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Guide: How to "Fly" the Griffon Mount

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So, you've received your griffon mount after a lot of hard work and the painful loss of gold and maxed out the masteries for it. But how do you do all the special stuff mentioned in the masteries? I struggled at first. So, here's the info I discovered through trial and error.



>Wing Flap: Key-binding is the jump key, usually the space bar

>Swoop(engage ability): Key-binding is first attack key or "1" on the keyboard

>Mount: Typically set as the "x" key

>Mount Ability 1: Bound to the "v" key and used to pull griffon into a dive

>Mount Ability 2: Bound to the "c" key and used to pull the griffon up into a climb



>_Soaring Rescue: You can now mount the griffon midair. While in the air, use the mount hotkey to hop onto the griffon._

* Pretty self-explanatory and easy to figure out.


>_Aerial Prowess: Use Swoop to dive towards the ground and engage foes below you, or enter the dive state using movement ability 1. When you gain substantial diving speed, use movement ability 2 or the backwards-movement key bind to carry your momentum upwards._

* This allows the use of the "v" key to falcon dive towards the ground. Swoop can also be used to dive, but is currently bugged and can cause an animation lock on the griffon.

* To gain forward momentum, hold forward and "v", then let go of the "v" key. This will give a slight increase in forward movement speed.

* To climb, use the "c" key to gain altitude. Backwards movement key can also be used to lean back and climb, but if held too long will put the griffon into a landing state.


**Getting the timing down will take practice, so find an easy-to-get-to high vantage point to practice these abilities.**



>_Aerial Finesse: Wing Flap can now be used while diving and pulling up to gain a burst of speed in your movement direction._

* While holding forward and "v' use the Wing flap key then let go of the "v' key to get a lot of forward momentum. The griffon will move very fast this way. I was able to go clear across Gendarran Fields from Havoc's Heir Airship all the way to Traveler's Dale Waypoint without ever touching the ground.

* To climb, use the Wing Flap while diving then Wing Flap again while pulling up. This should get you back at your starting height in the air if you time it properly with no lost altitude.


**Some Tips**


* Backward movement key can be used to climb, but will cause the griffon to land at normal speed.

* Climbing in air will be dependent on how much momentum the griffon has. The more momentum, the higher the climb! There is a speed cap though, and once the griffon hits the speed cap it can't go any faster or higher. The griffon has terminal velocity.

* The griffon has different animations for different movement speeds. (Thank you animation dev team!)

* Aerial Finesse will give a long term speed boost, while Aerial Prowess speed boost will wear off after a few seconds.


> **Places to practice:**

> Little to no money needed for these areas to waypoint to a higher elevation

> * Rata Sum (Just avoid the jail cell areas)

> * The Crown Pavilion in Divinity's Reach

> * The Black Citadel, right outside the Asura Gate

> * Gendarran Fields if you have the Captain's Airship Pass

> * If you want to test your moves, any of the Griffon Master/Expert Adventures in the Crystal Desert, gives option to send you back to beginning if you land or die

> * Guild Halls are also a good place to practice, especially if there are oakheart essences used to decorate the area.



> **Fun Areas to Fly:**

>These areas are less forgiving when wiping out, but are still great to check out on the griffon.

> * On top Fionnghuala Scratch in Timberline Falls

> * Mount Maelstrom at the volcano

> * Verdant Brink at the canopy

> * Tarir in Auric Basin

> * Dragon's Stand

> * Bloodstone Fen

> * Ember Bay away from the jumping puzzle

> * Bitterfrost Frontier

> * Draconic Mons

> * Dwayna's Reliquary in Siren's Landing



The default setup of the keys may not be the most comfortable or easy to use. I personally use alternate key-bindings to get the most enjoyment out of my griffon.

Here's some examples:

> * If you don't really use strafing, the mount abilities can be set to "Q" and "E". The mount abilities will take precedent and overwrite the strafing controls while in the air.

> * Swoop remains set at "1", Mount ability 1 set to "2" and Mount Ability 2 set to "3". This works well on a regular keyboard but is also my personal setup for my MMO computer mouse. It's very comfortable and I don't have to contort my hand in a weird position.




**Griffon Talk by the devs!:**


-Updated 12Oct2017-

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**Update for 30 Sept 2017**

> Currently found that animation lock bug is less likely to appear when using the "v" key instead of the action 1 key.

> Bug seems to deal with going into a dive or pulling up into a climb.

> If you have encountered this bug and have information to help in it's patch, submit a post here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5534/griffon-mount-major-bugs-with-video#latest

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Thank you for this, but you forgot two very important keys.


Movement ability 1 key and movement ability 2 key (by default, movement ability 1 is v, movement ability 2 is c). The griffon is the only mount that uses movement ability 2.


There's an option in the menu that disconnects the jump key from the movement ability 1 key *with the exception of skimmer*. For the griffon, the wingflap is tied to the jump key, NOT to the movement ability 1 key, meaning that even when the two are disconnected, you can happily just jump and wingflap your way around. Movement ability 1 is the dive (as an alternative to pressing the attack key) and movement ability 2 is the climb after the dive (as opposed to the backward movement key).


> @bubbalubber.2810 said:

> Hi can you give more info on how to do the climb? Im trying everything but I just cant seem to figure it out


Try using the movement ability keys (default v and c respectively for movement abilities 1 and 2) instead of the attack and backward movement keys (default 1 and s)

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I'm not understanding Aerial Prowess at all. No matter what I do, I don't go fast up, I just end up losing a lot of altitude. :(


When I use what I've bound to 'mount ability 2', I come out of a dive and just go straight. It doesn't 'carry my momentum _upward_', it 'pulls out of a dive and carries my momentum _forward_'.


And for what it's worth, other than the space bar, I don't use the default mount keys for anything. I had to rebind them all. My ability 2 is 'Shift-2', for example.

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> @notebene.3190 said:

> I'm not understanding Aerial Prowess at all. No matter what I do, I don't go fast up, I just end up losing a lot of altitude. :(


> When I use what I've bound to 'mount ability 2', I come out of a dive and just go straight. It doesn't 'carry my momentum _upward_', it 'pulls out of a dive and carries my momentum _forward_'.


> And for what it's worth, other than the space bar, I don't use the default mount keys for anything. I had to rebind them all. My ability 2 is 'Shift-2', for example.


Could you tell me all the key-bindings you put for your mount? I'd like to test it out.

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> @DuskyInsanePoet.4218 said:

> >Places to practice:

> > * Rata Sum (Just avoid the jail cell areas)

> > * The Crown Pavilion in Divinity's Reach

> > * The Black Citadel, right outside the Asura Gate

> > * Gendarran Fields if you have the Captain's Airship Pass

> > * If you want to test your moves, any of the Griffon Master/Expert Adventures in the Crystal Desert, gives option to send you back to beginning if you land or die


I would think that better places with verticality are:

*Verdant Brink in the canopy

*Dragon's Stand

* Bloodstone Fen

* parts of Bitterfrost Frontier

* parts of Draconic Mons

* parts of Ember Bay

* the Dwayna heart area of Siren's Landing

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For the practice areas, I tried to pick areas where the cost of waypoints was minimal or free.

I have flown around the areas you mentioned and they are a lot of fun to explore. I was thinking of making a "fun to fly" area list as there is a lot of beautiful places to explore with the griffon. I'll add your suggestions under a new section. :)

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> @DuskyInsanePoet.4218 said:

> > @notebene.3190 said:

> > I'm not understanding Aerial Prowess at all. No matter what I do, I don't go fast up, I just end up losing a lot of altitude. :(

> >

> > When I use what I've bound to 'mount ability 2', I come out of a dive and just go straight. It doesn't 'carry my momentum _upward_', it 'pulls out of a dive and carries my momentum _forward_'.

> >

> > And for what it's worth, other than the space bar, I don't use the default mount keys for anything. I had to rebind them all. My ability 2 is 'Shift-2', for example.


> Could you tell me all the key-bindings you put for your mount? I'd like to test it out.


Okay. First, I **don't** use "Disable Conditional Mount Movement Ability Input"


V - Mount/Dismount

Shift-1 - Ability 1

Shift-2 - Ability 2

Ctrl-1 - Raptor

Ctrl-2 - Springer

Ctrl-3 - Skimmer

Ctrl-4/Ctrl-Q - Jackal

Ctrl-5/Ctrl-E - Griffon


C is my character sheet and X is my 'about face'.


I usually keep 'double tap to evade' on, though sometimes will disable for a trickier puzzle jump, but it's not often. I know everyone (?) disables that, but it makes sense to me. If I have to hold down ctrl-shift-enter-alt-windows key-cmd-apple-tilde-D (<-hyperbole) to dodge, I end up dodging late or not.

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I struggled, too. Practicing is really good, especially varying your times (durations) for diving and "pulling up" again.


What I mostly did wrong: I just tapped dive because I wanted to lose as less height as possible. Don't do that! Dive for good 2-3 seconds and you'll notice a significant speed boost. This boost will vanish after some time, but before that, you can "trade" it (or parts of it) for an upward boost. Handle it like a currency, longer dive -> more speed, longer climb -> less speed. Train at an easier griffon expert adventure.


Oh, I rebound C to 2. This way, I can easily dive by pressing 1 (or is there any significant difference between the "attack 1" dive and the "mount ability V" dive?) and climb by pressing 2. Easy to remember! And as far as I know, C->2 isn't overwriting anything else, since it's only active on mounts.

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> @DuskyInsanePoet.4218 said:


> @Djinn.9245

> For the practice areas, I tried to pick areas where the cost of waypoints was minimal or free.

> I have flown around the areas you mentioned and they are a lot of fun to explore. I was thinking of making a "fun to fly" area list as there is a lot of beautiful places to explore with the griffon. I'll add your suggestions under a new section. :)


I failed my perception score on that one - good idea :)

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This must be the most clunky interface I've ever seen - I'm trying to do the Riverlands Griffon Mastery, and some things I've noticed:

- sometimes when starting the entire ability pool is emptied for some reason; sometimes it's emptied after jumping, even though you don't press space

- sometimes when you're holding V and press space you'll continue to dive; sometimes not; this has a delay animation (a second or something like that), so you'll have to trial error this; sometimes lag just defeats you and you have to repeat

- even if you keep holding space, you're loosing altitude - unless you're moving with speed boost; thus, if there's a point high up, do a C just before the point

- if you're holding space, you cannot press C or V

- it's impossible to say when to stop holding V and pressing space to know how much speed you'll gain; if you'll stop too early, you'll still loose ability pool, but won't gain speed boost

- to gain elevation press C only - you don't need to press space

- if you crash with something while having boosted speed, you'll loose the boost

- orbs you have to gather obstruct vision; you have to memorize the route


That's after spending 2h on this track.


Ah - for the places to practice - just pick up one of the achievement tracks; this way, when you land you can be teleported to the elevated point for no cost, straight away

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