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[Feature Request] Social Circles


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While Wildstar might have ended up a burning trash heap, there are some things worth adapting from it. The Social Circles are the first and foremost in my mind. These function as Guild Lite: No Upgrades, no Representation, no Guild Slot, No Missions, just a Roster, Ranks, a MOTD, and hopefully in GW2's case, some Megaserver Sorting preference.


I don't know if this is feasable, but it'd help out a lot with small, regular group content and keeping them together without having to give up a guild slot.

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I like the idea.


I think ranks are fine too, but if rank sounds too formal they could be called titles, groups, roles, or what have you. Sometimes it's nice to be able to differentiate people within a group so you can see at a glance who is available. ie. if you have a raid group you might list some as Trainees when they are learning, and some as Teachers who they know they can go to for advice or help. Or a WvW circle some will be listed as Roamers, some as Commanders, some as Zergs, etc. Alternatively if they let us set up a small personal message for ourselves, that would suffice and actually be better in many cases. I've often wished Guilds had this feature.

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I see this more as an 'alliance' system which makes a lot of sense. Guilds could work together toward a common goal. One example of this would be [TTT] and their vast number of different branch guilds because they can only hold so many in one. For RP guilds, this would be amazing particularly since we could have our subset of friends that all collaborate with a larger alliance. I believe that this could easily be restricted to each guild having one alliance. As an example, each guild a player has would have a different alliance but only show the chat of the one you're repping. This would solve the severe lack of community that RPers and servers, in general, have lost since the megaserver integration. Yes, megaservers are amazing on a technical scale, putting players together and not feeling alone is great. But not feeling alone in the way you specifically play would be great too.


The [social Circles that OP](https://support.wildstar-online.com/hc/en-us/articles/204484615-Social-Stuff-Episode-2-Circles "Social Circles that OP") points to are from WildStar. They would be smaller than guilds and pretty much be a chat to talk in. I'm not too fond of the feature in the other game, but I do know that WoW has custom chats that can be used for this sort of thing. Personally, I prefer the idea of alliances better and feel that it would be more fitting in the GW2 universe, but either way gets us what we desperately need: community in our growing population.


I hope that this feature or an alternative is highly considered.

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I feel like this could take on a form with our contacts panel. It currently has Lfg which is probably about what gets used the moston that panel. It makes sense to clearly differentiate between guild and social lists. Otherwise it feels like something where we should just use one of the guild slots.


My take on it would be to upgrade our contacts panel and have a tab/section where we can create and name a custom list of contacts and set it either to private or public. I'm sure private lists would also be helpful to organize contacts as well. So this to me is much more versatile and makes more sense. Now if titles are really necessary I guess the contact list owner can set colours or something to organize the members.


But I think it's best to create a clear distinction between social lists and structured guilds otherwise the line is blurred and too confusing to decide what constitutes a guild or not. Not all guilds require rep and some are real casual and some are for players of one class to discuss, sometimes play or hold events and so on...

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I sometimes miss the times where you were part of a server and did not have to be part of a Guild in order to see the same people in your World.

I know you have the Friendlist, but that is not perfect either. I just liked running into recognizable folks sometimes that you had seen or played with before, without immediately having to friend them. Also not sure how well the Mega-server is working with Friendslists.


Still, empty servers or zones are pretty sad too so I understand why Anet did this.



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