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Does this game not have a support team?

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> @"MozezCore.3274" said:

> > @"Yosho.1634" said:

> > Does a support team even exist for this game? I submitted a ticket for over a day now and still have not gotten a reply from support. I used to play wow and I would get replies within atleast 24hrs, even xfinity has better response than what I'm currently experiencing so I'm curious if they even have a support team.


> This support Team wont do anything for you. Customer service is below average in gw2. This is truely a shame.

> I wrote a ticket because they gave me the gems i bought 3 days (!!) after i purchased those. During this time a special sale that i wanted to buy ran off. So i asked for

> A) offering me this special sale even longer

> B) giving me the difference that i lose by manually buying those items in the cash shop.


> Garbage support. This is how you instantly scare away "new" customers again. (I bougth the game 3 years ago but never really played) I wont spend money on this game anymore i guess. They should tell in advance that gem delivery takes 3 kitten days!! Or just be more costumer friendly when it comes to those kind of special offers.



If the gems in question was from the Ultimate edition of PoF, that *does* state that it can take up to 72 hours to get the gems. Other gem purchases are usually pretty much instant, in my experience.

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I've had both experiences - been ignored and gotten great response. I think the difference was that when I was ignored I was reporting a known bug of some kind they were 'working on', whereas the quick responses where about issues specific to my account.


For instance, right now HPs that require a fight with an NPC are not working, and have not been working for days - I submitted a ticket and am so far ignored.

Also in Malchor's Leap the meta is bugged and nobody can purchase obsidian shards as a result - nothing after 2 days.


Buut, when I accidentally deleted something they quickly restored it for me, which was awesome.

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My last ticket took several weeks for a response. It was probably low priority, and based off my own screw up that they didn't have to do anything about at all, plus it was just before the tumultuous Kourna release, but they did respond, and fixed my issue 100% to my satisfaction.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > Rest assured that they do have a phenomenal Support team. As long as you politely and clearly explain your problem and timely reply to their responses, they will work with you until the issue is resolved (or it's deemed impossible or inappropriate to fix, but they will tell you so and why). I've only needed their help a handful of times over the years but have found each and every time to be stellar.

> >

> > I took it for granted until I had a game-killing issue in ESO and discovered that over there Nonsupport is a better term >< Please bask in the greatness of ANet's Support :)


> Gimme a break, in 2 years have contacted support several times.. NEVER ever got any reply .. like OP says in WoW it's a whole different ball game (have not played in 6 yrs) my account got hacked once, and within 2 days I got everything back and the person that hacked it was perma banned... Anet is not even in the same league as Blizzard.


I don't work on the CS Team, but when I see something like this, is causes me concern. In the interests of accuracy, I looked up this account. You have submitted one ticket, which happened to be about trying to access the old forum a week or so after the new one was launched. That ticket received a response within 48 hours. I see no others that you initiated. Do you have another account you want me to look up? I ask because it's really unpleasant to see accusations of this sort, and I'd like to make sure we have all the information we need to make fair and *accurate* comments.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> They had a 4 week backlog. I assume the issues and training are completed, but I would still expect a min 2-3 days


Yep, that's about what they're running. Sometimes under 24 hours, sometime a bit over.


> @"Urud.4925" said:

> I think that the longest that I waited was 24 days, few months ago, but it was not long after that huge ban-hammer, so I'm sure they had a lot of tickets. And they replied kindly, so I forgave them ::disappointed:


Thank you for your patience. It was a long wait and it's kind of you to speak positively about the matter.


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> at the moment it can take a whole month for tickets to be resolved


Not at all. Not in any case that I can think of, unless there was back and forth communication that was delayed on the part of the customer. Response times are a couple of days, on average and I don't see even a week, much less a month! Please read up in my post or check the latest update in the larger [ticket response time ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39093/customer-support-ticket-response-times-merged/p1 "ticket response time ")thread, which I update when I have new information.


> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:


> If you never got any reply at all from multiple tickets, then it seems likely that you either submitted an in-game bug report instead of a support ticket OR had an issue with receiving emails from support (e.g. you put your contact email in wrong on the support ticket or the ticket responses were sent to your spam filter).


These ideas make sense. OP -- If you didn't find your answer in the explanations that members gave you about waiting 72 hours for delivery of the gems from the Ultimate Collection, have you read the comments here from Rose?

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> @"MozezCore.3274" said:

> > @"Yosho.1634" said:

> > Does a support team even exist for this game? I submitted a ticket for over a day now and still have not gotten a reply from support. I used to play wow and I would get replies within atleast 24hrs, even xfinity has better response than what I'm currently experiencing so I'm curious if they even have a support team.


> This support Team wont do anything for you. Customer service is below average in gw2. This is truely a shame.

> I wrote a ticket because they gave me the gems i bought 3 days (!!) after i purchased those. During this time a special sale that i wanted to buy ran off. So i asked for

> A) offering me this special sale even longer

> B) giving me the difference that i lose by manually buying those items in the cash shop.


> Garbage support. This is how you instantly scare away "new" customers again. (I bougth the game 3 years ago but never really played) I wont spend money on this game anymore i guess. They should tell in advance that gem delivery takes 3 kitten days!! Or just be more costumer friendly when it comes to those kind of special offers.



People that leave after a minor inconvenience (and then insisting that a huge exception be made just for them) aren't customers anyway. They can't just make a special sale just for you. You were unlucky that it took far longer than usual for you, it's not a big deal it just happens. You can't even blame the support for that, they don't have to do anything out of their own good will just to please you and neither is it their job. Their job is to solve your issues, not giving out favors to people.

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Not sure if GW2 Support staff are also involved in GW1, but I have had multiple issues in GW1. Almost all were account related (locked out, etc.). I've worked with several reps and they were always professional and courteous. I ran multiple accounts (mostly so I could have my broke friends play). I don't believe I've any issues during my time in GW2, but if I did, I have faith that the support staff would be helpful.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > I think that the longest that I waited was 24 days, few months ago, but it was not long after that huge ban-hammer, so I'm sure they had a lot of tickets. And they replied kindly, so I forgave them ::disappointed:


> Thank you for your patience. It was a long wait and it's kind of you to speak positively about the matter.

Oh, that emote was a smile, not a disappointment eh! I don't know why the ":D" is converted into a disappointed face when I type.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> ^Because it's the first option (for 'D or d') in the drop-down menu for smileys here?


Ah ha, right. I mean, if I type ":)" this is automatically converted into a smile, so I expected ":D" to be converted into a laugh. But I found it now: I should type ":m" and then select the laugh. Not as direct as I thought, but there are more emoticons this way.

Still it's weird that in my original post it appears a smile, while in the Gaile's quote is a disappointment. ANYWAY, thanks for pointing me in the good direction!

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I asked for a refund 5 days ago, got a response after 3 days to confirm a refund request and then nothing. Both expansion packs are still active on my account which leads me to believe the process has not even been started. This issue is extremely urgent to me but apparently only to me and I feel like I'm being ignored.

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