater maps and mounts! :(


How does an under water mount force you into underwater combat? If anything the land mounts make it easier to avoid combat because you can run past/fly over enemies. Wouldn't an underwater mount achieve the same thing?

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I dont really PvE a lot but just in the middle of core Tyria map completion and all I can think is "Wish I was being pulled by a dolphin"...

Take your skimmer to shark infested waters and you will get pulled off your mount by sharks. Not a dolphin but maybe close enough?


Overall, I'm not opposed to underwater content but they do need to make some improvements for it to work well.


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Triop would make for a cool UW mount




1. Long breath (dont dismount when hitting the surface)


1. Grappling walk: land on the ground floor of any underwater surface, and run at a good speed. Jump to detach.

2. Attack: dash forward, inflicting bleeding and torment on all passing foes (max. 10).

3. Aquadynamics: dash forward through the water, by pressing space

4. Aquadynamics, a tutology in swimming: swim through strong currents, slowly draining endurance as you do (to reach certain special areas)

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> @"Chaos.3579" said:

> i am hoping for a underwater revamp. turning existing land combat in to 3 dimensional combat underwater with skill functionality changes where necessary .


> perhaps something like that when we finally get the deep sea dragon expansion + underwater mounts.


PvE isnt something one considors fun, but that sure would put a smile on my face.

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