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The ultimate soloer?


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> @"Hex.2579" said:

> > @"redcomyn.4651" said:

> > Power chrono is worthless to a solo player. I know because I tried it out for a while. It almost completely removes the maneuverability of the player. You have to try to stay within your little buffing circle, while trying to avoid getting hit. That is a recipe for death.


> Have you seen power chrono solo fractal CM?


> To OP, any classes can solo dungeon, open world champs and more. If you look for the highest damage, they won't have highest survivability cuz it's life.

> Warrior, necro, any spec works. There are also soulbeast, power chrono, and mirage just right after on that rank. Those are high damage, high survivability with utilities.

> Thief, ele, guardian have much lower survivability but they work just fine.

> Revenant/renegade is weaker imo but they work ^ ^


are you talking about the support power chrono or the damage power chrono or a mixture. i wanna know pls

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I think the problem here is that what is 'best' is not well defined to begin with. For some people what is best is what is easiest. For others, it's about fast or most fun. So which one are we talking about here?


OP is pretty clear; he's looking for best DPS while being able to survive. The notion of 'best' is pretty vague but I think it's safe to say that without some boundaries, it's hard to conclude what those could be.


Personally, I think the best soloers are the ones with the fewest restrictions on how to play the character to succeed; it's your freedom that gives you 'soloability'. The freedom to move, the freedom to stand where you want and still be offensive, the freedom to execute skills and have the skills you need for the encounters in question.

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> @"redcomyn.4651" said:

> Power chrono is worthless to a solo player. I know because I tried it out for a while. It almost completely removes the maneuverability of the player. You have to try to stay within your little buffing circle, while trying to avoid getting hit. That is a recipe for death.


This is a very subjective opinion, I soloed every 100cm boss and many other encounters on Chrono, I don't think that there is currently a profession that can compete in terms of speed /efficiency.

(When you really mastered the spec.)

Condi warrior is probably the next best option if you go for speed, necro if it is about surviving despite tanking hits.

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> @"spiritualabyss.7016" said:

> This is a very subjective opinion, I soloed every 100cm boss and many other encounters on Chrono, I don't think that there is currently a profession that can compete in terms of speed /efficiency.

> (When you really mastered the spec.)

> Condi warrior is probably the next best option if you go for speed, necro if it is about surviving despite tanking hits.


Of course it is subjective. All opinions here are subjective. But what I found was that I can't dodge the hits trying to stay in my small buff circle. It also makes objective sense that avoiding those hits would become a lot more difficult.


I don't even remember what those buffing circles are called, anymore. Once I gave up on it, I never looked back. Especially with the mirage, which I think is a thousand times (subjective opinion) better for a soloer.


Of course, there are going to people who are good with the chronomancer as a soloer. But they are very much the exception. The majority of us will never be that good at it to compete with the extraordinary few who are that amazing with their twitch skills.

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> @"spiritualabyss.7016" said:

> > @"redcomyn.4651" said:

> > Power chrono is worthless to a solo player. I know because I tried it out for a while. It almost completely removes the maneuverability of the player. You have to try to stay within your little buffing circle, while trying to avoid getting hit. That is a recipe for death.


> This is a very subjective opinion, I soloed every 100cm boss and many other encounters on Chrono, I don't think that there is currently a profession that can compete in terms of speed /efficiency.

> (When you really mastered the spec.)

> Condi warrior is probably the next best option if you go for speed, necro if it is about surviving despite tanking hits.


There is very definitely an element of player skill involved in what is 'best' for soloing; it simply needs to be better defined as to what is meant by 'best'.


I think it's important to note that it's definitely easier to solo if you have fewer constraints and restrictions imposed on a build that enables soloing. For instance, if you are soloing as a warrior class and take the shout heals, you have much more freedom to move around and control over healing than you do if you rely on Adrenal Health or MMR. Same is true for the healing signet; it might not be the best heal, but you can focus less on if or when you have to heal if you run it. Ultimately, I think what is best is determined by the player and the minimum set of defensive variation they need on the best offensive build for the situation.


I'm the kind of player that likes to concentrate on my offensive rotation, relying on more passive or automatic defensive elements to get me through. For others, they will build the best face tank they can. Again, some others will simply optimize play for the given situation. Yet another strategy, Applying Damage over Time while dancing about dodging or blocking. Or even some of those in combination. That's why they game is awesome ... you can truly play how you want.

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I bet it's pretty good for some people, but for me; it's not in my top 3. Exploring 'self-soloing' builds for me started with Eng, but then I discovered better self-soloing builds more fitting for how I **like** to play and how I **actually** play (those are two different things for me unfortunately; I find my best soloing build linear and passive boring play). I think the point here is that it's up to the player to discover what works for them, though it's not unreasonable for people to ask each other what they are using.


I could do some awesome things with that Engi build but I haven't played or updated it for a long time ... funny that at the time I was playing it, people thought it was a joke; now it's recognized as meta for OW on Metabattle I think.

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