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Which type of PvP player are you?


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I don't talk much, unless necessary, like "don't all go far!" after ennemy wipe at mid, while i do what i can to prevent enemy thief to decap Home/mid. He got a decap naturaly after a while, and my team wiped at far leaving me 1v5...

Otherwise, even if my teammates actions are questionable, i'm more inclined to reflect on my owns. What could I have done better? How could I have helped my teams lackings? (Without rerolling a faceroll spec) After all is said and done, the only thing you can change is yourself. I only play ele in pvp, so I know I am not bringing the biggest asset to my team.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> watching people chase someone off point instead of decapping / capping a node is the worst loool


Forcing a kill is generally more important than a cap. You can easily cap after they are downed. But they ain't going to politely wait for you to finish capping before they recover and reset.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > watching people chase someone off point instead of decapping / capping a node is the worst loool


> Forcing a kill is generally more important than a cap. You can easily cap after they are downed. But they ain't going to politely wait for you to finish capping before they recover and reset.


nah that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people fighting off the node for minutes on end without considering the cap whatsoever lol

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> @"deadpool.7036" said:

> If only more than myself and someone else went to mid....


> You only need one person to cap on your side.... Not three... Definitely not three.... Unless two split off to ninja cap the other side... But that doesn't happen either.


Because your team is dead before reaching the fight?


You cant chose your X-Force here

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"deadpool.7036" said:

> > If only more than myself and someone else went to mid....

> >

> > You only need one person to cap on your side.... Not three... Definitely not three.... Unless two split off to ninja cap the other side... But that doesn't happen either.


> Because your team is dead before reaching the fight?


> You cant chose your X-Force here


Nah like, when the match starts. Example: Match starts and three people try to go towards the closest objective. That's not helpful as a single person could cap just as fast. After the initial 10 seconds of the game, strat changes based on how it all unfolds.


Arguably 1 ranged with some kind of run speed boon should go to the closest when the gates open, so they can catch up at mid, or meet at the third object if the mid cap was successful. But that's just one tactic.


Another might be, 1 to closest and 4 to the farthest, then return to cap mid after the other team capped it, then defend... As if anyone dies you can two-prong attack the closest objective

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:


> You cant chose your X-Force here


Definitely not, which makes unranked, single queueing exciting! And sometimes comical (like watching 4 people get wrecked 15 times in a row because they try going to mid where they end up funneled into a chaos of AoE, I've watched that happen before.....)

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In any poll should be — "Other" choice too


I am for Revenant God roleplayer

Inside of me live Shiro Tagatchi spirit, who ask me revenge for Harvest Day and I cant hold his power


Glaust (Someone know as Glint) - Dragon champion. Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik scion. Glint spirit know too much pain, and so too much violance from Kralkatorrik


My Revenant cant hold this power inside and always considers it necessary to inform the enemy in map chat


But Revenant god main power is - intellect and looking on map/own mistakes



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