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Ncsoft do you use bots in PvP ?


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Orwyn.6104" said:

> > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > > > > > @"Orwyn.6104" said:

> > > > > > Before more people post and fill this thread up, read the very first post, **this post is meant to be answered by a Dev**.

> > > > > I’ll second that I should burn in hell for reacting on a topic posted on a **public** forum. God forbid, that others than a tiny, special group dares to write something down.

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > j/k

> > > >

> > > > But yes...this is def not the way to get a dev's attention (Using a public forum to get a "dev only" response) and as mentioned NCSoft would have nothing to do with the forums as it all falls all on ANet.

> > > >

> > > > Try contacting them directly. Go to https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us and start there.

> > >

> > > Totally disagree with you, the best place to ask question of how a game works is on the forums of the game itself.

> > >

> > > Would you ask a Doctor how to bake bread or would you go to a baker?

> > >

> > > Also, fairly certain people of normal intelligence would understand I am asking a question to the games developers.

> > >

> > > I wonder why this thread is attracting so many unnecessary posts that appear to be over reactions.

> >

> > The issue here is you are not going about the right way to attract your target audience (as many have stated already for a good reason). Had you done research, you would have known NCSoft has nothing to do with these forums. Your example doesn't come close to applying here.

> >

> > A better example is going to a baker and asking how the plastic bags the bread goes in are made. The bag makers have nothing to do with the bread outside of the fact bread goes in them...thats it. If you have an issue you want the bag makers to address...contact the bag makers directly (instead of going through the bakers)


> A real baker puts his bread into paper bags because plastic bags will sweat... (Got my qualification years ago)


That makes the whole thing even funnier. It's like going to a baker who packs his bread in paper bags and is demanding to know how plastic bags are made. And criticizing the other customers who point out that the baker knows nothing about bags, paper or plastic.

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> @"Orwyn.6104" said:

> This is a question for devs of NCsoft.


> Do you have bots enabled to join matches for ranked and unranked pvp?


Aside from the flak you're catching, I'll say that I've wondered the same thing. It would certainly do wonders to address que times and fill in the low MMR bronze ranks so that actual players can play with each other. It would also make the population feel a lot bigger than it actually is.


Just conspiracy theories though, just conspiracy. I'm sure that I'm wrong.


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> @"Orwyn.6104" said:

> Before more people post and fill this thread up, read the very first post, this post is meant to be answered by a Dev. Hope you can understand and read the post.


If you want only dev's response; email them directly. Its silly to post this on the forums and expect both a dev response and nothing from anyone else. Putting in a ticket explaining what you want may be a better way to get pointed into the right direction to contact who you are looking for.

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These forums are known for not getting dev responses. Some devs respond on Reddit (or at least used to), but even there your chances of getting a response are rather slim. Stating that you (only) want a dev response has shown no increased chances for such a response.

Sometimes threads get a response after they attracted enough player interest and activity first. Since you're actively trying to prevent that from happening, I guess getting a dev response isn't that high on your priority list.


On the topic of using bots in PvP: I don't think this would serve any purpose. There are enough low-elo players to start matches in a reasonable amount of time and using bots in high-elo makes no sense.

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Let's review:

* ArenaNet is the development studio. It's also the producer of the game.

* NCSOFT is a Korean firm that owns entertainment businesses & publishes games. ANet is one of the studios it owns, but it no longer publishes GW2.

* Therefore, no one who works at NCSOFT can answer any question about GW2, other than how much money ANet earned for NCSOFT.

* or in brief: the "devs" work for ANet.


Separately, regardless of the title of a post, regardless of the opening post itself, _anyone_ can respond. This isn't the support desk; it's a forum. If you want only people from ANet to respond, you'll have to create a support ticket. (You might also want to clarify what it is you're asking, since I think it's incredibly vague.)


And finally, regardless of any of that, you need not respond to anyone providing information, whether accurate or helpful to you or not. If you think people misunderstood the concern, rephrase it. If you think they are distracting from the thread, report the post as off-topic. There's no good that will come of getting into a back & forth with folks who don't seem to get where you're coming from.

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