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Guide: How to "Fly" the Griffon Mount

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I finally have Griffon mastered and am trying to follow these directions. It feels clumsy, like I have to mash several keys at once in the right order and let go of some of them at split second moments. I haven't yet managed the forever-speed horizontal flight.


My key maps are B (dodge/mount 1), V (mount 2), and space (jump/wing flap), so only shifted one key over from your scheme above. I mouse move, so forward is LMB/RMB both pressed. Using Lost Precipice, I'm jumping off high with space, holding forward, and pressing B to dive, which works well, and V to go back up, which also goes well. I'm having trouble getting the space bar wing flap added to that: when in the dive should I use it? Should I use it while holding my rise?


What gets me the miles of jet speed while going horizontally over the ground? The speed effect seems to fade out far more quickly than I've seen in videos.


Thanks for the guide, I'm only as far as I am due to this thread, but nuances are escaping me. And I may never be terribly good at it as I don't do well with combo key presses under time pressure, ever.

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> @eithedog.4678 said:

> Ah - for the places to practice - just pick up one of the achievement tracks; this way, when you land you can be teleported to the elevated point for no cost, straight away


+1 on this! I was a Griffon crash disaster when trying to do any of the flying maneuvers until I just decided to do all the Griffon Expert and Griffon Master adventure courses in order through all five maps. I would stay at one until I got GOLD, and then move to the next one, and repeat. Some I would get after a small handful of tries, others would take me 1-3 hours before I finally nailed the GOLD run. In doing this, I got so much practice and I can now "Griffon" with the best of them anywhere I like. It has been the most enjoyable aspect of POF for me outside of the story. If anyone would like any assistance or in-game pointers, feel free to contact me -- I'm on the EU servers.



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I've been having a blast , kind of figured it out on my own but it is so incredibly fast and you can gain such tremendous height even a bit higher than where you jumped off. So exhilarating on all the maps and watching the world below become small and it makes maps so beautiful in a new way.


The wing flap boost really can be part of the dive for max height gain. You dive down and then release the dive and press speed boost with wing flap key pretty soon but you can get the feel of how long you leave the dive on for. But you speed boost in a dive at the ground and release and pull up with second movement ability almost immediately after and that Sonic boom momentum from wing flap carries you up all the way to max height. You can gain height with it. I've never needed to wing flap a second time for the up like that

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"use movement ability 2" Everyone can see "movement ability 1" but - Where is this since the second mastery is supposed to give us a skill on the skill bar - so where is it?

[https://imgur.com/edUUhHF](https://imgur.com/edUUhHF "https://imgur.com/edUUhHF")

Please tell us why that skill isn't where it needs to be, just like skill 1 ?





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> @atheria.2837 said:



> "use movement ability 2" Everyone can see "movement ability 1" but - Where is this since the second mastery is supposed to give us a skill on the skill bar - so where is it?

> [https://imgur.com/edUUhHF](https://imgur.com/edUUhHF "https://imgur.com/edUUhHF")

> Please tell us why that skill isn't where it needs to be, just like skill 1 ?


Movement ability 2 is normally set as the "c" key. The movement abilities for the mounts are not shown on the hub except for the engage ability to attack mobs.

Go into the option settings in the game menu. Scroll through the control options and there should be a sub-category for mounts. The devs were not the most transparent with all the mount controls, and not all the mounts use the mount abilities 1-2.

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> @Thanathos.2063 said:

> Oh, I rebound C to 2. This way, I can easily dive by pressing 1 (or is there any significant difference between the "attack 1" dive and the "mount ability V" dive?) and climb by pressing 2. Easy to remember! And as far as I know, C->2 isn't overwriting anything else, since it's only active on mounts.


I was thinking of doing this too but I haven't tried it yet. Makes the most sense to me. And maybe bind V to 3 so I have all three movement skill under my fingers.


* Doh, went back and read OP's complete post and he already mentioned this!

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Thank you all for the comments, it really helped. I stumbled on the Kormir Temple expert griffon adventure and combined the advice in this thread with reading the tooltips. It took me quite a few tries but taught me a lot about griffon controls and I even got gold in my first session. I need a lot more practice still but I am more reliably getting the jet speed now.


I think "Mount Ability 1" is different from "Mount Attack," Thanathos. At least, I have it bound to my dodge key so when on a mount I press dodge to rocket forward, spring up, soar, or blink, whereas pressing 1 engages me in combat. On griffon that sends me rocketing groundward (which turns out to be the best way to land the beast with some precision, pressing backpeddle to slowly sink is not optimal, though 'tis amusing to think I have to lawn-dart a landing). Since I have dodge on "B" I went ahead and put Mount 2 on "V" to keep everything near the space bar since my right hand's on my mouse to press forward. So it's space bar flap to rise, get over a good drop, hold B to dive, when near the ground tap or hold V to level or rise.


Come to think of it there is a significant difference -- as far as I can tell, if you nose plant using the Ability 1 bind (again, dodge seems best for that), you don't dismount. If you nose plant using the Attack skill, you're off the mount and possibly in combat depending on nearby mobs.

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Why isn't there just a number 2 skill on the skillbar as the second level states in its tooltip?


I don't want it keybound - I want something I can press with my mouse when necessary like the #1 skill.


It states it's there in the tooltip, but then you get to the third level and go 'what the heck'.


I need a pressable mouse key, not a keybind.


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> @Donari.5237 said:

> I think "Mount Ability 1" is different from "Mount Attack," Thanathos.


Yeah, you're right. Took me some more adventures to figure it out. Beneath the difference you've mentioned ("attack" dismounts on ground, "ability 1" not), another very important one is that you can't cancel the attack leap. Or say, the attack leap has a minimum height distance before you can stop leaping. If you wanna leap for only a tad, ability 1 is much better. I've rebound everything to 1 / 2 / 3 now, like in OP's post mentioned.

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> @Ouija.1684 said:

> My problem: I can go into a dive by pressing V, but can’t seem to gain altitude by hitting C, so I wind up having to land right away. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Oh, I had the same trouble and just learned why from a friend:

You have to start flapping wings just after you start your dive; you need the extra speed to build up enough momentum to restore your height (and gain a little more).


As it turns out, the adventures are a great tutorial for learning how to fly the griffon, especially because of the ease at which you can reset to your jump-off location.

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> @Ouija.1684 said:

> My problem: I can go into a dive by pressing V, but can’t seem to gain altitude by hitting C, so I wind up having to land right away. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


What I did wrong about this is that I always pressed V shortly. Get to a griffon adventure and practise it a bit bit pressing V a solid second or two before trying to get up again with C. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all. I wanted to add another cheap point to learn how to fly the griffon, that hasnt been mentioned yet.

In Diessa Plateau, South of the "Blasted Moors Waypoint" there is a tower at the Point of Interest "Moorwatch Tower", together with a vista. To get on top, you have to enter a cannon to the south/south/east of the tower.

The tower is quite high, there are no big objects in the way and the waypoint is cheap and close by.

Have fun :)

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  • 1 year later...

I just have Aerial Prowess, and have been practicing from the top of the Astralarium in Istan. I stand on the tip of the telescope and look north towards the mirror I can see in the distance. From there, I can flap once, go into a dive for 2 seconds, zoom towards the mirror and then pull up over top of it -- you want to pull up while the supersonic effect is on your wings -- and then flapping at 70% I can get back to the base of the cupola on which the telescope sits. If I don't get it quite right I can get back to the terrace on which the cupola sits. Can't wait to get Aerial Finesse!


My go-to location for gliding was Auric Basin, gliding from the Wanderer's Waypoint area in the north to the Ancient Golem Skill Point area in the South. (From the Wanderer's Waypoint, I run to the south end of that island and jump off the tree that sticks out there. At the end, I land on a branch to rest for the final glide down to the tunnel.) Managing gliding and acceleration just right, I can get all the way down to the tunnel leading to the skill point and then glide down the tunnel. Using the Griffon, I easily got there with 70% flapping. Haven't tried it with Aerial Prowess yet, much less Aerial Finesse, both of which should trivialize it. (I was pretty proud of my gliding, which let me get to the skill point before I had the ley line gliding skill.)


Anyhow, this thread is an oldie but goodie so wanted to bump it and add a nice practice location and task.


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