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Dailies? Weeklies? Monthlies?


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They drain fun outta big open world MMOS because they are formulaic, and gives you this tunnel vision that is insultingly ironic in an (semi)open world game. I could never get behind playing games with dailies, it makes you into this ''slave of optimizing shit benefits''. Daily achievements are a whole new level of this cynicism - it destroys the point of being a achievement hunter (glorified completionist). Seriously, has anyone felt proud about having an X amount of AP? This is hurtfull, because I am no stranger to GW2, I had 800 hours in at the point of dropping the game cold turkey. And I attribute my falling out with the game HUGELY with this said ''daily system''. I can't hate it more. IT IS THE EVIL OF THE MODERN MMORPG.


That being said, I'm more disappointed about the fact that the talented (at least innovations-wise) GW2 team couldn't come up with a better alternative and make a negative into a positive, THAT COULD WORK VERY WELL in Guild Wars 2! The game is infamous for lacking any direction or the ''treadmill fever'' of WoW. (Sidenote: I've been an extensive player of both and still prefer GW2, however, both have their ups and downs) Imagine if they would utilize Weeklies. Lets say you have to ''Explore map X this week'' or ''Raise your PVP level by X'', ''Finish all Tier X fractals this week'' (OK we already have this in some (read: inferior) form) This would make this regular format worth my time cause it would justify good rewards and it points you on a direction to explore. Why not Monthlies even? ''Craft a legendary'' ''Master a craft'' etc.


Whenever I do dailies in an hour, I actually feel disencouraged to do anything else for that day. IT IS AN ANTI-PLAYER PRACTICE! How can Anet not see this? You were the chosen one!


Wadya thing guises?

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Weeklies or monthlies would exacerbate the OP's problem bc you'd either need to stay on schedule throughout the week or month or risk being 'forced' to cram at the end . . .


I just hit the daily ap cap right before Halloween started and I was dreading it bc I really enjoyed dailies, they were a little routine that I did at the start of my session to kind of get me into the game, which is the opposite of the OP's experience. Happily Halloween came along with it's own little set of dailies right after, so I'm still not sure about how I'm going to feel not having any dailies to do at all. But so far, I haven't missed dailies nearly as much as I had expected . . .

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> @"Sauja.2368" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > I feel you are wrong, given we had monthlies and at the time more often than not players hated them just because of what it took to obtain them some months.

> Hmphh, can you give me an example?



An example of what?

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You think GW2 dailies eat too much time? funny...

It takes me exactly 1-2 PVP games to complete all dailies and get my 2g...at worst case it takes 20 min.


In WoW it can take hours, and its boring as hell since you HAVE to do those dailies to grind rep, it was HORRIBLE back when I played wow.


Then you have runescape (RS3), which there are so many dailies in the form of tasks, mini games and activities to do than it can eats up your entire evening. On many occasions, for example, I came back from work at the evening, wanted to do bossing but had to do dailies first, and when i was finally done...times up 3 hours has passed, need to go to sleep to get up early in the morning for work.

And both WOW and RS kinda mentally force you to do them since you would miss a great deal of stuff (Rep, resources, XP, gold, progression...) and you just felt bad not doing them.

GW2 has nothing of this intrusive daily crap, and its one of the many reasons I play this MMO.

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> @"Sauja.2368" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > I feel you are wrong, given we had monthlies and at the time more often than not players hated them just because of what it took to obtain them some months.

> Hmphh, can you give me an example?


Monthly List


Some tasks were tedious, others were boring and some were impossible for certain players. Here are a few examples:


The Monthly Puzzle Jumper was a typical example of a fast-grinder. 12 Jumping Puzzles for an entire month. It was easy to get that task done in < 1h, speedrunners barely needed 30 minutes.


The Monthly Salvage Kit uses was also pretty ridiculous, although we had no auto-salvage function back then. The numbers were 500. Many ppl just went to TP and bought a stack or two of the cheapest salvageable item they could find.


The Skillpoint Anmasser was a bit lame. If you had all character slots occupied and all characters outmaxed, you either had to buy a new slot or sacrifice one of your characters. If you had the free slot, the task itself was done in ~ 1-2h for an experienced player. We had no mounts back then.


The Champion Slayer was a very easy task, either jump on the FGS/Orr champ-train or worldboss train. Same goes for Monthly Events and Group Events.


Dungeon Participator. 5-10 Dungeons per Month. Back in those days dungeons were main-content. I knew a lot of people who had more than 10 dungeons in a daily run.


Crafter. 40-60 items crafted with masterwork rarity. First masterwork crafts were accessible with level 125. Thanks to stack-crafting done in < 5 minutes.

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You serious? Dailies that take you 15-20 minutes and are OPTIONAL?


Oh may, from the top of my head games i played, dailies were 2-4 hours and if you miss one day, you would felt behind and it will take you huge efforts to catch up.


15 minuts on easy tasks that are OPTIONAL(meaning you can ignore it and go do what you want in game) ! You must be kidding

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I don't mind dailies, but then I only do them if I feel like it and only the ones I want to do.


At the moment I'm doing WvW Big Spender most days it comes up because I'm using it as an incentive to buy cultural armour from the vendor. (Somehow just buying the skins feels like a waste but if I get an daily achievement too it doesn't.) Then I'll usually pick 2 other quick or fun ones to finish it off - like viewing a vista and doing a jumping puzzle because I enjoy those.


Lately I'm also doing the Halloween dailies, and if I'm in a Living World map for any length of time I'll do the map dailies (especially because I'm probably getting map currency and those help a lot).


But other days I won't even think about them because I have other things to do instead.


It's an option, one of many, not a requirement that must be completed if you log in.

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> @"Einsof.1457" said:

> Play one spvp match. Done. Easy 2 gold. These kinds of topics really confuse me.


Whats so confusing about wanting meaningful > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > @"Sauja.2368" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > I feel you are wrong, given we had monthlies and at the time more often than not players hated them just because of what it took to obtain them some months.

> > Hmphh, can you give me an example?

> >

> Monthly List


> Some tasks were tedious, others were boring and some were impossible for certain players. Here are a few examples:


> The Monthly Puzzle Jumper was a typical example of a fast-grinder. 12 Jumping Puzzles for an entire month. It was easy to get that task done in < 1h, speedrunners barely needed 30 minutes.


> The Monthly Salvage Kit uses was also pretty ridiculous, although we had no auto-salvage function back then. The numbers were 500. Many ppl just went to TP and bought a stack or two of the cheapest salvageable item they could find.


> The Skillpoint Anmasser was a bit lame. If you had all character slots occupied and all characters outmaxed, you either had to buy a new slot or sacrifice one of your characters. If you had the free slot, the task itself was done in ~ 1-2h for an experienced player. We had no mounts back then.


> The Champion Slayer was a very easy task, either jump on the FGS/Orr champ-train or worldboss train. Same goes for Monthly Events and Group Events.


> Dungeon Participator. 5-10 Dungeons per Month. Back in those days dungeons were main-content. I knew a lot of people who had more than 10 dungeons in a daily run.


> Crafter. 40-60 items crafted with masterwork rarity. First masterwork crafts were accessible with level 125. Thanks to stack-crafting done in < 5 minutes.


Good input.

Even better would be progressively harder tasks. 10 20 50 100 etc. Why not. Missed oppurtunity.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> You serious? Dailies that take you 15-20 minutes and are OPTIONAL?


> Oh may, from the top of my head games i played, dailies were 2-4 hours and if you miss one day, you would felt behind and it will take you huge efforts to catch up.


> 15 minuts on easy tasks that are OPTIONAL(meaning you can ignore it and go do what you want in game) ! You must be kidding


We are not disagreeing. What others mmos have are indeed egregious daily system. What I proposed here was that GW2 could have put their own spin on the system and made monthlies a way to show direction or even give purpose of play for newcomers. They dont get shit for doing a sing sPVP game. Thats it.

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> @"Sauja.2368" said:

> > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > Play one spvp match. Done. Easy 2 gold. These kinds of topics really confuse me.


> Whats so confusing about wanting meaningful > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > > @"Sauja.2368" said:

> > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > I feel you are wrong, given we had monthlies and at the time more often than not players hated them just because of what it took to obtain them some months.

> > > Hmphh, can you give me an example?

> > >

> > Monthly List

> >

> > Some tasks were tedious, others were boring and some were impossible for certain players. Here are a few examples:

> >

> > The Monthly Puzzle Jumper was a typical example of a fast-grinder. 12 Jumping Puzzles for an entire month. It was easy to get that task done in < 1h, speedrunners barely needed 30 minutes.

> >

> > The Monthly Salvage Kit uses was also pretty ridiculous, although we had no auto-salvage function back then. The numbers were 500. Many ppl just went to TP and bought a stack or two of the cheapest salvageable item they could find.

> >

> > The Skillpoint Anmasser was a bit lame. If you had all character slots occupied and all characters outmaxed, you either had to buy a new slot or sacrifice one of your characters. If you had the free slot, the task itself was done in ~ 1-2h for an experienced player. We had no mounts back then.

> >

> > The Champion Slayer was a very easy task, either jump on the FGS/Orr champ-train or worldboss train. Same goes for Monthly Events and Group Events.

> >

> > Dungeon Participator. 5-10 Dungeons per Month. Back in those days dungeons were main-content. I knew a lot of people who had more than 10 dungeons in a daily run.

> >

> > Crafter. 40-60 items crafted with masterwork rarity. First masterwork crafts were accessible with level 125. Thanks to stack-crafting done in < 5 minutes.


> Good input.

> Even better would be progressively harder tasks. 10 20 50 100 etc. Why not. Missed oppurtunity.


They used to be like that, yes, 4 tiers per monthly achievement. The wiki link provided is helpful.

I'd only like to point out that the monthly skill point amasser wasn't lame: at the time you would get a skill point for every level up even at level 80, so the "achievement" sorta translated to simply playing the game.

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> @"Sauja.2368" said:



> They drain fun outta big open world MMOS because they are formulaic, and gives you this tunnel vision that is insultingly ironic in an (semi)open world game. I could never get behind playing games with dailies, it makes you into this ''slave of optimizing kitten benefits''. Daily achievements are a whole new level of this cynicism - it destroys the point of being a achievement hunter (glorified completionist). Seriously, has anyone felt proud about having an X amount of AP?


Some people do yes, and see it as a sign of merit of other players as well. I have personally been cursed out because despite investing 5k hours in the game since launch I don't do dailies or even deliberately achievement hunt and so only have... ~12k AP? Clearly I am the worst GW2 player because I don't grind out AP.


> Whenever I do dailies in an hour, I actually feel disencouraged to do anything else for that day. IT IS AN ANTI-PLAYER PRACTICE! How can Anet not see this? You were the chosen one!


So do them last instead of first? Also why does it take an hour? Or don't do them at all. You pointed out yourself that there is no point to AP farming and it's not something to feel proud of (though note, there is a new post on reddit every time someone breaks the 30k AP mark, and often a post when people finally cap out on Daily AP, so clearly people are proud of it.) If I ever do dailies at all it's because someone asked me to join them on theirs, or because I really wanted the 2g for some reason. Alternately because I already had two of them done by accident (usually via WvW) and the third was something I could finish in minute and may as well.

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Let's see if I understand this. The OP dislikes the GW2 daily task system. He proposes to (add to? replace?) the daily system with a weekly or monthly system. His example suggestions would be problematic as solo options. There are players (me for instance) who neither PvP nor do fractals. Not everyone has characters who need map completion. Regardless, those more involved tasks could work as one of a largish number of options.


The bottom line for me, though, is that the daily tasks take me anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. 15 happens for the most part only if I just miss a WvW Veteran Creature and choose to wait out the 10-12 minute respawn. The rewards for that paltry amount of time are in my mind quite good. Therefore, I would not welcome ANet replacing the current dailies with a more involved weekly or monthly system.


The issue the OP presents sounds to me like yet another instance of, "I don't like system X and cannot get around the fact that it exists." My suggestion would be to ignore the dailies if you don't like them. With that in mind, maybe ANet should create an options setting to allow a player to toggle on/off the daily options from the task bar. Heck, the UI is a completely different topic, but any option to unclutter it would be welcome.

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Because of the confusion I generated here, I'll recap 2 main points shortly:


1) General MMORPG issue: Having weeklies lets me do my weekly stuff in a day, so I'm not losing anything if I dont log for thise minutes every day.


2) GW2 spzecific issue: Having a specific and clearly visible objectives to work towards benefits new players enjoyment of the game, hence... profit. THIS LITERALLY MURDERS THE NUMBER ONE CRITIQUE NEW PLAYERS EXPRESS AT THE GAME.

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> @"Sauja.2368" said:

> Because of the confusion I generated here, I'll recap 2 main points shortly:


> 1) General MMORPG issue: Having weeklies lets me do my weekly stuff in a day, so I'm not losing anything if I dont log for thise minutes every day.


> 2) GW2 spzecific issue: Having a specific and clearly visible objectives to work towards benefits new players enjoyment of the game, hence... profit. THIS LITERALLY MURDERS THE NUMBER ONE CRITIQUE NEW PLAYERS EXPRESS AT THE GAME.


So..you want to have an entire weeks worth of rewards done in one day, got it. I disagree when it comes to these kind of achievements. Weeklys should take a week, monthlies should take a month.


the number one critique being what? no profit? no goal? no objectives, all of those are incorrect, if those arent what you are aiming for im confused as well.

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> @"Sauja.2368" said:

> Well, some people will do it in a week, some in a day. And yes, there is a serious lack of direction for new players that weeklies/monthlies could fill.


But there isnt. New players, as in *brand new* never played the game before will more often than not begin by doing the story, and then world exploration, and as was stated earlier. We *had* monthlies, they got removed in favor of the new daily system we have now, nothing in this thread so far has a big enough incentive behind it for ANET to reverse that decision.

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> @"Sauja.2368" said:

> Because of the confusion I generated here, I'll recap 2 main points shortly:


> 1) General MMORPG issue: Having weeklies lets me do my weekly stuff in a day, so I'm not losing anything if I dont log for thise minutes every day.


> 2) GW2 spzecific issue: Having a specific and clearly visible objectives to work towards benefits new players enjoyment of the game, hence... profit. THIS LITERALLY MURDERS THE NUMBER ONE CRITIQUE NEW PLAYERS EXPRESS AT THE GAME.


That would be counterproductive to what ArenaNet desires: having players log in daily. _That_ is the main incentive for having Dailies. Not sure why ArenaNet would rather offer 12 Gold for one day's log-in vs. 12 Gold for 7 days log-in. I'm sure you are aware of why having players log in each day is desirable.


Also, new players _are_ given an objective _each day_ when logging in. That Bouncy Chest that, when opened, brings up the Dailies list(s). Not to mention, (after L10) the Personal Story objective in the UI (and any Festival or other newer content currently available).

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