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LS4E5 and Wintersday Release Date Speculations

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Anet's already playing a dangerous game with them claiming that they were aiming for a 2 - 3 month cadence between each episode. You've got people claiming that Anet "promised" this when they didn't and getting bent out of shape when they don't meet it, regardless if Anet updates us on it or not. So for them to push it back as far as March is, in my opinion, not a wise move on their part in terms of financial health. Anet needs player retention to keep people engaged and spending money to keep the game going. Anything that brings back a small feeling of an impending content drought is not good as that can potentially drive players away.


Yes, I know that technically speaking we're still getting content, with the Beetle Races being the most recent thing and Wintersday also coming up (I don't know how much of it is recycled from last Wintersdays events and how much is new content). However (and this is the point I'm trying to make when I talking about the feeling of an impending content drought), also keep in mind a lot of people are going to ignore that, which fuels their perception that we're suffering from a content drought. A lot of people (based on the posts I've read here) seem to operate on the mindset that "my preferred game mode isn't getting updates, therefore there are no updates". They're going to get frustrated, maybe make hyperbolic claims on the forums, but eventually they'll move on to other things and there's a chance they're not going to come back. Some of those who won't come back will make a conscious effort to get new and old players alike not to play the game because "the game has no updates" and that hurts the long-term health/growth of this game.


Granted, I'm probably making the mistake of equating the forum population with the game population in my analysis (I'm of the impression that the forum and even GW2 subreddit population are a mere fraction of the overall population of the game). I'm probably also making the mistake of giving the forum population too much power over how well does Anet financially. However, I still don't think it would be good on Anet's part to push Ep. 5 all the way back to March. I'm not saying or implying they'd be committing financial seppuku by doing this. However, it certainly won't do them any favors, in my opinion.



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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > The releases are getting fewer and fewer, LS1 almost every two weeks, LS2: about every 1-2 months, LS3: every two months: LS4, every three months (actually 4 releases in one whole year now). And they aren't even releasing a new expansion next year. One wonders why they release fewer and fewer stuff.


> Exactly back then it took 3 releases a total of 6 weeks to even get half of what we get now but at least we had new stuff every 2 weeks.

> What I liked about it was more cliffhanger and more speculation. The way things are moving we will soon see our first 4 months frank'in insanely supra mega long release date. What else did you people think you were gonna get? A living story episode fore Christmas? What planet are you living on? To think my friend is wondering why I only do daily and not even every day, well maybe the release windows are too few and getting insanely supra mega long in between. Episode 5 before Christmas, we still have the 11th or 18th, what do you think your chances are? Maybe just maybe Anet in it's great wisdom thought you would rather get a rinse and repeat winter's day instead. If we don't get before Christmas I'll see you guys on Assassin's Creed Origin. B)


I think you mean AC Odyssey :-)

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > I can't wait for the update to come out on the 2-3 months time schedule and prove all these naysayers wrong. Again.


> Despite I'd love you to be right, it's impossible, they won't overlap Wintersday with LS5.


On schedule means that it won't overlap with Wintersday. I never suggested it would.

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