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Thank you Gandara!


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> @"gitflap.9031" said:

> C'mon Anet. Shut this kitten down. This is a matchup thread. Everyone's having too much fun dissing each other. Can't be having that. And just to emphasise my point...WSR; Son-of-Vabbi-knuckle-draggers-"climb-down-off-your-ACs-and-fight-us-open-field-we-H8-PPT" bullshitters...no walls, no gates, no siege, no game. Play it as is or kitten off..but kitten stop your whining.


Dont say that. This thread has more content than wvw itself. They both get the same attention as well.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"gitflap.9031" said:

> > C'mon Anet. Shut this kitten down. This is a matchup thread. Everyone's having too much fun dissing each other. Can't be having that. And just to emphasise my point...WSR; Son-of-Vabbi-knuckle-draggers-"climb-down-off-your-ACs-and-fight-us-open-field-we-H8-PPT" bullshitters...no walls, no gates, no siege, no game. Play it as is or kitten off..but kitten stop your whining.


> Dont say that. This thread has more content than wvw itself. They both get the same attention as well.





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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Hmm well to be fair WSR fought pretty good and also not blobby for the most part of the evening yesterday. Noticed some great fights when they do not play with the monoblob.


Yeah sometimes a commander comes on TS, has other people join them, people play well and stay tight and they have fun and you get too many players. Sometimes the enemy has lots of players too and we all have fun wiping each other and having threesomes in someone's keep and stabbing each others backs as they push someone else.


The ideal is for people who want fights to stack on 2, 3 or 4 servers that can go up and down fighting each other every week or two and people who prefer to focus on objectives, upgrading and defending to migrate to servers more inclined for that. Then everyone can be happy and you know what you're in for each match up.

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Fighting servers?

What kind of a joke is that, all guys from WSR and DESO PPT blobs are doing are join attacks on gandara homeborder hahaha

Even this minute your PPT bandwaggon servers coms are coordinating the attacks hitting bay and hills at the same time! , and intentionally AVOIDING fighting eachother, with 1 qued zone blob going Bayside, And other servers blob with a Que is going hills side, "fightingservers" what a Joke!!! hahaha we have 20-25 ppl on gandara and stilll managing to defend sunny craig and garri! , Go fight eachother JFK what a joke you guys are! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Thanks for the 50-100+ something loot bags from your backliners thou appreciate the loot!









[i67.tinypic.com/4y3c.jpg](http://i67.tinypic.com/4y3c.jpg "i67.tinypic.com/4y3c.jpg")


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> @"Jorgas.9713" said:

> Fighting servers?

> What kind of a joke is that, all guys from WSR and DESO PPT blobs are doing are join attacks on gandara homeborder hahaha

> Even this minute your PPT bandwaggon servers coms are coordinating the attacks hitting bay and hills at the same time! , and intentionally AVOIDING fighting eachother, with 1 qued zone blob going Bayside, And other servers blob with a Que is going hills side, "fightingservers" what a Joke!!! hahaha we have 20-25 ppl on gandara and stilll managing to defend sunny craig and garri! , Go fight eachother JFK what a joke you guys are! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Thanks for the 50-100+ something loot bags from your backliners thou appreciate the loot!


> #fightservers

> #rofl

> #coordinatedPPT

> #thirddailyPPTtraincoordinatedattacknow

> #5minuterafterthispostPPTtrainsmovedontoonextborder


> http://i67.tinypic.com/4y3c.jpg

> [i67.tinypic.com/4y3c.jpg](http://i67.tinypic.com/4y3c.jpg "i67.tinypic.com/4y3c.jpg")



Just because servers consider themselves as fighting servers, doesn't mean that whole population knows/wants to fight, or that all of them just zerg up to fight other zergs and do nothing else.


Deso at least was never a fighting server. It had strong guilds for sure, but a good part of server was always focused on ppt, even if you don't see them (who plays at 5am anyway). That could be one of the reasons why those zergs arent fighting each other, they just don't want to, salt on the forums was probably more worth to them :trollface:


As for double teaming, it's normal in wvw, I don't understand the point of arguing about that. Whether it's organized or just a smart move once you see what enemy is doing, it's a good strategy. I'm sure gandaran people know that since there were lots of comments about "splitting into smaller groups and attacking different spots to make more impact instead of blobbing at one spot". Now you complain how people managed to outsmart you..classic.


I find it amazing how your excuse is having 20 people when your hbl is permanently outnumbered when there's no commanders on the map.



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It benefits both opposing servers to flip a T3. Especially if it’s on the third server’s Borderland.


It benefits both in PPT and fights, as most servers will come out and defend a T3. Also, it’s harder for a server to just sit in a T0 or T1 server.


If that is what people are considering coordinated 2v1, then maybe your WvW experience isn’t the level you think it is?


That’s just map politics.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> Maybe because nobody likes Gandara since they are full of pugs who dont respect anyone or bother enough to organize anything with other servers. It's almost like guilds bandwagon to go away from such people. /shrug


Respect? Humour me, what kind of respect exactly should pugs of Gandara have for other servers then? Or are you talking about yourself?


To me it doesn't seem like people are bandwagoning to get away from Gandara, but rather to get in the same matchups. How else would you explain the stacking of Blacktide, when it's a Deso link and Deso is moving up to T1. If fighting Gandara is so boring and unfun, why do people constantly stack to the servers who are Gandara's opponents? This is something I don't genuinely understand. Shouldn't they get on Gandara instead so they could have good fights with those better servers?



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> @"Traveller.7496" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > Maybe because nobody likes Gandara since they are full of pugs who dont respect anyone or bother enough to organize anything with other servers. It's almost like guilds bandwagon to go away from such people. /shrug


> Respect? Humour me, what kind of respect exactly should pugs of Gandara have for other servers then? Or are you talking about yourself?


Mostly interrupting fights/gvg with siege when nobody bothers to give them attention.


> To me it doesn't seem like people are bandwagoning to get away from Gandara, but rather to get in the same matchups. How else would you explain the stacking of Blacktide, when it's a Deso link and Deso is moving up to T1. If fighting Gandara is so boring and unfun, why do people constantly stack to the servers who are Gandara's opponents? This is something I don't genuinely understand. Shouldn't they get on Gandara instead so they could have good fights with those better servers?



Idk, I'm not part of those so I have no idea about their intentions. I just know that earlier this year we had a few overstacked servers in t1 and it had lots of ppt focused people as well as lots of guilds. Maybe they are trying to do the same now since wsr already has tons of guilds but deso doesnt. If there's one way to ensure that you permanently have guilds to fight on raiding nights it's to overstack servers and be permanently in t1 since not everyone can control their ppt/matchups in lower tiers like Vabbi (although I'm not so sure about their MU control right now). Since gandara is overstacked anyway, but provides no decent fights nor guilds, only clouds and PPT's, it makes perfect sense why people hate playing vs gandara or why they are trying to make it drop.


Basically ppt part of community and huge coverage from overstacking makes sure that you never leave t1 and gvg part of community always has something to do because enemy has lots of guilds to scrim against or organize large scale fights.


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